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, <br /> _ _ � _ � " � <br /> - - ^''_ ''^`'i ' . <br /> i <br /> ' not extend ar postpone the due date oi thc montlily installments referred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br /> i change the amount of such installments. <br /> j 10. Boztowar NotReleased. Extension of the time for payn�ent or modificution of amortization of the auma <br /> � secured by this Vlort�age granted by i.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not .operate to release, ; ,,;,; <br /> t in any` manner, the liability of tlie original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be � ' <br /> :� required'to commence nroceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or othercvise modify � � <br /> amortization of the sums secured by this \Iortgage Dy reason ot any demand made by the original Borrower and � �� `� <br /> � Borrower's auccessors in interest. <br /> � il. Fozbear�ce by I.Bnder Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising tany right or remedy ' ` <br /> � hereunder, or othernise afforded by upplicable ]nw, shull not be a wniver of or preclude the exercise of any right ,:;; <br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment ot taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> *""� ehall' not be n wui4er of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured Uy this Mortgage. <br /> O 12. Rea�edies Cumulat3ve. All remedies provided in tliis \4ortgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other <br /> � � rightor remedy under this \tortgage m• affordcd hy la��• or equity, and may bc exercised concurrently, independ- '' <br /> ti � ently or auccessively. �; <br /> { � 13. Successors aad Assigas Bouad; Toint �d Severel Liability; Ceptions. The covennnts snd agreements <br /> ^ herein contained shall bind , snd the rights tiereunder shnll inure to, thc respectivc successors and assigns of Lender <br /> `� and Borrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph ] 7 hereof. r1ll covenants and agreements of Bonower shall ' �` <br /> be joint and several. The captions snd J�eadings of the �>aragra��l�s of this tlortguge ure for convenience onty snd <, ` ` '' <br /> are not to be uaed to interpret or define tiie �rovisions liereof. <br /> # 14. Notice. Any notice to Borrower pro��idecl for in thin �lortgage s}�all be given by mailing such notice by <br /> �} certified mail addressed to Borrower nt the Property �lddress statect I�elo«� , except fm• any notice required under <br /> paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borro�rer in tl�c mnnner �ireccribed by ;ipp�icablc lan•. Anp notice providetl <br /> � for in this Vlortgage shall be deemed to havc been gi�•en to Borro�cer ��•Len given in the manner desig�ated herein. <br /> 15. Uaifotm Mortgage; Governiusg Law; Severability. 'Chis for�u of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br /> ' tor nationul use nnd non-uniform covenants witli limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> rity instrument covering real property. This \Iortgage shnll be go��erned by the ]a�v of thc jurisdiction in which � ' <br /> the Property is located. In the event that any ptovision or clause of this \4ortgage or the Note conflicts with <br /> upplicable lsw, such conflict shnll not affect. otlier provisions of this Jfortgngc or the Note �vhich can be given {: <br /> effect without t6e conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the �fortgage and the Note are declared ?-„ <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borroweis Copy. Borrowershall be furnished a conformed copy of this vlortgage at the time of execu- > <br /> tion or after recordation hereof. }' ` t „ >; <br /> 17. Transfez of the Propedy; Assumption. If all or any pnrt of the Property or an interest therein ia eoid �U��� <br /> or tranaferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brance subordinate to this Mortgage, � b) the creation of a purchuse money security interest for household appli- T <br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la«• upon thc death of a joint tenant or (d) the_ grant of ' � <br /> any leasehold interest of three years or ]ess not containing an option to purchuse, Lender mny, sst Lender's option, , <br /> declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immeciiately due and payuble. Lender shall huve waived such <br /> option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to �vhom the Property is to be sold or ,: <br /> transferred reach agreement in writin� that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest ,5 �> , <br /> paysble on the suins secured by this :blortgagc shall bc at such rute as Lender shall request. If Lender has wnived � <br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragrupli 17 and if Borrosver's successor in