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I � <br />� _ _ -_.: _ . .�_.; <br /> I �8--r c� o 10 `� s � <br /> � �tl� � tLs �dd pasty o[ the flr�C D� d �urthar covenant to DW +11 t�o. a��e��menU, manteipal o[ �overnmeaW r�te�, eh�rap � . , � � <br /> - or Impo�itlon� wLleh� ma� De bvied or fi��e been lavted on �dd Dnmt�a�, or on tLl� mortaase, or on tLa note or debt hereby �ecnred, oe on tha I(en <br />� ceaated b� ehb lmtzumenL, bKore tLa �ame, m my Dart th�reot, �h�ll becoma dellncaent ; �Iw to ab�taln from the eommi�don o[ vr��4 or from yse- . � � <br />. mlCUnt wuH to be eommittsd oa said D*��e�, �nd to keey Lhe bulldlnY� ia R�d reWir �nd inenred asalo�t lo� or dsm�e b� fln aad wtndstorm In ' . <br /> � comD�te� �nd ia amoonL utl�faetoq to tLa uld yarCy o! tha seeond D+n. nfs or Po� auc<ee�ore or asst�n�, with lou Dol�blo to the D�rt7 0! the Ne- <br /> ond� Wrt, h6 oe lU svecnwn or aultn�, u Lis or it� interost� eL�ll apyear and dalWer to him or IL al! Doliele� o! in�aranee on ��Id bntldln��, �ad �tM � <br /> tanew�ls t6eraoC: md In ease ot fdlure to do w, Che �aid D��t� of the �eeond DnrL. hi� or ib �uceeuan or s�dans, ma� D+1 •uch taxe�, u�e��- � � <br /> mtntt, mnnielD�1 or Qovarnmentai rate�, cE�r�e� or (myodtion�, mske suc6 rep�3r�. or e[teet �ueh in�nr�nee ; �nd tAe amoanb yaid t6arofor, witL tn- , � <br /> ten�t Nereon, fram tAe d�te o[ D�Yment, at the rsLe o[ vine yer cent yer enaum, �6�11 be collecHble witfi, u yart of, �nd In !he �am� manner as, t6e . �. <br /> Ddvdy�t �um h�mby �xured. .. � . <br /> �� th� �dd yart� of CLe finC D�rt do �Qnc t6�t �ny monies received oo �ceonnt of an7 in�ur�nee lou, ma� at t6e oDtloa ot � � � <br /> the yart� of the ueond vart, hb or 1t� �uuesaon or u�lan�, (a) bc aDD�ied to nD�iria¢ or xbuiidina ia � msnner �areed to b� t�e y�rt7 ot tAe �ee- - � � <br /> ond part, �l� or ;S� �utee��on or usian�, or (b) be �DD17ed tow�rd pa�ment of t6e indebtedne�� here6� �eeueed, ia • maaner ta ba deb[mta�d b� tR� <br /> y�rt7 of the tecond D�r�. notwith�tandlna ihe same may aoL thec be duc, or (e) be D4�d to the yaKy of the first yart, or tbe �a<ee��ers In tltle of L6e � � � <br /> a�rt� o! Lha [It�i DarL, wlthout e![eeLina the Iein o! thls mortR�¢e for tfie fuil �mount bereby �eenred �nd romafaiap nnDvd. � <br /> �� tAe Wd DVC� of the lir�t ➢� d� �urther eovm�nt �nd �pree t6�t an� and �11 ro�alde�, mnnie�, nnb, Drotl4, dam�es � <br /> or comyeasatlon ad�ina dtreetly or ladlneU� 4om �ny aad all toal, oil, Qa�, R*��d, or other mineral riahN, or Iea�ab or Izom tha oDar�tton of aa� <br /> an�e1 D�t oe D�L. ot }rom tLe erant(ns o[ aoy euemant whabxver, or b� res�on of the exerelse of S6e rla6t of eminmt domaln b� an� coryootion x � <br /> b� an� maniaip�l. manty, �bte or ledenl Lavernment or an7 �abdivLlon or a¢encr t6ercol, eb�ll at tEe oDNon o[ the yart� o[ tha �e¢ond part. Lb ae ' . . � <br /> fL �aece��on or �uian�. belona to and be yaid to hie or it� �veeowr� or a�stan�. An) monfe� �o ydd Lo the D►rL7 � <Le ieeond D�C �1u11 M <br /> �DD�ted in � xduetion o[ the D�nelD�i of the lndebLedneu Lercby tcevrod, whether dos or not, or npon Lhe Iatem�t aeemed or aeezutaa t6ereon, or on �nf ' - <br /> advancement� thaS mq 6►�e been m�da under t6e tarms o[ thb mortaa¢e, ae the Dsrty