� �
<br /> �$, U00980 �
<br /> T�fE. MORTGAGOR; . F.URTHER COVENANT5 �4ND .AGREES_ , _ . '�- : . _
<br /> � ; �. ;�
<br /> � �. That Sh� Moltgagor will pay -the indebt�dnesa as � hereinbefore �_provided.-� . � . . � . � � � � -� ' . � � � � ��
<br /> r �. ,,,,y . . . . . . , :. . . . � . . . .
<br /> � That the Mdrtgagor is the �yner oC said property in [ee a�mple and hsn goocl right and lawful autksority to sell and ��
<br /> � ��� convey the same and .Chat the a�t�e �a free and �cic�r o[ any lien oE•encumbzance; am7 ihat MorYgagor will warrant_;and de(end tbe. � _,
<br /> titte to said �premiaes�� againsN<;ttie �cFaims :oF al�� peinona :�whoms6ever., , . . . . . _ . .
<br /> . ,,. � .::...% j , . ,, i ,;; .. ., . , _ .;;. �.. . . . ..
<br /> � To psy isninedtately w"hen, @ue"pn51 "payebje all general teses, sp�cieC taxes, .special assessmentY, water charges, sewer serv- �� � .
<br /> - ice chatges, and ot�er taxea� end - chargeq against said property , nnd ell laxes levic•d on the r�ebt srcured hereby, and to furnixli the
<br /> � � Mortgagee. Upon rZquetSt,-� with` the �"oflgina( `Ar dvpficatN receipte � thrrefor. � The Morigagor agreas that there � ahall be� added to � � �� . .. �
<br /> � each monthly payment required her�under or� under the �evidence of def>t secured hereby an amountestimated hy the Mortgagee � �� � � �
<br /> � � to be auffieients��ko =enabre �� th@� .j1¢ortgagte� to yay, av they become due, all taxes, nsses.cmenls. and similar chnrgeit apon thr .prem�__ � � . . � � � � � .
<br /> . isea subjecC � thereLo;`�any deRciency Kecaose of the insu�cicncy oF .vuch additional P6ymenta vhall he Portfiwith deposited by � the � � - �� � � � `
<br /> . MortRaqor with the Mortgngee upon drmand hy tht� Morl�;agee. Any de(ault under thia paragraph shnll b�� dF-F•med a dofnult in . � �
<br /> psyme}if of � fnxps..�� aieiescmenfn, nr cimilar charK�'s .reyuirvd herrunder. . . . . �
<br /> � . � . � Tbe Martgugqr agrees�. that there ahall alew be aeJdcd to each munthly paymeniof ��rincipal and intereat reyuired here- � � .
<br /> under an aniount estimated by the Mortqager to be suN'iciYnf to vnable [h�� Mortgage�a t�� puy, as it F�•cum<•s due, the insurance � . � . �
<br /> , premium on any insuranm policy delivered to th� Mortgagee. Any defici�• ncy hecause of fhe insufficir.ncy of such additional pay- � � �
<br /> men'Lv shall be forthwith �deposited by the Mortgagur with the Mortgagee u�x>n demand by the Mortgagec. Any de[»ult under this � . . � :
<br /> � � paragraph shall be deemed u default in the PaYment of insurancr prnmiums. If the pnlic,y or policies deposited ar<• such � as trome- � � � � . _
<br /> ' owners or all risk policies. and tht• <le{�sit�s & rr insuRc:irnt tu pay th�• entin• prrrmium. thr• Mortt;a�r�• may �pr>ty the de�posit to .. . . . .
<br /> pay premiums on riKks rcquired to be insurc<7 by this mortgr�ga . . � �
<br /> � PaymenGv madE� � by the Mortgagor undrr fhe abovr paregraph� may , at ihe opfion of th�• btnrtgagce, be held by it and � � �
<br /> � commingled with othrr such (unds or iLc nwn funds fur Ihe payment o( such items. an<1 unt.il .c. applied , such papmrnts are herrhy ' � ,
<br /> , plecire[i as security for thr unpaid balance of thP mortR:tge indebtednevs. . � �
<br /> 7'o proc:ure, detiver tn. and mainlain [or tha 1wn<cfit nC the �TurLKagee during the li (e o[ this mortgake nriginal policie!s and - �
<br /> renewals thereof, delive�ecl at least ten days FMforr+ [he �xpirntion of any such polit:ic<, insuring ageinst fire and uther insurxble � ' . �
<br /> , hazardn, caeuelties, and contingencies an the Mortgugee mny rrquire, in nn amount equnl to the indebtednen�s secured by this � _ �
<br /> Mortgage, and in companies acceptablr fn th�• Mortgagee, v.�ith Ioss payxble� clau.u� in favor n( and in (<.rm acceptable to the Mortga� � � � �
<br /> �� gee. In the event any policy ic not renewed un or M,tore ten days uf its expirat.ion. th�• MortK�RPe may procurr insurance on the �
<br /> �. improvements, pay the premium thFvefur. and such vum chall becumr immediatcly due• and payable with interest at ChP rate srt �� � �
<br /> (orth in said note until paid r�nd shall Ix• secur�•d by this mr, rt�;al;•'. Faflurc on the part of the Idortgagor to (urnish such renrwals � � .
<br /> as are herrin required ur failure to p&y :�ny sums advanc��d hrreundPr sha11 , at the oplion ut the Mortgagee, cunstitute a de[ault �. � � � � � .
