, _ : � �
<br /> ! ��1~�� MORTGAGE.
<br /> 78--
<br /> . ` � TFIIS INDENT[JRE. m�db�this (,th � dsy of Marrh � , 19�8_�. bq�and between � �� �I
<br /> Frank E. Lof�een. a sinf�le veison. .
<br /> ol� ��Ha1�-� County,Nebeaslca,as mortgegor_,end Grand I�lend Truat Compeny of Grand Island,a corporation � �" `��
<br /> orgenized and ez{nting-under the lawe of Nebranke with ite principel office and place of busineae at Graad Islead.Nebraska,as mortgagee: �� ��: "-�-�
<br /> W ITNE93ETH:-.That eaid mortgagor_,for end ia coneidarstion of the aum of
<br /> �. .,_,._.. ...r - _
<br /> ATine Thousand ltaenty and no/100 – – – – – – – – – – – – –�:pbgm.B�.-c ...9 02Q.00 �
<br /> � t6e receipt of which ia hereby eclmowledged,do�S_by theae presente mortgege aad wanaat unf,o eazd�rtgegee,its� ."', , ra and assigne. -
<br /> i. forever,att the foQowing deecrtbed rea(mtate,aStueted in the County of HaI l ��
<br /> and State of Nebraska.to-wit:
<br /> i. Lot Eleven (11) and Lot Thirteen (13), in Block Tt�elve, College Addition to
<br /> West Lawa to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> _
<br /> Together with all hesting,eir coaditioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment and Cuctures,including xreene,awnings,atorm windows end
<br /> � =�doora,and window shndea or blinda,uaed on or in connection with said property,whether the aeme ere now located oa said property or her�fter
<br /> �t �pleced t6ereon. . .
<br /> �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together with all and eingular the tenemente.6ereditaments end appurteaaaces thereunto be-
<br /> loaging, or in anywiee epperteining, forever, end warrant the title to the sama. Seid morgegor_hereby covenantS.—with said
<br /> � mortgagee that he �� ,at the delivery hereof,the lawfiil owner—of the p[emises abwe conveyed and described. - �"r
<br /> � �and� � is. aeized of e good and iadefeas�le estste of inheritance therein,free and cleer of all encvmbranoee,and that_he_will
<br /> � wartant and defend the title t6ereto forever egainet the claims and demandn of ell peraona whomscever. ��
<br /> � PRAVIDED ALWAYB,end L6is instrument ia ezecuted and delivered to secure the paymeat of the sum of � � _
<br /> .��jQinA T}+rn.cnnei Tc�vnt� an.i ,,,,/i nn _ notter.,(a 0�020.0� 1.
<br /> � .witb iatereeC theeeoa,togetEer with auch chargea and advanoae ae mey be due and peyeble to said mortgagee under the terme and conditions
<br /> � � of t6e promisaory note of even date heiewith and secured hereby,eaecuted by aeid mortgagor_to said mortgagee,payable as expressed � .
<br /> in aefd note,and to secure t6e performmce of all the terme end coaditione contaiaed therein.Tbe terms of eeid note are hereby incorporated
<br /> heiein by thia tefeeemce. .
<br /> � � . It ie the intention end agieement of the partiee hereto that thie mortgage shell elso aecure any future edvances made W said mortgagor_ . �.
<br /> by eaid mortgegee,and any aad ell indebtedneea in addition to the amouat above stated whick.said mortgagors,or any of them,may owe Co
<br /> said mortgegee,however evidenced,whether by note,book account or otherwiae.Thia mortgage ahall remain in full force end effect between - � �.
<br /> ! t6e partiee hereto aad theff heius,parxml repxeeentativee,aueceaeors sad asaigne,until all emounW secured Lereunder, including future � � �
<br /> � advenees.ere paid in fuL'wiGh inteteat. ..
<br /> � The mortgagor_he�eby aneiga�_to said mortgagee all rents and iecome aziaing at any and all tim�from z�aid property and
<br /> � hereby authorize eaid mortgngee or ite ageat,at ita option,upon default,W take eharge of said property aad eollect aL rents and income � .
<br /> the'refiom aad��aPPly tha"aeme to tLe peymeat of intereet. PrIncipel. inaurance pxemiuma. tazee, aseesameats. eepairs or improvements �
<br /> neeeenary W keep eaid pmperEy in Eenanteble ooaditioa,or W other chargea or peymen W provided tor hereia or in the note hereby secured.This .
<br /> -� zent aneigament aMll coatinue in focce until the eanpaid belance of eald note ie fuLLy paid.The teking of posseaeion h�eund�at�all in no msnner _
<br /> `� .�:psev�t'or�reterd said mortgegee�m t6e eollection of�eaid aume by foredoeure or otherwiee... . . .. : . . .. . , . . . .
<br /> 7'he fellure of the mortgagee Lo eeeart any of i W righta hereunder at any time ek�all not be conatrued as a waiver of its right to asaert the
<br /> -� eame ai any Lter time,�and to inaist upon aad entorce ntrict complience wlth ell the terms and provieions of said note end of this mortgage. �� � �
<br /> If esid mortgegor � al�ell cauee W be paid to setd mortgegee the entire nmount due it hereunder,and undes the terme and provisions
<br /> �of-ea3d�note�heeabY eecured,Including futuro advs�.end any eutensioae or renevrale thereof in ecoordance with the terms end provieions . � � � .
<br /> thereof.and it ssid mortgagor_absll oamply with all the.provieione of enid note end of thie mortgage.then theae peeaents ehell be void: �. � �. � : �
<br /> oEhetalse W xa�ain ia tull fozoe and eHect;and esid mortgegee ehall be entiWed to the poaneseioa a!all of said property,and mey;,at its option,
<br />:. . '`� ..-der]are t6e wS�ole�of�said note end�all indebtednaee repxgeented thereby to be immed3stelY�dne and payable.and may fo�eclose tLia mortgege . . .�' �;..
<br /> .: �:oi take aqy ot6x��lagal�etton�to p�otect its��rig�t.Appnieement waived.��.� . ' ""�'""�.
<br /> This mortg�ge shell be bindiag upon and ebell mure to the benefit of t6e heira.�ecutore.adminiatraWro.auecmaore and aeeigns of the �� -� �
<br /> raspeceive paeties;6eceto. ; I ,� �
<br /> �, � , �
<br /> �' ' IN�WITNE33 WHEREOF. s�id Mortgagor_Ls s hereuato aet � his hend the day nnd yesr�..first above �J . �� y �:
<br /> •rrltten. .... �� �� � �.^,. ��
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