<br /> ..._ . .,..��._. .r._:_.:. . _ � �, ;
<br /> 78� U01291 MORTGAGE '`
<br /> , .
<br /> � 'FfII3 INDENTURE m�ds this 8th. •:_ � '�
<br /> �� . ; . dsy of', ... � Maich � ., , 19 �.:.78.��.�by�sad between : '� ��.
<br /> �� ¢..o.�.... .. _.: z . . ,�.
<br /> � Keaaeth M. Shindo and''Hazel M. Shiiido,` husband and wife, each in hts and her own right ., :
<br /> i ;�, • , , ,�.. , . ., . .
<br /> . .>, , >_ ,. • , , r-- .;
<br /> � _ . "
<br /> and as spouse of the other ; •
<br /> ; ,
<br /> ry �. . of H811 � County.Nebraeka,.m mort8e8uz .8�.a�Grand.Island Trust ComPany.of G�end Iatend..a;corporation , -: ,��. �
<br /> j or8aoued��"-eideting�under the lawe of Nebiaeka with ite�priacipal office and place of buelnesa et Gread Ieland,,NebraekA,.as mortgegee; � ` ,� '"'`��
<br /> �' �WITNE3SETH:;:Thwt eaid,mortgagor�_.,for aad ia comideratioa.of the�m of . ... . � .. .. . , . .> .�,.•
<br /> T . ***Two Thonsand Ninety-aine and 66/100ths***
<br /> nou�is 2 x499.66 1, `
<br /> 1 �. ..che'rxel t of which ie hereb acYmowled '� ..;� . . , ';� ��i
<br /> . P Y ged:do �_by theee preaente mortgage md warrant unto.said inp�.... " � ... ,'���.
<br /> , � rtSHBee.its suaeaeocs and aseigna, - ; ;
<br /> 1 � forever,all the tollowing desczibed real eatete,eituated in the County of ��a 11 �� � � � � � �� .
<br /> and$tate of Nebreaka,to-wit: � � . . �
<br /> ! Lot Nineteen (19) in Block Four (4) in Ashton Place, an Addition to the
<br /> � City of Grand Island, Hall County, *7ebraska. �:
<br /> . .�. ,.:, : .i.
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<br /> TogeCl�er with�e1l heating,air conditioning,Itghtiag,ead plumbing equipment end fixturee,including screens,awninge,atorm windowa end -
<br /> •doora,and wiudow e6eden or blinds,uaed oa or in coaaectioa with eaid property,whether the same are now located on said property or her�fter i ,';
<br /> =.pLeed Lbereoa. ' � - ..s;,
<br /> - � TO.HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgether with ell and singular t6e tenemeats,hereditsments and appurtenaaces t6ereunW be-
<br /> ic
<br /> longing, or in anywiee appertaining, forever, and werrant the title to the same. Said morgagor S hereby covenaat—with said
<br /> �moetgegee thet_�he y are ,at Lhe delivery hereof,the lawful ownefa_of the premiaea above conveyed aad described. �
<br /> ' �. � are �ized of a good and indefeasible eatate of inheritance thexein,free,and clear ot all encumbrances,and that C hel'will
<br /> `-�� � warrant and defend the title thereto forever egainst the cleune and demands of ell peraona whomaoever. �
<br /> � �PROVIDED ALWAY3,aad thie inntrumeat ia erzecuted and delivered to aecure the peyment of the sum of
<br /> ; ��*1�o Thousand Nine[y—nine and 66/100ths*** ���$ 2,099.66 �
<br /> with inLereeO th�eon.together with such chergee and advaaces ae mey be due end payable W aaid mortgagee uader the terms and conditions �
<br /> of the paomtnaory note of even date herewith and neeured hereby,ezecuted by said mortgagor 3 to satd mortgagee,payable as expressed � � �
<br /> in eaid note,�end to necure the performeace of all the terme and conditiom contained thereia.The terms of eaid note are hereby incorporeted -
<br /> . ��heiem by this refe�enee. � . .
