- � n �
<br /> _ �$t' � 01206 .
<br /> 9. Upoa �a� failure b� ffie Morts�aor to complr with or per(orm any oE �he terms, covrnmts or conditions of this Mor4 �
<br /> �aaae tequitina t6e pa�ment of any amount of mone� by the Mortgagor, other than the principal �mount of the loan evidenced by � � �
<br /> � t�e Notq � interest aad other chargp, as provided in the Noie, the Mortgagec may it its option make such payment. Every � � � . �
<br /> pa�ment so made b� tF�e Hortgagee (intluding tnsonable attorneje Eeu �incuercd therebr), with internt therenn fmm the date . . � � . .
<br /> . of sncb � pa�mrnq at� tbe nte � of si: � perce�t {6^/e ) per annum, except an� paymrnt for which a diftereM rate o( intvr5t is � � . . .
<br /> � � � speeiEicd herein, a6ai1 be pqabit by thrMortgaaot to the Mot[gagee on demand anJ shall be secuted by this Afortgaae. This � - � � �
<br /> . Mortgase writh�� rmpect to �aar such amount and ehe interest �hereon, shill constitute a lien on the mortgaged property prior to . . � �
<br /> - � � . . � an� other � lien at4ehiaa or uauing� wbsequent to the lien oE this Mortgaga � �� �
<br /> . 10. T'he Mortassee, b� apy �of � its �grnts oc reprcsentatives, shail have �the right to inspect the mortgaged propert� (rom time � �
<br /> - to time •rt an� reasoaable hour of the day. Should the mortgaged property, or any part thereo(, at any time require inspection. � � � . .
<br /> � repair, care or attention of any kind or nature not provided by this Mortgage ae determined, br tlu Mort�qagee in its w�e dir � � .
<br /> cretion, the Mort�gee mar, after notice ro the Mortgagor, e�ter or cause entry to be made upon, the mortgaged properry, md � �
<br /> impect, repair, protecq cue fot or mainhin such property, ae the Mortgagec may in its sole discretiun deem necessary, aad may � �
<br /> . � par �11 +mounts of monry therefor, as the Afortgagee mar in itf sole disaetion Jeem necesary. � � .
<br /> � Ii. The principal amouot owing on the Note together with interest thereon and all other chargea, as therein ptovided. �
<br /> and all other amounb of moqfg owing by the Mottgagor ro the MortRaBee pursaant to and secured or intended to be secured � . � ��
<br /> b� this Mortgage, shai! immediately become . due and payable withnut notice or demand upon the appointment of a receiver or � � � �
<br /> liquidaror, �vhether voluntarr or � invotuntary, for the Mortgagor or nny of thc property o( the Afortgagor, ur upon Ihe filing of . �
<br /> a petition b� or against the Mortgagoc under the provisions of any State insolvency law, or under t6e provisio�s of the Bank- � .
<br /> ruptq Ad of 3899, as ameaded, or upon the making liy �the Mortgagor of an assignmmt for the benefit of the Aforegagor's creditors. � -
<br /> 1Le MortRagee is authorized � to dedare, at its option, all or ony yart of such indebtedness immediatcly due and payable upon the � �
<br /> 6appeaina of any of the (o�iowing evmts: � � � : �
<br /> (a) Failure to par the amount of any instailmrnt of prinripal and interest, or other charges payable on the Note, whic6 shall . �
<br /> have become due, priot to the due date o( the next such installment• � � . � .
<br /> (b) Nonpettormance by the Mortgagor of any covemnt, agreemrnt, term or condition of this Morrgage, or of the Note � . .
<br /> (ezcept as otherwise provided in subdivision (a) hereof) or of any other agrcemmt heretofnre, herewith or hertaEter made �
<br /> by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee im m�nection with such indebtedness; . � � � �
<br /> (e) Failurc of Ne Mortgagor to perform any covenant, agreement, term or condition in any instrument creating a lien upoa � �� .
<br /> tbe mottgaged property, or an� part thereoi, which ahall have prinrity nver the lim of this Mortgagr, � � � � - .
<br /> (d) The Mortgagte's discovery of �he Mortgagor's failure in �ny applicatic>n of the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee to dixlose � . � . �
<br /> aa� fact deemeJ b� the Mortgagee to be muerial, or uf the making dierein or in any of the agreements cntered into � � � � .
<br /> by Ne Mortgagor with the Mortgagee (incluJing, but not limited to, the Note and this Mortgage) of any mistepreun- �
<br /> � tation by, on behalf o(, or for �he beneFit of, the Mortgagor, � � � ��
<br /> . . . _ (e) The sale, Inse or othu transfer of any kind or nature of the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, withou[ the prior �� � � � � . .
<br /> ' arittrn consent of the Mortgaaee; � , � � � � �
<br /> � (f) The enactment aEter tho date of this Mortgage of any law o( the Stale of Nebnska JeJucting from the value oE .. � � �
<br /> the -iaortsaged propecq (or any patt thereoO , for the purpose of taxation, any �ien thereon, or changing in any w�ay ' - , �
<br /> its la�rs for the tucation of mortgages or debts secured br mortg�ge for state or local purposes, ot the mamer of collec- , � � � � . . �
<br />. tioa oE any such ta:, so ae to affect this Mortgage, and if after such enactment or change Ihe holder oE the Note and this ' � . . �
<br /> Mortgage gives written notice to the Mo'rtgagor declarin6� the Note and all othv indebtedness secured by this MoKgage � � � � . � �
<br /> to Fx due and p�yablq because of any such enactmrn� or change, immediately upon the expiration of thirty (30) da�s . �� �
<br /> after suth aotica � � � � �
<br /> . 'Ihe Mortgagee's failure to esercise any uf its rightz hereu�der shall not constitute a waiver thereof. A11 the evrnts in thie Pata- � � �
<br /> araph enumented upon the happening of any of which the Note shall become, or may be Jeclared to be, immediately due aod ,
<br /> payablq are in this Mortgage cilled "evcnts of default". � �
<br /> � 12. 1'he Mo[tgagee may from time to time curc ach default under any covm�nt or agrecment in any instrument cmting a . . �
<br /> . lien upon the mortga6ed property, or any pact thveof, which shall have priority ovec the lien o( this Mortgaqq to such extmt � � �
<br /> � as the Mortsagee ma� e:clusively determine, and each amount paid (if my ) by the Mortgagee m cure any mch default shtll be paid � � . . .
