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� � <br /> '�►''a ' 78— �O�.�c�2j 099 599 <br /> � P6UDM]VTIAL LOAN No.»........................._...._......... . .. <br /> THIS INDENTURE WITNE88ETH,that Robert �.. Johnson and Harriett M. Johnson, husband and W�ff', � . <br /> � . of -� Hd�� Connty, ATebreaks, herein called MORTCiA�OR, in conwideretion o! t ��0��0�.�� ia hand �� � <br /> # paid,doee hereby grsat,bargaia,aell snd oonvey W THE PRUDF.NTIAL INSURANCE.COIbiPANI' OF AMF.RICA,n oorporotion � �� <br /> f: � of Lhe State o!New Jeney,hsving iL priaoipal ofNee in the City of Newark,New Jeney,herein catled:�IOIi'PUAC3EE,ita auooesnore � � � � �� � <br /> aad assi�torever.the toUowioQ de�oribed re�l esisce situated in��( � � . . � : <br /> Hall Couaty,Nebrmks, to-wiC: , <br /> �� The Northeast Quarter (NE-1/4) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township Nine North (9N) <br /> ! Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. EXCEPT for certain tracts of ground more <br /> particularly described in Deeds recorded in Book 79, Page 660 and Book 138, Page 351 <br /> of Deed Records, Hall County, Nebraska, and <br /> EXCEPTING a tract of ground more particularly described in Deed Recorded in Book 156, <br /> Page 414 of Deed Records, NaTI County, Nebraska. <br /> Subject to easements ofi record and existing roads and highways. <br /> Including all irrigation rights, wells, pumps, equipment and accessories thereto, <br /> except power unit. <br /> Containing in all 154 acres, more or less. <br /> � <br /> t <br /> ; <br /> toCether�v'ith all the eppurtensnoee thereunto belonging or ia any wiae pertaining thereto. Mortqagor relinqutehes a!1 rEghts o[homs � � <br /> •tead and all other oontingeat iatermt in eaid premieee.Tbe oonveysnoe of the premiaee sbove deearibed together with aU the rents. - � � � <br /> "save�aod proHb thereo!i�made to eeaure the repsymeat of s loaa made by the Morcgagee to t6e MorLgagor,ao evidenaed by�pcomia- � �� <br /> wr9 aote ot even date harewith in Lhe prinai sl eum of _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � <br /> - One Hundpred Thousand and No/100 - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ Do��,,, <br /> (s�QQ�0�0.�� - - - ).eoceouted bq the Mortgegor and psyable to the order ot tha MorLgsgee, with intereet st the rsb �� � <br /> � thermn�et fortL,Che ytinaiysl and intereet payable in a000rdaaoe wiyh the terme ot eaid promisaory note, snd flnally matnring on " <br /> March 1 ,19 93 ,All sums due ehat] bear intereet etter the due d�te st the rste of 11%per annum,aad with s <br /> res�onsble�ttorney�tes ae msy be determiaed by We Court. � . . �. �� <br /> � MortQagor hereby ezpreeslp aovenaate and agreee mit6 Mortgngee,ae[ollows: � � - . <br /> 2. MortgaQor is Iswfully eeized ot an indeteaeible estate in fee eimple free trom encumbrances and has good right and power to - � � <br /> coavey an absolute title, in fee nimple,includin;ell the righte ot homeetead,and will warrant and defend the title to the same against � � � <br /> all lawlul claims. . <br /> 2. To pay all snme hereby necured when due. � � <br /> S. To pay when dae all tasee and meeaemente o[every type or natuse]evied or anseased against said property,or upon the Mort- � <br /> . gagea's i¢tereet therein;aad aleo to pay any claim,lien or encumbrance against said property which may be or become prior and eenior � <br /> to the liea�ot thia�mort�e�e. � .. . <br /> 4. To keep aU bvildiaQe on the mortQaged property inaured againat loee and damage by fire,windatorm and other hazards,with such � � . � <br /> solvent ineuraace compnny or compaaies,and in such amounta,as are satiafactory with the Mortgagee, and with the proceede o[lom � . <br /> payable to the Mortga¢ee as IL intereat may sppeac The policiea of ineurance,and sbatracts and other evidence of:itte,shall be delivered � � <br /> to snd Leld by the Mort¢aQee without liability,and upon torecloeure of thie mortgage,or acquiaition of the reat estate or any part thernof, <br /> in any ot6er manner, ehall become the absolute property of the Mortga¢ce. The losa proceeda (1em expenees ot coliection)ahall,at � <br /> � Mortgagee's option,be applied to esid indebtednens,whether due or not, or to the reetoration ot the improvemenW, or all or any part � <br /> . thereof maY be releaaed by MortaaQe.e. In eveat of foredoeure Mortgagor authorizen and empowere Mortgagee to eHect insurance upon <br /> the premieee in the amonnte atoreeaid for a period covering the time ot redemption fwm forncloaure sale,and if neceasary therefor to . <br /> mncel any or sD exfating ineurance policies. <br /> . � , . �6. Mort¢agor Q)will not remove or demolish nor alter the deaign or etructural chuacter ot any building now or hereatter erected � �� <br /> upon'the premiees unleas�MortgaQee�ehall Hrst coneent thereto in writing; (ii)will maintain the premises in good condition and repa'v; � � <br /> ��. � (fiij�wII!�not commit or suffer�waate thereof;(iv)wlll not cut or remove nor su$er the cutting or mmoval o[any tx�eee or timber on the - �'� <br /> xee <br /> � premiees (exoept tor doroesSic purposes)without Mortgagee'a written conaent; (v)will comply with all lawa, ordinsnces, regulationn, "`�`` . �. ,3 . <br /> . covenanb,eonditions�and reetrictions aHecdng�the pre*nisee,and will not wSer or permit sny viotation thereoL � <br /> 8.�Ia�ths edent MorRYaQor tals�to�ppy any olsim,lie¢or enaumbrsnoe or the tuea or aeeeeementa above mentioaed,or psy the � <br /> ��. preminm�o[�iasureuae,ar�.keep yid�yremiaes ia repsic�or ehall oommiL or permit the oommineion of say weaye,or ehall detault ia the ;` <br /> DB'tor��oas d anY ot the�terms,aovensnb and agreemenis of tha promieaory aote eeoured b thie mo ? "X � <br /> 9 riBage,or ot thin mortgaga,or �-�' i � <br /> - �.��H the-Dd�ox�6�ll�absndoa aaid propeztp,or if the Mortaagee e6a11 be made s psrty in aqy enit on saoonnt of the eristeaoe ot �� <br /> . �this mo�t�e or involvlae:the title to asid resi estate,the Mortgagee may psy said clsime,lieas,enaumbraaaee,taxes,saaesements,or � �- � <br /> � pc�inms,with right ot�snbmgation�thereunder, or make'repsi:a, or pnroLeee s tsi title, aad may prooure auch abetrsota ot titie or <br /> � , �-otber evidenoe oR title�as it deame aeoeeeary, or psy oourt po�te, and dl avme eo paid,with intereet at the maximum rate atloweble � <br /> by Isw,eh�ll beeome s parE of the iadebtednees hereby seoured,and slso the whole ot the indebtedneae eecur.�d herel+v ahnit bw�+me <br /> �od bs immedistel,y dve aad psysb�e at Lhe option ot the Mortgsgee wiyhout notioe or demand, which are hereby eupreeely waived, � <br /> . md thiw mort�ge m� loreolaeed. � � <br />