1 �
<br /> �s-� �ll00969
<br /> TkfE ...MOATGAGOEii�SUKTHER ..CO�."`NFiNTSc :AND AGRE�9: . `
<br /> " : v ` . . . : e
<br /> ,� � � ;That�rtMr Iv�ort�etgbr �.w�lt pay ,the �nde,btedneas aa here�nbetore prwided. , a, , . � -� - - .
<br /> � r _s "D 'v`"E� r�s. ��.,,� v� �: � b�`s . . ,•'..? ' .! >v-.k , -.i� .: : ' .' �. . �I� , . ; �.. . .__ . •��.. . .— . ��:
<br /> , � �� � That the' 'lyfortga�oX� rho-&d�iner of ,qa�d properCy in tee eimple�� a�d 'hes good right and lawful authority to nr.11 an<f� '��"
<br /> E rnnvey . Lhe .sBme and��,ihaE thcnamoe�6',C.ta� wend clear of any Len or;gngrembrsnce;'.and �-;tkat �.Mortgagor wilt warrant and de[end�� the : , �'� �
<br /> title to eaid preeru5e.b^ a'qaitist"`�'Ft�e �,tai��QG', s�tj �:perdoiu+ w'ho{,neoeti[er �' � � .
<br /> . . er r '� ��}�e�°�",�ik*�`a ,� ekvX �� cr ., �
<br /> � To pay amiete�etely vyhea due,sail piiyable slt generel taxes, speCiat taxes,. speciel assessmenta, water chargex, sewer serv-
<br /> 1� , ice charges, , and ot� h�sen and charges a'Rainat ,xst�d property, and ull taxes levied �on Lhe debt secured hereby. and lo furnish the . �
<br /> . �� �;. � Mortgagee, upon 'r$qn�ek with`tbe� iiriginel_ or,.duplicate.�. receipts� tf�erefor. � The M�rtgaRor agreex that there shall � Fie ailde8 ` to ����.�� � ���.
<br /> � . eech monthly pax ent re4uired hereunder or �under � the evidence �r den� se.cured hPrehy an amount eatimated hy the Mortgagee
<br /> , � � . to � be suH�icien,� th�iinblp ttie; ]Y�`�ikqa�eC; to pay, as they become due. . all �taxes, aesasments, and similar charges ;upon the premi .� ' �'�
<br /> ' � i6es '9ub9eet�- thereto;�� S7�y, deficiency beceuse - of 'the irisufficiency �of such- � �addlional paymentc � shnll b� forthwith depc�,cited by'Yhe � � ,' ., �. . � . . ;y
<br /> � MoY�gagor , with thr; Mortgugee upun. demand by the Mortgager.. Any deftiult under this paragrnph ahail he d���med e �Iefault in � . �
<br /> :
<br /> � : . : y'payitrBt�t `of .. ttu2es; essea§menLc. or similar charges requirec3 hereunder. . . .. . � . � . � :- . � � .:
<br /> � � . . tr n.?: �.� :. .. . '.+. . . . _ � . :. . . . . . . �. -. . - : � . .- . - : . . . � . � . _ . . , . . � . , . . . �. �.. . . .
<br /> �. � T . �,-. The MorLgagor a�reeir that there sha14 �e4vo� be addecl � tu .rach monthly paymenLot principal ancl interest required here- -. �� � �
<br /> � , F; , . . urider an amount estirnatecl by tfie Mortgagee tu be �sutBcirnL to enab(r the Mortgagee to pay, as it f�c•comes d �e, the � nsurarrce . � . .
<br /> �" + � premium on any insuraoce policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because ot lhe insufficiency o( s�ch aJditional pay- �
<br /> �"�+ �merits khall be Torthwith d`epoa3ited`by � the Morigagor witfi the� 1Tortgagee upon demand hy thc !�+Iortgagee.�� Any `default � vnNer this � .�
<br /> paragrapll�shall be dFsemed &"default. in the payment oC ins� rance� pmmiums. If the Fx�ticy or pOI%CIfF � �ICP04Il@(I afA such as h.ime- � � �� .