<br /> � b� the Afortgagor to the Aiortgagee; and the Moctgagee shall ilso become suhrogated to whatever rights the holder of ehe pcior � �
<br /> � . . lien misht . have uader such instrumrnt. � �
<br /> 13. (a) Aftet tbe happening of an� default hermnder, ehe Mortgngor shall upon demand of the Mortgagee surrender posser . �. . �
<br /> : sion of. 'the mortgaged property tn the l�fortxagee, and the Mottgagee may rntrr such pmperty, and let the sume anJ collect all the � �
<br /> . �� rrnls- thuefrom which ue due or to become due, and apply the same, after payment of a❑ charges and e:pmses, on account of � �
<br /> � � the� lndebtedaess herebr seeured, and all auch rrnts and all leaees e:isting at the time of such defautt are hereby usianed to the � �
<br /> � " . Mor[saaee as (urther xcurity for the payment of the iadebtedness secured hrrcby ; and the Mortgagee mar also diepossess, by fl�e .
<br /> � usual summary proceedinas, any temnt de(aulting in lhe payment of any rcnt to the Mottgagee. . �
<br /> � (b) In the evrnt that the Martgagor occupics the mortgaged propvry or any part thermf, the Mortgagor agrees to surrender � �
<br /> . � possession of such property to the Mortgapee immediately after an� euch default hereunder, and if the Mnrtgagor remains in pos- �
<br /> � � session aRer such default, such passession shalt be ae a tenan[ o( tbe Moitgagec, and the Dtortgagor shall pay in ad.aace, upon � �
<br /> � demand by the Mortgagee, as a reasonable monthly rmtal for the premises ��crupied by the Mnrtgagor, an amount at luxt equivalrnt �
<br /> to oortwdEth of the aggregate of the twelve monthly installments payable in the currrnt ralenJar year, ptus tbe actual amoun[ of � � .
<br /> � the amual ground rent, if :nr, taxes, assessmeots, water rates, otha tiovcmmcntal cbargce snd insurance premiums payable in
<br /> conaection �vith the mortgaged propecty during such yqr, and upon the Eailure of the Mortgagor to par such monthl� rmttl. �
<br /> the Moctaaaor mar alw be dispossessed by the u�ual summary proceedings applinble to tenants. This covenant sLall become � � �
<br /> e(fective immeJiatelr upon the happening of any such default, u determinrd in the sale discrction nf ehe Mortg�gee, �vho shill �
<br /> give notice of such determi�ation ta th� Mortgagoc ; and in the case of foreclosure and the appnintment of a recciver of the rents, �
<br /> t6e w�ithin covenant shall inure to the benefit of such receivea � �
<br /> 1�. The Mortgasee in � any action ro foreclose thi� Mort a e shill be entided tu the a � �
<br /> 8 R ppuintment oC a receiver without notice, � �
<br /> . asa mafler oE ri6ht and rithout regard tu the value of the mortgaged property, or the solvency or insolvmcy oE the l.fortgagot .. . � � �
<br /> . ot o2her.: putr liabte Eor the psymen[ of the Note and other indebtedness scrured by this Mortgage. k � � � � � �.
<br /> . . � 13. 7he Mortgagor, within ten ( 10) days upon request in person or within twmty (20) days upon request by mail, will �
<br /> . . futaisb promptl� a �vrittm statement in (orm satisfactory to the Mortgageq signeJ by tbe Mortgagor and duly acknovledged, of �;� � � "
<br /> . � � � the amouat then owing on t6e - Note and othet iadebtedaess xcund by this Mortgage, and whether aay offsets or defmses � �1F ' �
<br /> . esist apinst such indebtednest or an� part thereof. �"' � ,
<br /> � . �- 16. T6e Mott or w�ill � � ; �� !
<br /> . 6�g aive. immed"utr notice by reaistered or «rtified mail to the Mortgagee oE an� fire, damage or ot6er �
<br /> . cuualt�� dfeetiaa We mocCaaged � propert�, ot � of aay rnn�qaace, transfer or change in ownership of such property, oc aa� parl � �
<br /> eheteof. r
<br /> . � ,}
<br /> � ,.
<br /> � � � ' �7. Notiee and demand' or requnt may � be made io wr;eing and mar be xrved in penon oc b� mail . ;� .
<br />� � 18. � In �.. e:se of a foreclosvre ale of the moctgaged properq it may be sold in o�e parcel. � ' . ::�,.` ��
<br /> . - ' � 49. Y7�e Mot[gaaor w�ill ' not �assign the tents, if any, in w�hole or in psrf, from tAe mortRaged property, oc any part theteof,
<br /> wiWout tSe prior .vritten coaxnt. of We Moregagee. . .
<br /> J
<br /> 1
<br />