interest has executed a writ- n�%�° .' <br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by I.ender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under � ��'� �w <br /> Y « <br /> this Mortgage snd the Note. �, <br /> If Lender exercises such option to accelerute, Lender shall :nuil Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance �' <br /> tvitB paragrsph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide � period of not less tlian 30 dayc from the date the notice is =� <br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared duc. If Borrower fails to a such sums y <br /> P y prior to the <br /> expiration of such period, Zender �nay, �eitl�out fuMher notice or deivand on I3'orro�ver, im•oke any remedies per- -� <br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> � t�iON-US7IFOR�M COVENASTS. BOCl'O\V@I' RI1C1 L@IICl@7' t�Ul't}IM' COVCI]l1Rt and agree as follo�vs : � � � � <br /> 18. Aeceleration; Remedies. Except as pro�•icted in F �aragr:i� ,h 17 liereof, u��on Borrower's bresch of any <br /> covennnt or sgreement of Borro�cer in this �IortFaFc , inrluciing thc co�•enants to pay wlicn duc any sums secured <br /> hy this \Iortgage, Lender ��rior to ucccleration shall mnil noticc to Borro���cr us �iro��idcd in pnra�rnph 14 l�ereof <br /> specitying : ( 1 ) the breach ; (2) the flction required to cure ,uch brench ; 13) a date, not Icss than thirty days <br /> from the date the notice is mailed to 13orro��-er, by ���Lich �ueh hre;ticl � must be cured : aind 141 that fuilure to cure <br /> such breach an or before the dute specified in il�e notice may resuli in ssccelerution o( the swns secured bv this <br /> ;blortgage and sale of the Property. If the brexch is not cured on or befm•c the dntc specificd in tl�e notice, Lender <br /> • at Lender's option msy declarc nit of the ctuns secured by thi. 3lortguge to bc immedistcly due and payable <br /> without further demand nnd may foreclose this JIortgage by judicial proceedin�;. 7,ender shall be entitled to collect <br /> in such proceeding a11 expenses of foreclosurc, inciuding, but not limited to, costs of docu�nentary evidence, <br /> abstraets and title reports. <br /> 19. Boaoweis Right to Reinstate. \otwith�tanding I.ender'. uccelera[ion of the sums secured by this <br /> Mortgage, Borrower shall have the right to ha��e any proceedings hegun by Lender to enforcc thie vlortgage dis- <br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a judgmeni enfozcing thi. \Iortgage if : ( a � Borrower pays I.ender all <br /> sums which would be then due under this �tortgn�;c, thc Note and notes securing Future Ad�•ances, if any, had no <br /> acce}eration occurred ; (b) Barrower cures all hrenches of un�• othei• co�-ennntc or a�;rcements of Sorrower con- <br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Sorrower pays all reasonablc exE�ensee incurrecl b}• l,ender in enforcing the covenants <br /> and sgreemeate of Sorrower contained in thi� \Iortga�c and iu enforcin�; t.endcr', remedies f�s provided in para- <br /> graph 18 hereof, incIuding, but not limited to. rensonable attorney'� fee� ; nnd Id ) Borrower takes such action sss <br /> Leader msy;reeaonably require to assure thst thc lien of this �lortgage, Lenderc interest in the Property and <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the aums secured hy thic \fortg3ge shall contintic unimpttired. L'pon such payment r, `. <br /> and cura by Borrower, this A'Iortgage and the obligations secured hereb�� �hall remain in full force and effect as if <br /> no acceleration had occuned. �' ; <br /> 20. 7Sasignment of Reais; Appoiatment of Receiver; Lender in Possession As additional security here- }; :" ' <br /> under, Borrower hereby ssaigns to LenBer the rents of the Property, provided tliat Borron•er shall , prior to acceler- � " <br /> atioa'under'psragraph 18 hereof or absndonment of the Property, hsvc tlic rigl�t to colleet and retain such rents � �'<'. <br /> as they become due and payable. � °� <br /> Upon aceeleration under psragraph 18 hereof ar abundonment of the Yrapertv. Lender. in ��erson, bp a�ent � t''fi `;� ' <br /> ' or by judicislly appointed receiver ahall be entitled to enter upon, take poc=e<sion of and manage the Property � ;;�*"' <br /> and to collect the rents of the Pro ert includin thosc ' ` '" ` " <br /> P y, g past due. A21 rents collected by Lender or the rer.eiver <br /> ahall be applied first to payment of the costs_of management of thc Property and collection of rents, including, but <br /> not limited to, receiver's fe�, premiums on mceiver's bonds and reasonnble attorney's feea. and then to the sums <br /> secured by this Moitgage. Lender and ' the receiver 'sl�all bc liable to nccount onlp for those rents actunlly received . <br /> , ._ .... � ..,..,_ � <br /> , ,,.,�, ._ «,.: ... _ _.,_ . . � _-, � i <br />