I �
<br /> ' n
<br /> .7s� UU 1205
<br /> � � �� 9. Upon an� failure b� the �Mortgagor ro compl� with or perform any of the terms. covenants or conditions oE t6ie Morb � � . � �
<br /> . � Saae reqnirins the pa�menf of any amou�t of money bq the Mortgagor, other thaa the principal amount of the loan evidrnced by � � � .
<br /> � � � the Note, internt and� other cl�arges, as provided � in the Note, the bfortgagec may ■t its option make such paymcnt. Every � � � � . �
<br /> � � pa�mmt so made b� the Mortgagee (induding reasomble •ttorney's tees incurrnl thrreby), with interest therean fmm the date � � � � � �-
<br /> of such pa�mrnt, at tbe r�te � of six percent (6% ) per annum, except anr paymrnt For which a dif(ecent rate o( interc<t is
<br /> . . apeciCsal hetein, fhaU b� payable by the Mortgagor to the Mottgagee on demand anJ shal! be secuced by this Mortgage. This � .
<br /> � . , Mo�taaae writh� rnpect � to aar such amount and the intuest thereon, shnll constitute a lien on the mortgaged property prior to . . -
<br /> ' - . � ��nT: otLer lien . attachia; oc ateruing eubaequent to the lien oE Ihis Mmtgaga � � � � . � �. �
<br /> : � 10_ The Mortgaaee, b� any of- its agrnts or repsesentatives, shail have the right to inspect the mortgiged propertr fzom time � � �� _
<br /> . � to time a� anr� reasonable hour of the day. Should the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, at �any time require inspection, . . � . .
<br /> : . � tepair, care or � attrntion of any kind or nature not provideJ by this Mortgage as determined by the Mortgagee in its aole dir � " . �
<br /> , cretion, the Mortaagee may, after notice to the Mortgagor, mter or cause entry ' to be made upon, the mortgaged properry, aad . � . �
<br /> � impcct, tepair, protect, care for or maintain such property, ■e the Mortgager - may in its wle disrre[iun deem necessary, aad mar � � � � . �
<br /> . � p�+ atl ��maunb of money therofor, as the Mortgagee may in its sole disrretion Jeem necessary. � � � .
<br /> � �I1. The principal amouat owing on the Note together with interest theceon and all other charges, as thetein provided, � � � � � �
<br /> : aod a7! othet :mounta of mooey owing by the Mortgagor ro the Mortgagee pursu�ne to and secured or intended to be xcured � � �
<br /> br this Mortgage, shall immediately become due �nd pzyable without notice or JrmanJ upon tht appuintment of a receiver or � �
<br /> , liquidator, whether voluatary or involunlary, for tbe Mortaagor or any of the property of the Mortgagor, ur upon t6c (iling of � � � �
<br /> a petition br or agaiast the Mortgaqor under the provisions of �ny Shte inso�ven .ry law, or under the provisions of the Bank- � � � . � .
<br /> � tuptq Act of 1898, as amended, or upon the making by the Mortgagnr o( an assignment for the benefit of the Mortgagoc's creditors. � � � �
<br /> ; The MO(�/�3$CC is authorizeJ to � dedare, at ita option, all or any part of such indebtcdness immediately due and payable upon the � � � �
<br /> happening oE any of the Eollowing events: � . � � �� - �
<br /> (a ) Failure to pq the amount of any installmen� ef principa� ■nd interesq or otber charges payable on the Note,. whic6 shall . � � . .