<br /> � .� It is the iatmtion aad agreemmt of the partiee hereW that thia mortgage abell alno eecure any future advancee made to seid mortgago� , �
<br /> . by said�mortgagee,md any and ell indebtedneae in addition to the amount above stated whic},eaid mortgegore,or any of them,mey owe to � �
<br /> naid mortgagee,howaver evidecced,whet6er by note,book accouat or otherwise.This mortgege ahall remain in full force and eHect between � � �
<br /> � t6e parties hereW and their heirs,peraonal repeesentativee,suceesaors and asaigx�s,until all emounts aecured hereunder, includ' future � � � � �
<br /> � advanoes.ue pnid in tul:with interest. � - . .
<br /> � TLe mortgagor 8 b�by���_�y�d mprtgagee all rente aad income arieing at eny aad all times from seid property and �
<br /> hereby anthorize eeid moztgagee oe ite ageat,nt its optioa,upoa default,to take cherge of seid property and collect ell renta and i�ome ' �
<br /> ."`th�erehomE'end%epply'tha.eame to�the payment of mtereet:-PrindPel. inaurance peamiume.�tazes.aeeesemmta. rePaira or impswemente �. .
<br /> neeeseary W keep eaid pmperty in tenantable conditioa,or to other chargea or payma�ts provided for herein or in the note hereby aecured.This � � �
<br /> .tent aasignment ehell continue ia focce until the�iapaid 6slnace of aaid note is fully patd.T6e taking of posseseion hereuader shall in no manner �
<br /> �.;;..D�+e�t-:oc�tarard>seid:morEga�ea:in the.00liection.of..said��.eums�by:foreclosure�or otheewiae. . ..
<br /> . . . . ..._ .. .. .: . . -,.,.� .�_ ,....., ..
<br /> �. . Tlm fallure'of the mortgagee to aeeer0 aay of ite zighta I�ereuader at any time shell not be eonatrued as a�waiver of its right W assert Lhe� � `,#�
<br /> ..sameat aay later Lime.'snd W meist upon end enforee atric[cbmpliance with all the terme md provieionn of eaid note and of this mortgage. � .. � � .
<br /> . If eead mortgagpr8�.' s�all cauee to be P�����6�Bee tbe entire emount due it hereunder,and under tha terma end pivvisians � � � � �
<br /> of aaid note herel?Y aeeined.ineluding futu�edvaneea.and my eztmsione or recewsle thereof in.aocordmee with the cerme and pmviaions � .;, ��,�.
<br /> - t�6�eoi,�and if,aeid moetgagor 8_ehall oomply with all the peovinioae of said noGe and of thia mortgage..Lhen theae presente��shall be void: . . . �� .
<br /> .. :. otherwiee to ramsinin toll foree a�l eHeef.aad esid mortgngee ahell be�ent{tled W the poeeeetl3on of all of eaid-ProP�Y.end mey:st tts option. � � , "��;'
<br /> ��decls=e ELe wliob of sefd:no[e aad e11 iadebtedneee xepeesented thee�eby to be immedintely dne and�paYable:and mey foeeclose thie mortgage . •••,c-"....� �`�.
<br /> � � .� ae t�ke eti�'otLer'legal acLioa W pedReet ita' ht. � � . _. . . � . .
<br /> Le .!'i6 �°�PP�ent-waived:::: ''
<br /> . ' � . . r . . � �#
<br /> ?' This.morlgage�shallbe bindin�i�p�and etialleoure,to the Ixnefit of.the heica.ezecuwro,adminiatmtoia:succeseora and aseigas of the �. *�:'
<br /> .,reepectitrsPsel.iee:hecato:�_ . . . . . . . �� �:=v ,r;�
<br /> IN W�1TNE33.WFiEItEOF e�ki Mortga�pr S � V�e��g�� th4+3r hand$tha dey and yeer flnt ebove p
<br /> �:�svdtten,�.. ,. . . . . . .
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