o( Lhe �econd yart, hi� or 3t� �neenaor� or udan� ms� alaat <br /> And fnrtLer, Lhe D�7 of t6e fir�t D�rt d Fereb� transfaq r�dRn md �et over to tLe p�rt� ot tLn �eeond Dact �� �nd all co��IWa. � � ��� <br /> mopie�, xnd, Droflb, d�maca, or <ompanutfon �ridns in any of L6c mann�n snd hom �n� of tbe �oazee� above mmHoned, md tLe le��ea, udanw, . � . <br /> � snb.leoee, weees�op or �n� yeraon and/or torpora2ion holdinq sald eoyalUes, moLle�, xnL�. Dbtit�. daIIuye� or eompen�atlon ua Lene6� dieeeted W � � . . <br /> py and dellver tha �ame to the D�Cs of the �aeond D�rC. fits ar iC� �ueee�� or� ot asdans, uyon demand th�rKore b� t6t parc� of tba �acond y�r; hb � � � <br /> � or Ih �ucces�ors or i�elens. � � <br /> ��S[�lt the �dd ysrt� of the fint p�rt do �ereb� aQree thnL ia ca�e of da[�alt in Dvment o! �n� in�tallment ot Dti��?�� or � . <br /> tabrnt xpulred in the note �eeared hanby, or in th� yerform�nee of aay of the eovenanU hcre9n eontafned, tLm. or at �n� tlme Lhexdter, dnzlns de- � . . <br /> fault, LLe Wd ps:ty of the �ceond yart, 6L or it� sueeeswrs or odRna, may withouL mtlee, decLre LLe entix debt hereb� �eeved immedL41� due � <br /> �nd ya�able, �nd theroupoa tha �dd puty ot tLe �eeond a�+t, his or it� �neees�or� or odan�. �6a11 be entided to Immedl�te yo���ton of add aremiw� � . <br /> �nd W wLeet Lh� nnb, ioun and Dmdts tberaot, aud m�� yrxeed to foreelo�e L6I� moRa�r, aod ayon eommencln; D��d�nas for t6e fomlmaia � � <br /> of t61� moKs�ce, �6�1i be mL81ed to tha aDDo�atment ot a receiver to take Dos�eu(on of t6e vrembe� �bore deecribed. W <ol7act the rsnt� �ad D�tlt� � ` � <br /> ot dd vremi�a� durina the Dendmey o[ �uch foreelomre �nd until the <onflrm�Hon of fhe foreelo�ure sala, �ad oat o! th� �►me Lo DV t6� esyaa�� , � <br /> of s�id rnelvar�LiD. to make the nece�ury rey�in �nd keeD ��1d aromi�e� in Droper eondition �nd rewir y�ndfna saeb ��le and eonIIrmatlon th�rwT. . � <br /> � W7 +�1 faYH, ines�0<ntt, munlelDd or ¢ov�rnmmtd nte�, eAare�� ar imyoddon� aeemina betweea the eommmeemmt o[ tLe fomiwnre and � . <br /> eonfirmaUon of �ale th�renndar and ali �uch t�e�, �s�ewmenb, manlelD�� or Qovemmental rste�. charQea or imvo.ieioo. nnadd and ssmdnina anr�- ' ' <br /> deamed at or Ddu* to the eon[(rmaHon ot t6e [oreelo�aro ule, and to Dv in�uru�ce Dxmiums neceu�r� to keeD ��d D*�miK� la�nred Ia �eoord�nee � � � � <br /> witL tM D�o�IdOAt ot t61� mortQaa�. and dter D�f�nQ LLe esyense� of �ald retei�enhiv. �sid taxn, u�eumenL, munlefDal or Qo�ernmental r�te�. .. � . <br /> aL�r�e� or (mpwitlon� and uid in�nranee Dremiam�, the �ald xnb ►nd D�nt� shall be aDD11ed toward th� D+sment of the amonnt dne on thL mort�[a � <br /> wd� t6a de6t h�r�b� �eeurM. . � . . <br /> �u �ittttsa �herPaf, cee �ald y�rty o[ tha s:.c a.�s �• ve y.,.anr,, .e� their w...dJ� u,< a.� .na tu.c wo.. <br /> � � <br /> ' <br /> `i ,j ` _ �f, � . <br /> , . �- �.� <br /> � � , <br /> ' /' <br /> %�`--- � <br /> � � � � � ���` `�_ t , !�! L' <br /> . . i��/, �.�.,:::�dr ��'" 3'c7;S� �'. :r.iJl /':}�� ��" C �� <br /> . . . . � - � ( � � /% C . i� � <br /> . <br /> x <br /> . . . . . . . � , � f � .fi� <br /> _ <br /> ., <br /> . . . i`"-_' � . �: <br /> . . . . • - ` � � . <br />� t <br /> v� <br /> . . . � �' :.,' <br /> w , <br /> � � <br />