<br /> ownr.rs or all risk policies, und the deposits nrc insufficient to pny the �mtirr pmmium , the Mortgag��r mny� apply the depoes'rt to �"° � ' � �
<br /> . nay premiume on risks required to Fm insurcd by this mortgage. � � � �
<br /> �� � Paymentg made by the Murtgagor � under the above paragraphs may, at th� option ot the Mortgagee, be held � by it and .
<br /> eommingled with other such [unds nr �ith own funds for the -payment of such iteme, and until so applied, such payments are hereby � �
<br /> pleriged as security for the unpaid ' balance of � the mort�aRe indebtednesv. � � � � � " � �. �
<br /> To procure, deliver to, and maintain for the henefit uf the Mprtgagee during the life �f this mortgaKe urigina! policies and . � . �
<br /> .� ; renewals thereof, delivered at least ten [IAyB FN!(QI'P the i�zpiration . of any ,uch policies, .insuring abainst fire and other insurahle � �
<br /> buzarda, caeualties, and contingencies as the� Mortgngee� may� require, :n an amount eqval � to�ihe indebtedneas aecured by this � � .
<br /> Mortgage, and in companies acceptvlrle to the Mort�ager, with loss -payeble clauae in favor of and in fnrm acceptable. to the Mortga• . .
<br /> �- a � gee. In the event any policy is not re:newc�l on nr before ten dnys o[ ity expiration. the Mortqagee may prceure insurance on the , �
<br /> . � impzwements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum shall brcome immediately due and payable with interest at the rate �t �
<br /> forth in said note untit paid and shell be ucured by this mortgaKe. Failurc on the part of the Mortgagor to furniuh such renrwals �
<br /> ��.,,, an are herein required ur failure to pay any nums advancrd hereundPr shxll. at the option o[ the Mo�tgagee, constilute a de(ault . �
<br /> �� � � exn�ler fhe term.v of this mortgage. The delivery nf VUCFI {)UIIf1P4 �hall . in the event nf defautt, constitute an assignment oC the un-
<br /> ,. ,�.� � � earned'prc�nriam.
<br /> �,� . _ � . Any avms received by the Mortgagee by reason o( loes or damage insured against may he retained by the blortgaRee
<br /> and applicd toward [he {rayment of the debt hereby securecl, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such aums either wholly ur in � . � .
<br /> ' pert may be paid over to the Mortgogor to be uacd to repair such buildings or to build ' new buildinqs in their place or far any
<br /> � �. other purpose or object satisfacWry to the MortRagee withaut nffectinK the lien on the mortRage for the full amount ercured here� .
<br /> ° by be[ore such payment ever tcwk place. - � . .
<br /> To promptly repair, restore ur rrbuild any buildings nr impmvements now ur hrrrafter on the premi+rs which may kae- � �
<br /> � rnme damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free [rom any mrchanic'n lien or other lien c>r � � ' ��
<br /> � � �claim of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof; not to sufter or permit any unlaw[al u.se of or any nuisance to exiat on � � � . ';i"Y
<br /> � aaid property nor to Aettnit waste on said premiwec, nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall become �
<br /> . � leas ve:uable, nor Lo diminiah or impair its value by any act or omicsion to uct ; to comply with all requiremenLs of law with rewpert � � �
<br /> . � � t . to the mortgaged premiers and the use thereoL � � � .
<br /> . That ehould the premisea or any part thereof be laken ur d-amaged by rra�un of any pub} ic improvemvn[ or condemnation � .
<br /> � A � . proceeding, or vnder the right o[ eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to a7� compensations, .
<br /> . �� j awards, and any other payment or relief lherefor, and � shalF be en6tte0, ab its option; to commence, appear in �and � praeecute in "sta ' _ � �
<br /> ' � own name any action or Proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connecfion with such takinq or damage. All euch . � . �
<br /> �. . � � octnpeneation. >awards: � damages; ��righL o[ � action and proceeds� are here6y � assigned to the Martgagee.. �.who may�. aftez :.deducting - � .
<br /> , ther`efrom all'i4. expensea, � relesee any moneys so �rrceived by it ur apply� �the same un any indebtedness securrd }.ereby. The Mort� - � � �
<br /> geBorsaBrces'tn�, ezecute� such . fvrther ansignmanta of � any compensetiun,. awarrls. damages,. and riqhta ot actiun and proceeds as, ttae. , �
<br /> � � Mortgpgeet..maY rn4uese. . . � � �� . � . . � . � . . � . . . . .
