. . . . . . . . . .. . . � r— . . � .
<br /> . ri � . . .. � .
<br /> 1
<br /> _.�_.�' _..,_ . _.. ._ .. .. . ._ . _. .
<br /> - ---�'r. . _. . __ _,__ . ._ _ ._,-. ... . __ _ __. . ,�:. _. _. ... . . ._ - , _ _ � __ . :
<br /> •) ( 8 ) That in the event aryy awex�ds are made to the Mortgagors or their successors in lnterest for taking or damaging � I � �
<br /> �{ Dy �the eaercise of eminenc domain the whole or ar�y yat�t of the mortgageC premises or aqy easemenc tnerein , the sa1Q ;
<br /> { awarCs are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee ; the Mortgagee ls herebY authorized to col2ecc , recelve , anG receipt „
<br /> � therefor antl to apply the same Sn payment oS any� inQebcetlness , matured or unmatured , secured by this mortgage .
<br /> � ( ?} �. That � in the event Hortgagors deiault in the DaYment of saiG princiDgl sum , or of any installment thereot , or �f
<br /> of ar{y Snterest thereon , at the time when the seme shall be due , or with respect to aqy covenant or conQStion here- '���
<br /> . of, then , at the option of Mortgagee , the entlre SndeDteGness secured hereby shali Iorthwlth become due and payable , ; y �
<br /> � sha1T � besr . interest at � the defau2t rate QescrSDed Sn sa1Q note , and the Martgagee may im^�ediately foreclose thls �
<br /> mortgage or � pursue aqy other available legal remeqy . . �� "��
<br /> � � ( B ) � That in the avent actlon is brought to � foreclose this mortgage , the Mortgagee shall be entitled to Simnedlate i�
<br /> possession ot the mortgaged Dremises , anQthe court may aDPolnt s r?celver to take possession of said premises , with !
<br /> � the usual powers of recelvers in like cases . �
<br /> �t
<br /> ( B) � That fallure or Qelay ot Mortgagee to eaercise aAy of lts r3ghts or prlvileges shall noc be construed as a �i
<br /> � walver . thereoi ; chat any act of Mortgagee waivLng any specific deSault of Mortgagors shali Tot be construed as a �
<br /> waiver� of any futese deiaults ; that in case of default in the payment of any amortizatlon instalimencs or Snterest , ��
<br /> or 1n case of p�yment by Mortgagee ot any llen , �utlgment , tax , insurance , cosc or expense , or rents , fees or charges , !i
<br /> � said Mortgagee shall have the privSlege , wlthout Geclaring the whole SndebCeGness tiue and payabie , to toreclose on
<br /> account of such sDecific deSaulc for such sums as are in default and such foreclosure proceedings may be had and ��
<br /> � the land described herein may be sold , sub� ect to the unDald indebtedness hereby secured , and thls mortgage shali
<br /> continue as a lien for any unpald balance . I
<br /> �� ( 10 ) That the Mortgagee may extend anG Gefer the maturity of and renew ana reamorclze saia indeDtedness , release �� �
<br /> trom liability ar;y parLy liable thereon , and release trom che lien hereof portlons ot the propercy covered hereby, }
<br /> a y
<br /> i� wlthout aifecting the prlorlty hereot ar the 11aDility of Mortgagors or any other party for che payment of saiQ � i � -
<br /> � � indeOteGness , all such extenslons , Geferments , renewals , and reamortizatlons to be secured hereDy . �� � � -
<br /> �� (li ) Transter of Securlty . It is agreed between the partles �hereto , Lhe1r rteirs , legal representatives and asslgns , �{ � �
<br /> f that che integrity and responsiDility of che Morcgagors constitutes a part of the conslderacion Lor the note secured
<br /> {{i hereDy , and that ln the event the IYortgagors shall sell , trans7er , or convey the property described hereln , the i �
<br /> # Mortgagee may at its optlon declare the entlre Sndebtedness Smmediately due antl payable ana may proceed Sn the en- � .
<br /> i forcement of its rights as on any ocher QefaulL in the terms of che note and mortgage . � � �
<br /> ( , i
<br /> ( 12 ) Assignment of Proceeds of HSneral Lease . Mortgagors hereby transier , set over , and convey to Mortgagee all t
<br /> ,I rents , royaltles , bonuses , and delay moneys that may from time to tlme become due ano payable under any oll , gas , •� �� �
<br /> 3 or other mineral lease oS any kind now existing or thnL may hereafter come into ?xlscence , covering the above land ;,
<br /> �I or aqy part thereof . �All such sums .so received by Mortgagee shall De appliea to the indebtedness secured hereDy ; or �
<br /> � said Mortgagee may at lts optlon turn over and deliver to the Mortgagors or their successors In lnterest , a.[�y or all i� �
<br /> }r ot such sums wlthout pre,] udice to any ot Mortgagee � s rlghts to take and retaln future sums , anC wlthout pre,]udlce �� �
<br /> ;� to any of its Other rlghts under this mortgage . 1'he transfer anti conveyanr, e hereunder to Mortgagee ot sald rents , . : �
<br /> 1 royaltles , bonuses , and delay moneys shall be construed co De a provision for che payment or reductlon oS the mort- 'i
<br /> 11 gage GeDt , sub� ect to the Mortgagee + s oDtlon as hereinbefore provided , lndependent oi the mortgage lien on sald real � �.
<br /> �( estate . Upon payment in fu11 ot the mortgage debt and the release of this mort�age of record , triis conveyance shall I !
<br /> 1� become inoperative and of no further force and etfect . n .
<br /> t �!
<br /> 4 (Aards aitd qhrases hesein , incLJdirtg the ackrzawZedgmenL hereof sh�sEZ ,be construed as in the, singu2ar or fllural ��
<br /> � nuebers and as masculirze, featimine , or neuter gendeT , acco+dsng Lo�"�e -conLext . / �
<br /> � � � i�
<br /> �� � SEAL ) �_ ,� / /�� � 7-7 �f i � l� L �� . . .
<br /> - � `f� ,� sn. �, . �.ifi'l -'—YrCvn � ; '
<br /> � `-- � �Q �� erfiori D . Bredthauer �� � '„
<br /> ! ( SEAL ) � �C�� I���_��'� ( SBAL ) � ���i
<br /> � Patricia A . Bredthauer t� � r
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<br /> �J ( SEAL ) ( SEAL ) S� Y
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<br /> �/�� � f �;
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<br /> On this �'��' Ga of ✓�/A��N � ��
<br /> Y . A . D . . 19 � , before me , a Notazy Pub11c in und for said County and �{
<br /> ! li
<br /> E state , personally appearea Vernon D . Bredthauer and Patricia A . Bredthauer , husband and !�
<br /> � I
<br /> � wife �
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<br /> �i
<br /> ; ; •',
<br /> F4 �
<br /> to me known tobe the Persons nameQ Sn and who executed the foregoing instrument , ana acknowledged that they executed � ' � � � � � .
<br /> Lrie same as tIIelr voluntary act anQ deed . ;1 � . �
<br /> ' �N J fl2EL y� �. . � i
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<br /> MARCH 8. 7979 lType or pc nt name under signature 1 :i � �
<br /> Notary Pub11c Sn and tor sald County anti StaCe � �
<br /> _. .. . , , . ._ . . _ _ ._ �_ . K . __.: . . �.
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