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� � <br /> _ �' <br /> � Form HUIYNo.6238-Neb. �� <br />� . (Scc.312 Lo�n) . � . . . <br />�, . . . .(Rerixd Aug.3970) � . . . . <br />' 78-�U01205 MORTGAGE <br />�.. 'I'his Moitg�se made�a of t6e 28th day oE Febi'uary . i9 78.�M'� � . .. <br /> JOhn G. & Bevflrly J. EBstman� HuSband & wifE (hereinaRer called, �nd if moce than oue part� yainq� tod <br /> te�eraUr 6aeioaftu nited "Mortsasor"), residiag at 616 Noith Kimball Hall County, Nebraska <br /> ■nd the�United Statp oE America (6ueiaafter nlicd "Mortgagee"),acting by and throuah the Departmmt of Housing ind Llrbao � <br /> Development having�Regional Office�t 911 North Walnut Street� Kansas City , and <br /> snee oE Missouri . <br /> . WIT'NESSETH, that to cecute the payment of �n indebtedoesa in the principal amount of Eight TElou88nd SeVen �. . <br /> FhindrEd Fifty Dollan (_ $�750.00 ),w�ith i�tercst tAereon, wMich shall be pa�able in accordance vit6 a � . � � <br /> � .cerhia aote bnring even date herewith,i true and correct copy of which, exdusive o( the sign�ture oE the Mortgagor, markcd � � � � <br /> "Schedule A"is anaezed heteto and made a p�rt hereof, and all other indebtedness which the Mortgagor is obligated to pq to -� � � �� � <br /> the Mortsagee pursuant to the provisions of ehe Note and this Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby grana, conveys and mortgages � � � <br /> . to the Mott;aaee: . � . <br /> � � Thc followiny dexribed propertr situate in H811 Covnty,Nebnslca. � . � <br /> The Southerly Fifty Nine (59) Feet of Lot One (1), in <br /> Block Five (5), in the Original Town, Now City o£ Grand <br /> Island, Nebraska � <br /> TOGETHER, with al� appurtenanca thereto and all the atate and rights of the Mortgagor in and to �uch properl� or in . <br /> � . annviu appertaining t6ercto; •11 buildiog� �od other ttructures (row or hereaftcr thereon erected or ins411ed, �nd all firtures � � � <br /> �and artic(n oE perwml propertr now or hereafter �tt�ched to, or med�in, or in the operations of, any such land, buildio6a or � � <br /> - �stcucturq which are necessap to the complete uae and occupancy of such buildings or structurcs fot ehe pnrpox for�which the� �� � <br /> � �vere or ue to be erected or installed, includina,but aot limited to all healing, plumbing, bathtoom, lishtin;, coolting, Iauadry, �� � � �� <br /> . .�ventiittiog, reftigenting; incinerating, ind air-conditioning equipmmt md fi:mres and all rrplacemmb thereof and additions � � � <br /> �theteto,whetber or not the same ue or shdi be athched to such I:ad,buildinge or structures i�any minaer; � � <br /> � � 70GETHER,� w�ith an� and all awards now or hereafter made (or the aking of the property mortgaged hereb� or aa� � � � <br /> � part thereof (indudioa wy nsemmt), by the ezerciae of the power oE eminent domain, including any award for ehanse of � � � �� <br /> gnde of any street or other roadw�ay, which awarda �rt hereby assigned to the Dfortgagee and are deemed a part of the propert� . � <br /> mortgaged hereb�, md tlae Mortgagee is hereby authorized to colkct and receive the ptoceeda of such aw�ards,to give propu � �� � <br /> teccipts and uquittancea therefor,and to�pplr the eame toward the paymcnt of the indehtedness secured br thie Mortgage, aoF � - <br /> � withstsnding the fact Wat the amount ow�ing thereoo may nM thm be due and payable; and the Mortgagor hetebr agtees, npon ' � . <br /> . requt�t,to make,ezecute and deliver aar and al!