� '"
<br /> �
<br /> (
<br /> bY � ��) �...... . ... . .-$� .... ...................... ; (i ) that if the Mortgaged Property or any portion thereof shall be taken or damaged
<br /> under the power of eminent domain, the award for any propertq so taken or damagcd ( induding scverance damages to tfie remaining
<br /> premises) shall be paid to the MoRgagee and applied in full or in part at the option of the Mortgagee in redudion of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereby secured; (j) thu the Mortgaged shall hace ffie right to inspect the Mortgaged Property at such teasonble 6mes u the
<br /> Moctgagee may daire to determiae the Mortgagor's compliance with the co��mants contained in this Mortgage; (k) that thrMortgagee
<br /> j may relezse ;from tl�e Iim hereof any p3rt of the abo�•e-described real proper[y without rcyuiring any cons�deration thereEor, and ( 1 )
<br /> � that he is lawfnlly seized of uid ptemises in fee simple, that the same are f:ce from rncumbrances except u may othenvix be sPe-
<br /> cifically noted henin or waived in writing by the Moctgagee, that he will execute or procure any further necesury assurances af dtle �;
<br /> and doa herebp warrantgm era(ly the title to said premises and will fore�•cr defrnd the same against the claims and demands of all = ' .
<br /> � pecsons whomsoeveq dnd that his separate estate, whether vested, contengent or in ezpectancy, is hereby conveyed and he does here�
<br /> expreuly waive„ ttleue and relinquish alY rights and benefits oF any homcstead, dower, curtSsy, appraixmrnt, cxemption and uay i;
<br /> 4 law�s of this stata 3t is agreed 8sat the interest provided For in sub•section (g) above shall be [t�'dcper aanum or the highest lawful
<br /> rate permitted by mntract under applicable law, whichever is lesser. 7, 2� , .
<br /> $ECOND: 'Ihat if the Mortgagor shall default in the paymrnt of the Note or in the ptrformance of any of the covmants or agtee- F
<br /> meats- herein or in thrNote or in any agreemrnt coltateral herero contained, or if the then owaer of the Mortgaged Property shal! maioe
<br /> an usignmrnt for t6c benefit of creditors or shall file a petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Act of t898, ss ammded, or under any x
<br /> similar statutr, or sha11 be adjudicated bankrupt ar insolvent, or if any receiver, liquidator or trustce shall be apPointed fot such thrn
<br /> � owner or any of his property, then in such event, the rntire indebtedness hereby secured shall, at the option of the Mortgagee and with-
<br /> out notice to the Mortgagor, be due and collectible at once by judicial foredosure proceedings or as otherwise provided by Jaw, or� whm
<br /> acnilablc undtr applieable statutes or mles of practice, by advertisement and sale, and in such an event this provision shall be deemed as
<br /> ; wthorizing and constitudng apo wer ot sale as mentioned in said statutes or rules; that in addition to the rights and remedies herein, the
<br /> Mortgagee is hereby authorized and empowered at its option to exercise Forthwith and from time to time any further rights and remedies
<br /> aviilable to the Mortgagee under the laws of the state wherein the Mortgaged Property is situate, such u the right to collect the rents, �
<br /> ` issua and profitr, ot to havc a mceiver appointed to collect the same. r
<br /> x' THIRD: The following schedule(s) is (aze) annexed hereto and made a part hereof ( if no entry, this section is inappliable) : � ' �
<br /> :. � . ..............................................u........................�................................�..................... .. ...........� ...............................�............................ ........ f - . � . �� . 'w ��.
<br /> � FOURTH: That the covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages thereof stiall inure to the. tespettive
<br /> hein, execvtors, administrators, succason, and assigns of the parties hemto. In this Mortgage unless the'context otherwiserequim words ` �
<br /> �� in the singulaz number include the plural and in the plural indude the singulaz, and words in the masculine grnder include the faninine �
<br /> and the neuur. ;
<br /> , , .
<br /> � t ?
<br /> ;; -
<br /> , 2
<br /> ..S � . i� � � .:
<br /> .;i:
<br /> ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the ixndetsigned has sig�ed, sealed and deliveced this Mortgage as of the day, month and year ;
<br /> � 2;:
<br /> � fint above writtm. ;
<br /> ,' �Messes :............................................................. ....................... ........C��.... h `��'dCd�te�.r.L.e................ Seal � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> erine � ' "R. " t=l:easoin � � -
<br /> C c-_ Q �
<br /> .' ............. ....................................... ....................... ........ ......... .. .............. ...............................�....................�..........�. �JCY � ..
<br /> 1 f
<br /> � � �'7 . ,.,/ . . ; � . . ..
<br /> ST'ATE OF..........i .I�LEB�$.A.SICA..................... . �`�c°.u-`4.'�.c,6...����'1.r""................................ (Sal) 'r ' :
<br /> � . .. ............................... . � ss. t�se e �.........eason ' ;
<br /> COUNTY OF..........��L . / ............. ........ ............_................. .._..............................,. (Seal)
<br /> �
<br /> .n.9s n .�. E.e�o.✓ . . , y
<br /> I,..........Tfr.'................�1.:..._.�............._........._. ............, a Nohry Publ�c m and for said County and Stxte, do hereby cethF thd : p `s
<br /> oa this..........�igS?......_.... .day of.....�i9;ecr1 .................... 197�.... parsonally appeamd before me the within aazned.�e}7neth„ R.,,
<br /> G1.ea.svs�...8�..Bear.esl�..J.....G.].zaso�y,....Each...in..lus...and...her...o�,m..right...and...as...sgous.e...cx�...z�/ ., ,
<br /> to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who execvted and whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the with`'n and fongoing er` •
<br /> instrument, and duly acknowledged to me that._.......the.Y................ . . ........sGgned and executed the same as....... their : , i
<br /> . .. ..... ...................
<br /> free and volmmry act and deed, for the uses suad purposes thenin mrntioned. ;
<br /> GIVEN nader my hand and official seal, the day and yeaz in this certi6tate 6nt above writtrn.
<br /> . . (SeaO . . ��z�Y01d �` I . . .
<br /> �
<br /> Mqcommiuioa expira............. MI, Lti�. bar. �� .._..._......... _................ ... .. . �.c..
<br /> . ....�..��r:.'-ft!�:............... � � ;
<br /> ' Notary Public
<br /> NB. If executed by cocpontion, corponte form of acknowledgment must be attached.
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