<br /> � That in ca9e o[ failure to perform any o( the covenants herein. the Mortgagee may do on the � Mortqagor's� behalf everythiag �_. , ., � �
<br /> ' .. . � � eo covenanted; that the. Murtgagee mey alao do any act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereo(; that the MorLgaqor will : � ^ �� . . .
<br /> . ;, repay upon demand �y moneys �paid or diabuaaed by the Mortgagee for any of the above purposes, and such moneys toqetker with - � . . � �
<br /> �iiiterest' -�thereon � at�th� rate� provided� in � xaid 'note .ahall becomeao much additional � in�ebtednean hereby secured end may��� be �in- � �,-- � � �
<br /> � � 'y � cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out o[ the renta or proceeds� o[ aale � of aeid premiaes� if nob otheswiee � �� �� � � � �
<br /> • ; � paid; that it ahall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity o( any lien. encumbrances_ ur claim in ac!- , � , �� �.
<br /> . vancing��rri*aoneya��as� above �. authorized, �but nothing� hemin contained shall be� construed .as requiring � the Mortgagea to. sdvance any ,;� - � � � . � ,
<br /> i � 3 � - � �moa�eys �for:any:auch�purpose .nor� todoany act .hereunder; and that Mortgageeshall- not. incur.. any persunalliability �F�eeauxeof any-. : . � . � . . �
<br /> . thin6� iE�may: do.or�.omit�to dohereundee. �.. . , _ . . . � . . . . � . . . .
<br /> } , ,
<br /> In the event of the �detault by. Mortgagor in� the payment of any installment. as required by thr Note s�cured hereby. _ or � � �
<br /> �. � in the pedormance of the obligation in' this mortgage or in the note secured there6y, the Mortgagee � shall be enGitted to declare the , � � . .
<br /> � .� � � debt aecuced: hereby .due end payahle without nutice, and the Morpgagee� shall be entitled, at its option, without notice, either by it�rlf � . . � � . ��..
<br /> , .. . . . . . , �. . .. . . . . . , �
<br /> - � � � - � � � or �bp a recerver t6 'be� appointrd ,by the� court thereof, and wi(hout reRbrd to tlie �adeqvecy of any secarity - for the iedebteriaes.s ce• ' � � '
<br /> ... .:. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . „
<br /> i j . � ' cnt�d lie�rebq, to �enter vport:�aad take�. poa�edsion' of' the mortgaged ''premisea, a�' to �collect and � receive the� rents, � ixsues aad profrta � � � � � � � �
<br /> � �� tHezeof'` "and' apply tFr� aeaie, �Sens coets� o[ operatYort and ',Poltection, ., upon �the � indebtedneae ��secured by' �this mortgege: ', said rertls,�� - . � t
<br /> � . �xk4
<br /> 3 � iae�ed`an� �ro5fs'Tiein6' hereby'a9si8iietl� to !h`e Mo'tgagee'ss iurther� security for the payment of all Snde6tednei+s se�urnri hereby, � � � ,
<br /> . . : . . .. .. . �. . �.,.� ', : �
<br /> � � � . � � . ., :;-•`:-'
<br /> �
<br /> The Mortgegee ehall have the power to appoint any agent or agenLa it may desire for the purpose� of repairinR said prem- � d
<br /> J { .: - iaes: ronting� the, same �oUeCting the. rent�, re.wenues . and income, and it may pay out of said income all exprnses incurre<f in rent- � � �:y 7
<br /> t : i` � ing a� managing fli� eame �and ol �collecting ��.tHe rentale� therefrom'.� The ' balance remaining, i[ � any. sball F�e applied toward the . z�� ' ���
<br /> `�^�� � , di6charge of the n�oZtge�e;i�dgbtedneea: This Tam�gnment .is to terminate and become null and void upon relesse o( lhis mortgage. . � ' �� "�
<br /> � .. . . , , . . . _. ., . .. . . . , .. . . . -
<br /> 1, , .�z . � ; �
<br /> � .�k� -'t'.t,.> �n�, . . j`� , . . �� .��` . �` .. . . . . � ' � f�..�.� ,.. rr
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