<br /> �. under the term.v o( this mortgagc. The delivery o( such pn( ieir. shall , in tfie event of de(ault, constitute an avsignmrnl of the un• � � � � �
<br /> . earned premium. . � �
<br /> Any nums received by the Murtgagee by reason n! loss or deimage fnsured again�t may be recained 6y the MurtRaqee � . �
<br /> � and applia:d toward the payment of the debt hereby secured . or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly or in �, � -
<br /> part may be paid over tu thr Mortgagnr lo be uKrd tu re�pnir vuch buildings or to build ' new buildinK`� in Lh 'rir placr or for any . �
<br /> � other purpose or objeCt satisfactary lo lh� MortK++Gne withoul aR�•stinK th�• lien .�n the mmtgage for lhe fiitl amount .ecured here� �
<br /> � �. by before such paymeni ever tuok place. . � � . �
<br /> � To prompdy repair, restore ur rebuild any Fuildings or improvements now ur hrreaftrr on the prvmises which may Me- ; . �. . . �
<br /> �. rnme damaRed or destroyed ; to keep said premisea in g��d mndition and repair and Cree (rom any mechanic's lie� or other lien or � � � .�
<br /> claim ol lien not expressly subordinated to the lirn hrrcof; not to suRer rm permit any unlawful use o( or any nuisance to exist on � . � � � � �
<br /> aaid property nor ta permit waste on said premixs, nor to do any other nc[ wherehl' the properly hereby conveyed shall become " � � �
<br /> . . less valuable, nor to diminiah or impair its value by nny act or omicsiun to act: to enmply with all requiremenls of law with respect � � . � .
<br /> � to the morigaged premises and the use thereoL �. . � . .
<br /> �� Thal should the premicew or any part lhereuf tx take�n ur damagcd by reason o( any public improvement or condemnation � � �
<br /> proceeding. or under the riKht of eminent domain , or in any other manner, the 14ort�;agee shall be: entitlecl to all compensations, � � . �
<br /> � � awards, and any other payment or relief therefor, und shall be entitled, at its uption, to commence, appear in end prosecute ia its � � . � � .
<br /> ' own � name any actiun or proceeding, ur to make any compromise or setUement in connection with nuch laking or damage. All xuch � - �
<br /> eompeneation, awarde. damages, riRht of acLion and proceeds are bereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who may, after � deducting � �
<br /> � therefcom all ita �ezpeneea. release any moneyx so received by it or apply the same on any indebtednes+ secured hereby. The Morb � � . � . �
<br /> . gagor agrees ��to � execute such further aavignments of any compenxation, awerds, damages, xnd rights o(. action and proceeKJs as the . � � . � � .
<br /> . � Mort6aeee. � maY reQuire. . . � •`.. � . . . �
<br /> � � Tdnt in case of failure to perform any of thr cvvenents herein. thr Mortgagee may do on the MortgaK<�r's behalf everything , - . : � . �
<br /> ao covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem n.-cessary tu Protc•ct the lien thereoL' thxt thN Mor[gagor will . ." . . � .
<br /> � �. repap� upon demand 8ny� moneys- paid or disbursc�d by the Mortgagre for any �of the above purlwers, and sueb moneys togetfier with , � � �
<br /> inlerest thereon at� the rate provided� in said note xhall become vo much additional indebledness hereby secured and may be in• ; � �
<br /> � eluded in any decree foreclosinq this murtgaRe and be paid out oE the renta or proceeds uf sale of said premixes if no! otherwisr � . �
<br /> � � peid: that it shall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances. ar claim in ad• z � , � � .
<br /> . vaneing maireys aa above � aulhorized, but. nothing herein contained shall be co+wtruecl as rrquiring the Mortgagre to advance any � � � � �
<br /> � moneya, for any such purpose nor to do any aM hereunder, and that Mortgaqee shall not incur any penunat liabiliiy because of any- � � �. � ,
<br /> �. thing� it�:may .do or omit to do he;eunder. . . .
<br /> - � In the event of the deteult . by Mo�tgagor in the payment of any installment, as requireci .by the Nole secured hereby. . or �
<br /> � � in the perFormance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the MortRagee shall be entitlyd to declare the � � � .
<br /> � � debt secured hereby. due andpayable without notire, and thc Mortgagee shall be entitled at its option, without notice, either hy iWelt �
<br /> �� �� � or �by a ieeeiver to �be -appointed ��by tfie cou*t thereof, and without regdrd to the adequacy of any xecurit,y fnr tbe indebtedness se• .
<br /> � � � � cuted heteby; �to enter` vpon and take pos.kesdiod of the mortgaged premises, and to cotlect and receive the rents, issuex and profita�
<br /> �. thereoi, and�� apply the�same, .lesa costa u[ operation and colleclion, upon �the indebtrdness secured by .this mortgage; said rents. . .
<br /> ` � ; , � � � iaei'Yea'and� A��s�be`�ng hereby'aasigned'�fn the�Mortgagee ss (vrther seeurity for the �paymentbt all indebtednesv securecl hernby.� � � � . � S � .
<br /> . � Tt�e MoNgagee ahall have t6e power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairinq said prem• �
<br /> ` � ieea; renting the aame; collecting the, rents,. revenuea, .and income, and it may pay out of �aaid inrnme all expenses incurred in rent- � " ` -`-� � `
<br /> � � - � � ing and managing- th�e �aeme �and of � colleoting the rentals � iberefrom_ The balance remaining, if � any, shall be applied Yoward thc �. "�
<br /> .. . . � �,. � �;
<br /> • � diechazge of the mortgage indebtednees+. This assignment ie to terminate and become null and void upon release of this mortgeRe. � �_ � " � �K
<br /> � . _� .
<br /> . , . . ... . . . .: .. . . . . , . . .,
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