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_ � �, � <br /> Form H13�'No.6238-Neb. <br /> (5«.312 Lom) <br /> �. . . . -($evised'Aug.i970) � � � . � <br /> � Zs=� �01206 : MOltT6AGE ` <br /> ; <br /> � This Moseg�se made u of ebe 28th d�y of February . 1978 .betw�eea <br /> Edw87fd J. and Laxsine C. Kosinski� Husbaad & wife�hereinaftec called, and if moce tlun ooe p�rt� joind�and <br /> � -. ��ae�etall� hereinaEtu catled "D[ortgagoi'),residia8 d 1323 Notth Lafayette Hall Comh. Nebraska , � � . � <br /> � � and tAe United Statd of Amaica (hereitufter called "Moregasee'),ading b��nd thcough lhe Dep.rtment oE Howtng snd Urban � . . � � <br /> � Deveiopment haviag a Regioaal Office at 911 NOrth� W81nut StreOt� Kansas City . � �.� � � - . <br /> Sate of Missouri . <br /> - WITNESSETH, tlut to secure tt�e pa�ment of�a i�debtedness in the principd amount of Nine Tk10t188IId E3gYlt � � � <br /> , �'Httritlr0d Fi£ty �]jsrs(3 9,850.00 ),wriW interest thcreon. �vhich shall be pa�abie in accordance wiN a .. � � .� � � <br /> certaia�note bearing even date herewith,t tcue :ad eorrect copy of which, exdusive of the sigsnture of Nu Mortgagor, mar6ed � � � � <br /> � . "Schedule A" is aaatzed bcrcw and made a part hereof, and all othec indcbtedness w�hich the Mortgagor is obligated to ps� to � . � <br /> � �the Mortaagee purswnt W the provisions oE the Note and thie Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby grants, conveys and mottgages � � �� .� <br /> :. the Mortaagee: . �. . � : <br /> � T6e followring described property aieuate in Fi811 County,Nebnsln. �. . � � . <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Eleven (11) in Russel Wheeler's <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> 1 <br /> � . TOGETHER, with all appurtenances thereto md d! the estate and rights of the Mortgagor in and to such propect� or ia � � <br /> � �anyirix appethining t6erdo; all buildinga and other structures now or hereaftec thereon erected or instt112d, and aL fi=tures �� � � . � , . � <br /> � � aad �ttieles oE persom! propetry now or hereafter attached to, or used in,or ia the operations of, anr such land,�bnildiost or � � . <br /> � ��strutturet which�are necessar�to tbe complete use�nd occupanq of euch buildings or structurea for the purpox for �hlch t6e) � � � � <br /> � � � were or are to bt erected or imtalled,indvding, but aot limited to aii heating, plumbing, bat6room, lighting, cooking, lamdr�. � � � � <br /> . � � - vrntilatiag, refrigerating, iaciaentiag, and air•conditioning equipment and fixtures anJ all replacemrnts thereo( and additions � � �� <br /> � thereto,.vhether or oot ehe ume are or shall be atnched to such land,builJings or atructurn in any manoer; . � . . <br /> � � ?OGETHER, witd acc� and all aw�ards now or hereafter made for the taking of the peopertr mortaaged beteb7, or aa� ' � � � <br /> � �� part thereo( �including anq easement), by the ezercix of the power of cminent domain, including mr �w�ard for ehange oE . . . . . <br /> ' � grade of any street or othet roadway, which aw�ards are hereby aseigned to the I�tor�gagee and are deemed a part of t6e.propesty � � � . � �.