<br /> � have become due, prior to the due date of the ne�ct such installment; - . � � � � �
<br /> (b) Noaperformaace by the Mortgagor of any covenanq agreement, term or condition of this Mortgage, or of the Note � � � � -
<br /> . (ezeept as otherwise provided in eubdivision (a) hereof) or of any other agreemrnt heretofo�q herewith or hereafter made � � � �
<br /> � by the Mortgagor with the D[ortgagee in connection with such indebtedness; ��. � � � . . � �
<br /> (e) Paiture of the Mor[gagot to perform any covenaat, agreemrnt, tcrm or condition in any instrument creating a lien upon : � � � �
<br /> �, the mortgaged pzoperty, or any part thereo(, which sball have primity nver the lien of this Mottgagr, � �� � � � � �
<br /> . (d) The Mortgagee's discovery of the Mortgagor's failure in any application of the Mortgagor to ehe Mortgagee to disclou -
<br /> . � any (act deemcd br the Murtgagec to be m�teriil, m �sf the makinR tLerein or ia any of the agreemente rntered inW � � . ��
<br /> �� by lhe Mortgagor with lhe Mortgagee (incluJing, but not timited to, the Note and this Mortgage) oE any misrepresea• � � � �
<br /> tation by, on behalf of, or for the bene(it of, the Mortgaaor, � - � � �
<br /> '. � (e) ��;T6c sale, leaie or other tnnsfer of ■ny kinJ or nature of the morrR�F�d property, or any put thereof, without ihe ptior . � �
<br /> - . writtrn consent o( the Mortgager, � �
<br /> - (f) The rnactment after the Jate o( this Martgage of any law of the S[ate of Nebnskr deducting fmm the value oE � � � �
<br /> tlit mortgaged propert� (or anr put thereoE), for the purpose of tuation, any lien thereon, or cha�ging in any way � � �
<br /> ib laws (or the laxation o( �mortgages or debts � ;,ecured by mortgage for state or Ioca1 purposes, or ehe manner of colleo- �� � � �
<br /> tiue of any such taz, so . ae to aEfect this Moregage, .and ,iF after surh emctment or change the boldee of the Note and t6is � � �
<br /> � Mortgage gives written notice to the Mortgagor declarieg the Note and all other indeb�edness secured by this Mortgage � � � �
<br /> ' to Ix due and payable, brc�use of any such rnactmrnt or chnnge, immediately upon the ezpiration of thitty (30) da�e � �� �
<br /> . after such no4ce. - � � �
<br /> The Mortgaget's failure to exercise any uf its rights hereundec shall not constitute a waiver thereof. All the events ia this Para• �
<br /> � i � gtaph enumerated upon the happrning of any of which the Note ahall become, nr may be Jeclared to be, immediately due and � . �
<br /> . payab�e, are in this Mortgage called "events of default". � � � �
<br /> � 12. The Mortgagee may From time to time cure each default under any covenant or agreement in any instrument creaties • � � .
<br /> � Iien upon tfie mortgaged property, or any part tliereof, .vhich ehall have priority over the lien nf this Mottgagq to euc6 extent � � � ..
<br /> as t6e Mortgagee mar exclwively determine, and each amount paid (if any) by the Mortgagce ro cure any such dehult ahall be paid - � . . �
<br /> � � � . b� . We Mottgagor to the Moregagee; and the Mortgagee shall also becomc suhrogated to whatever rights tbe �holder of ehe prior � �
<br /> . lien misht luve unded sueh instcument. " � � � � .
<br /> . � 13• � (+) Aftet the happening of anr default hereunder, the Mortgagor shall upon demand of the Mortgagee surrender poasea- � � � �
<br /> .,� siou of the mortgaged property tn the Tfortgagee, and the Mo�tgagee may entrr such prnperty, and let the same and collect all the .