�ssig�mmts ind other instruments su(ficient for the purpose oE �ssigeing each � � <br /> � �uch awud ro the btottgageq free, tlear aod dischatged of �ny encumbrances nf any kind or nature w�6atsoerer; and . � <br /> TOGETHEA, w�itl� alt tight, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to the land lying in the stteets and roads in froat oF � � <br /> md adjoiaing the.above deuribed !md (�11 tbe above describeJ Imd, buildings, other structurea, Eiztures, artides oE � � <br /> penoaal <br /> propertr..�wacds and other iatereeb 6eing hereinafter collectivdy c�lled the "raortgaged properq••). .. <br /> � � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the mortgaged property and every part thereof unto the Mortgagee, it� sucmeon a� usiges � � <br /> lorever for the pvrposes aad uses herein set Eorth. . <br /> AND the Mortgagor further covenants and �grees with the Mortgagee, as follows. � <br /> 1.The Mortgagoc wi�1 promptl� pa� t6e ptincipal of and interest on tlie indebtedntes evidmced by the Note,and al! other � <br />� � � cbargee and iodebtednesa pro�ided thnein aod in this Mortgage, at the times and in the manner provided in tbe Note and In � � <br /> � � this Mottsase. � _ <br /> 2.The Mortgagot wi(1 pa� whm due, �s hereinaftes provided, all Rround rent�, if any, and all tazes, �ues�mmb, water <br /> rates aad other governmental chargas, fiate and impositions, of every kind and nature whatsoever, no.v or hetafter impored on <br /> � the mortgaged p[opert�,or any part tAtreof, and will pa� whm due erery ■mount of indebtedness �ecvred b� an� lirn to w�hit6 t � <br /> the�lien oE this Mortgase i� �psessly eubject. .,,��_ <br /> - 3.This Mortgage aad the Note w�ete�ecuted and deli�ered to xcure moners�dvanced, or to be ad�anced,b� the Mortgaaee `` ^,.,� . ,'�� <br /> aa or on accouot of a low evidenced,br ebe Note, (or the purpose of makiag the improvemrnb deacribed or reFerted W in � i� ' <br /> ehe specification aad bid sheet � `,'. <br /> . � dated August 29 , t9 77�.to o� on ehe <br /> alortga�ed ptopert�.yod.fpr sy�h pthec:purpoK, 3f a�. deacri'bed or referred to thetein.wbich impro�emrnb are hetdita eollac- <br /> ` tivel7,,.called:."Impeo�emeob," �T6e. Dtortpeor -alult m�lce-or..nuse to�be made alt Hx Impro.emma. If the coeutructioa or �, �. <br /> ial411ation aE t6e Impeo�ements,.shalt�oot�se arried out�with ravowble diligence. or elsl��be di�conti�aed at a� time Eor .�` ; <br /> anl.rsason,.othu.�tA�n�.sttilc�y..Iodcoub,.acts of God�..F'arn,.floods�or othec aimitar ntaurop6ies, riots. w�r or ineursecHoa. ehe ' �_2. � <br /> .. Martgalee�ftec due nodce�so��ehe�Mortsagor ia hereb�wthorixd�(a)�to enter n � <br /> . pon tl�e mortgaged property�nd emploY any.v�teh- <br /> ... pretect the Impcovemenb from-depred�tion�or�ln}ur� �nd.m pre�er.•e and protect such�Propert�. (b) to «rry out aay � .� . <br /> � or�all�then��iatins �potr�et� b�tw�� � 7��,� � �n ���s for the puzpose of making aM of ehe Improvemmq, <br /> . (c)�to make and eoter�into additiodl cootncL aad incvr obllg�tions for the pnrposes of�complMing the Smprovemenb purauant <br />; � to-t6e-oblisations of the�Mostgagor.hereueder,dther ia t6e n�me of�ebe Mortgagee or the Mortgagor,and (d) tn pay and disclurge � <br /> . J <br />