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<br /> ICOPZFS T0:
<br /> O R. O.W. Division, Neb . Dept , of Rds . Pro�ect No . M-5161 (001 )
<br /> � ) Ot+rler .
<br /> ` ) Bqyer � Tra.et No. �+ . � . . . �
<br />. ( � ) . . �� � � - . ; .
<br />� � � � RIGHT OF WAY C0;ITRACT , �
<br /> TIiIS AGRE'E:•ff.SIT, made and entered into this _� day o£ ��/�U.t�� , 19 7 � , by and between
<br /> Rudv M Pokornev and Doris M Polsornev husband and wife
<br /> � of 7 F91 W _ G +ol lc�� Park Rd _ , Graad Ssland , County of Hall , State of NebrasKa, hereinafter called : . � � � � �
<br />� � the OdNER, and :he City of Grand Islr�d , Slebraslca , hereinafter cailed the BUYER. � � � � �
<br /> WITNESSETE : In consideration or the paym=nt or payments as speci£ied below , the Owner hereby agrees to
<br /> execute to the 82�er , a xarranty dee8 , which wi11 be prepared and flu�nished by the Buyer , to certain real . . � � �
<br /> eatate describe3 as foilows : Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 27 , Hagges ' Subdivision ;
<br /> thence x�uining east on the north line o£ said Lot 27 to a point lying 7 . 93 feet (2 . �t17 meters )
<br /> east of the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence running southwesterly a distance of 13 • 33
<br /> � Yeet (4 . 063 meters ) to a point on the west line of said Lot 27 a distance of 10 . 72 Yeet
<br /> (3 . 267 meters ) south o£ the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence running north on the west
<br /> line of said Lot 27 a distance of 10 . 72 feet ( 3 . 267 meters ) to the point of beginni.ng ,
<br /> . . � and' as shcsrn on sopxroved p1a1u ror Pro3ec� No. M-5161 ( 001 ) , '?Y�act No , � , consisting of a2 S�q� � �. . � ��
<br /> . � � square feet , more or less , situated ±n the � � . � �
<br />. � . � . of Section � R , Township l l North , Range 9 West of the th P. M. , in bla.11 County, � � .
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> It is agreed and anderstood that the Buyer is hereby granted an i�ediate right o£ entry upon the premises
<br /> descsibed sbove .
<br /> . � � The E:yyer sgrees to purchase the abwe described real estate and to pay therePor upon the delivery of �, � �� � �
<br /> said warrenty deed. If the P.mer so desires h= shall have the right to receive 100;� of the final paymen�s
<br /> due under `�.his contract prior to vaceting the �remises being acquired . Payment or payments are to be made
<br /> by the Buyer to the C.mer for the prcperty actually taken, not including present public roeds , according to
<br />. � the � Pollrn-ing rste � per �Poot . Tne pa!•tiea here:o shs11 be bovnd by a square Footage figure wh3ch sha11 not ' . �
<br /> very 10�, =_'rom t_ze footage set forth below as a� approximate £igure . This amount ahall be renegot3ated when
<br /> a variatica of the equare footabe exceeds these limitations .
<br /> Agproxima:ely -- souere Poote3e at $ -- Per sq . Pt . , Sta - - to Sta -- $ --
<br /> Agproximately - - savare foote3e e: $ - - per sq . ft . , Sta - - to Sta -- $ --
<br /> Mov3s�g and replecing approximately _ _ feet of fence at $ - - per foot $ - -
<br /> . . . . � r..... ._y. _......_ . . _.......�_.... ... ._ . _.. . � . .
<br /> ,
<br /> Land and Conl-ractural Dama�es ` "--•'^" �' • � '• ' ' 4n � X $ 57 . 10
<br /> ts�..� ; :,� �., .<.
<br /> � �x� `. .: '� - ? ,. _ . iaPPRo%IMn'�'� To2AL $ 57 . 10
<br /> 7.'he above �a.yments shall ewer all dr�ages caused by the establishment and construction o£ the abwe pro�ect _ � � . . �
<br /> If any othzr party shsll hold any encumbrence egainst the aforementioned property at the time of de2lvery
<br /> of the dee3 , su h payments as are due under this coatract sha11 be msde to the C.+ner �ointly with tY:e party or
<br /> part3es hclding such encur:3rance , un2ess said :arty, or parties holding such encurobrance sha11 have in writing
<br /> waived his rigtt. to receive such pyyr.ent .
<br /> Expenses Por partial release of mortgages and documentary stamps will be pa.id by the Buyer , if required .
<br /> 7his contr3et shall be binding en both partiea as soon as it is executed by both parties , but , sriwld
<br /> � � . none oP the abcva rer1 estste be required this contrnet shall terainate upon the payment o£ $10. 00 by the � �
<br />. � Buyer� to. the Ovaer. �. �. � .
<br /> Buyer forther agrees to replace owners driveway in accordance with �
<br /> construction plans on file with the Department of Public Works , project .� � .�;. :
<br /> No . M-5161� E001 ) , dated 27 April 1977 , and incorporated herein by reference . - ': ;G ;
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