� <br /> . � � mortgaaed herebr, and tbe Mortgagee is herebr wthorized to mllect and receive the proceeds of wch a�rard�,to ��e proper � � : , . <br /> reteipes and acquittances tlsetefor, •nd to apply the same tow�ard the payment of the inJebtedness secured bp ehia Mortgage, not- � � � � <br /> , � vithstanding tM Eact tAat the imount owing tfieceon may not thm be due anJ payable: and the Moregagot hereby agree�, apou �� . <br /> � .requnq to makq ezecute and delivet�ny aod all a�sianmmb and other instrumrnts sufficient for the purpox of ■ssigaing eac6 <br /> � . such awud to the Mortgageq free, clar aod diachuged oE an�entumbnncn of an� kind or namce what�oerer;and � . . <br /> � TOGETHER, with all rigbt,title and interest of the Mortgagot in and to ehe �and lying in the stteete and roads ia front of � � ,� � <br /> �� anJ adjoining the above desctibed l�nd (all the above described Iand, bui�dings, other atract�res, fizturn, articles of penooal . . <br /> � . property, ■wuda aad otder righb and interpts beios hereinafter collectively called tk�e "mortgaged propecg"). � � <br /> �. � 'IO HAVE AND TO HOLD ehe mortgaged propertr and�every part thereof unro the Mortgagee, its mccessors aad aasisos . � <br /> � forevec [or the purposes aad uses herein aet Eor�h. � . <br /> � AND the Murtgagor futther co�enanb and agrees wilh the Mortgagee, as followe: . ' � � <br /> 1. T6e Mortgagor will promptl� pa� t6e principal eE and interest on Ihe indebtedness evidenced by the Note, and tll other � <br /> � � � tharges�and iadebtedam provided thetein and in thi� Mortaage, at the times and in the manner provided ia the Note wd Ia <br /> .. this Mortaiga . . . <br /> � . 2. The Moctgagor vili pay vhm due, u hettinafter provided, all R�ound rrnte, i[ any, and ap tass, assessmmts, �vater �. . <br /> � rates and other governmmtal chargea, fiee� and impositiona, of every kinJ an.1 narure wh�tsorver, now� or hereaftet imposed o0 <br /> . .- tbe moregnged properq,or iar part Nereof, and will q� ahen dne every amount of indebteJness a«ured b� any lim !o whic6 : � <br /> , � � tbe.lim.oE�this Mo;tpar is apresalr subject. � . � � . <br /> 3. Thit Mortgaae and thd Note w�ete Keavted md deli�ered to secure moneps advanced,or ro be advanced, b�ehe Moct�gee - � � <br /> � -..u.�or..on acconwt of�t loaa eridenced br.the:Tiote, for t6e pnrpose of making �he improvements de�cribed or reEezred w !n "1�. �� <br /> � specification,and bid. sheet daeed M8Y 26 , t9�� , to oc ou rbe � -- �i <br /> � � �. mortgaged�propuq,-aad�Eor such�ofher�pucpo�e, if au�, dexr■'bed or referre�l to thereio,which improvemmb�are hemf�er co!ko- . ''Y <br /> .: <br /> ' � � :��.tivelr :calied "impeovemeats;•�'The� �[octpsor sh�lt���make or nu�e ro be�made ai� the Impro•emmb. JE the construetion or `' �� 'Y <br /> . iosdllation of�tbe����Impro3emrnb��hall rwt�be��uttled.out wr{t!+-rnmo�ble diligence, or shdY be diuo�Unned ■t aay ttme for " ' <br /> '.I, '�-.�+�7�++�4•�er�'t�n'�strs7tn..�locl�onts,��ctt�of.God,-Eirn, floodf�or�other aimiltr dtutrophee�, riob.war or lnsucrection. t6e `' <br /> ��- Mortpaee�aftec.due notice.-to:..the�.Mortsasoe is�6ereb�wtlrorized (a)to rnler upon the moreg��qed Property and employ�y.vatch- � <br /> -� ! .� ::��:men'.tc..proteet�'t6e`Impto�emrnts.fmm depredstion�or-injar� aad to p�eeerve and protect sueh propert�. (b) to carry out an� t��-"� . <br /> � . .. ..oe�.Al�then . .:_�. <br /> �e�uleg conuub�betveen ehe l�Fort�agor and od�er p�rties [or the puspose of malcing any of the Improvemmu. . ` �.•�.:� <br /> ' �.. (e).w malce.and.,eatec...into_additional�eootrae4�aad ineor oblitatioos [or tlie puryoses of completing the Improvemeats pursuant , � � <br /> � �' W t6e�obliptions of.tfu.,Lortsaaor.hereuodac,.either.ia...t6e��oame o(tLe Mortgagee or ehe Mortgagor,and(d)to p�y aod discharge <br /> J <br />