<br /> � . eenb. t6etefrom which are due or to become due, and apply the same, after payment of ill cMarges a�d expenses, on aceount of �
<br /> � . � � � t}u iadebfednos herebr secured, and all such rrnts anJ all leases ezisting at the time of such default are herebq assigned to the � �
<br /> � ��� � Mortaa6ee aa (urther security Eor the payment of the indebtedness secured hercby ; and the Mortgagee ma� •�so dispossess, by the . . �
<br /> " - � . usual summatr proceediags, any tenant defaulting in the paymrnt of any rent m the Mortgagee. � �
<br /> � � (b) ln the evmt that the Mortgagor oaupies the mortsaged property or any part therrnf, the Mortgagor agrees to surteadet ��
<br /> �. . . - posmaioo oE sueh properiy to the Mortgagee immediately after an� such dehult hereunder, and if the Mnrtgagor remains in poa- - � �
<br /> � � � ussion a(ter such default, such posussion shall be :s a tenant of the Mor[gagec, and tbe Mortgagor shall p�r in adv�att, upon � �
<br /> demaad by the Mortgagee, as a reasonable monthly renul for the premise. occupied by the Mortgagor, an amount at least equivalent � -
<br /> � to ono-t�velfth of tAe aggregate of the twelve monthly installments payable in the currrnt calrndar year, plua ffie acmal araount of �
<br /> ' the aenual ground reat, iF any, ta:es, asses�mrnts, water ratee, other qovernmrntal chargm md insunnce preminms paT:ble ia
<br /> eonnection vrith the mortgaged property duriag such year, aad upon the failure of the Dfortgagor to pay such monthl� rmW, � . �
<br /> � du Murtgagor may alw be dispossesud by the usual summary pro�eedings applicabtr to tenann. Thie cormant shalt btcome � �
<br /> d(ective immediately upoa the happening of any such default, as determineJ in the sole discretion oE the Mortgagee, wdo shat! �
<br /> yve notice of such determination to the Mortg�aor, md in the caee nf (oredosure and tbe appointment of a rcceiver of the teob, �
<br /> � � t6e �vithin covenant shall inure to Ihe benefit of such recoiveo �
<br /> ` . � It. T7ie Mottaaget in any action to forec(oee thie Mortgage s6st! be entitled to the appuintment o( a receiver vithout noticq
<br /> � u� a matter �of right a�d wilhout reaard to the value of the mortgaged property, or the solvency or insolvency of the Mortgagor . p � � �
<br /> � � � � � - or other puty liable for tbe paymrnt of ehe Note and othet iadebtedness srcureJ by this Mortgaga �� �
<br /> :.x:;, ' "� : .
<br /> � � 13. The Mortsasor, w�ithia � ten (10) dars upon tequest in person or �rithin twenty (20) days upon requeat by mail, .iill -
<br /> . � � � fotnish piomptl� a w�rittm statement � in form aatisfactory to the Mortaageq signed br the Mortgagot . and duly acknow�ledged, of T� . � � � ��
<br /> � � � � tLe �. amouoc �� Wea o�viag on ehe� Note � and other inJebtedness secured br this Mortgage, aod w�hether ao� offsets or deEeases ^� ���� � �- �, y ; .�
<br /> I, acist �piwt such iadebtedaeu or an� part thereoL , `
<br /> c .'. rr
<br /> !�. ' �-� � � 16."Fhe 2fortaagor w�iJi aire immediatd�. notict b� resi�tered or «rti(ied miit to tM Mortgag"ee of an7 fire, dam�6e or other
<br /> . • wualt� : affectina � the moeKgaged . property, oi oE anr conveTaaee, tnosfer or changc in ownership of such propvt�, or so� part + •� h,
<br /> ,- < ttaeteoE. :; „'� -'s
<br /> , :
<br /> : . � 17. Notice. ind demand �,� oe tequnt tna� �be � made to .Vriting and may be ser.ed in penon or by mail. .
<br /> , . . . �� !l. .In ,caae of . a foredo�ure ;.ale of the � mortsaged propury it may Ae sold in one parcel.
<br /> � � � � 19i �The Mortsaaor �vilf���not assign the renb, � if aay, in �vhole or io part, ftom the mortgaged property, ur any part thereoE,
<br /> without the prior arittm conseat of the Mortgagee. �
<br /> �
<br /> i
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