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_ . I � '. <br /> t . .:: <br /> , _ _ <br /> ,s.� uoo9s7 ` . �;,. .. �. <br /> : , . . ,. .. <br /> .rv . _ �� , <br /> TFIE._'MORTGAGOR..FURTtrFu ..COVENAAIT9' ANIT:..A�REES: . - <br /> . <br /> y • 4 ,,� - <br /> _ . , <br /> � �. � a ,� 7 Y �. , <br /> That„�thye,�n 4 - a Y �nti D°3` �te' �ndebtrtdn� as berein bel4,re Pra+nded . : ' - . : , r V <br /> � . �aN,4�� ' �-,�',,,�,:.� Fy s } t�r :.n.-�' 32(n.Y ..^.b y , . p l' . . : <br /> : � . -...�, _ 1'haE,�the Mo 'r"egago�.s'�' � ,Eeb �� r of eaid �.. .�. . , , � . ` �� .` ; ._ _ . . � �. , 4 �, �, <br /> propeNy in fee s�mple and has good nghtfand lawful authority to sell ancf , ,.,+, <br /> �j, convey the s�ma,�aNy[�f,h,a� the�in end �lear gf eny Len or �ac�itel�rance; and that � Moxtg86� ��I L'�warranti���and de[enel the � ��+ � �: � �.� ' � �. <br /> � + , tiUe���� to aaid �pzelniAeai�:al� � �Cle� ��(� ,. a ns� wh• . . . <br /> ) �7 �, ++.K .f ro v � � ..ou�9P�elf ° � i: ,:: .. ^- � _ ' t tt:� <br /> S ' � I a " {� Y�n�k f u:� U. ? J . C ; . . . . , . .: <br /> � . � F �t � - C �IfN4��� a.. � � 1 3^ 2. y� '' r�. a.,'y3/ h q. ° . � ; � . ,i �. �, . ._ a <br /> T`o ��Lpma�its�tel�y�ieFtYda����' payab� �dr generaT t8xeq; gpeCie! iaxes, speciai asseasments, water char e�, sewer serv- <br /> � ,..o, a.. � . S i' . : � - <br /> "� - � ioe charges, aii � oEhea�:�tazee` ,and charges agalnst bgid �pMperty and�all taxes levied on thc debL securecl hereby, and to furnish the " ` <br /> j � Mortgagee, 4Pon requc�t w�th �the or�,g�nel, or dup�icate receipts therefor. The Mortg�gor agrees that there schall be added to . �' i �� <br /> ` � each monthly��syment" reyu�red., hereundei or under !he evidence �o[� debt secvred hrreby :an amount estimetrd by !he Mort�egee * ; <br /> ' ... , , . . . _. . <br /> } . . to be su8ic�ent'� �}t �t3afiFe. t4�e� ju(nsl�g� pay, as they bernme due, al! taxes, aeaessmente. snd nimilar cherge� . upon tbe��� prem +`�.� ' ' � <br /> i4�b""�QtbjeeE"Lli�teEb; any defieierioy "Ei[irause of"the insutficiency of such additional paymentq shri�l be forthwith � deposited`��by tfie ' '' ' � � �� + <br /> �� � Mortgagurl �yiCd the Mortgagee upon. demand by the Mortgagee.. Any default under this. paroRrnph shall be. deemed a defauit � in � <br /> ;�. � paymerlt' af ' Eaxen ; avsie�.smenta; " or siisrilar charges � requircvi he�eun�3er. � � - ' � � - - � � � � � - � � <br /> �. � � ._>.: .' , .,' �i : . :-,�.: " . �,: i :. ' � .. �. . . : :� -. � , . , , . . � . : . ' . :- l _ �. :� '. . . � ... � '.'. �. . " :. . . . � . . <br /> a i <br /> �� � The Mort�agor agrc�es that there shall also be added to each munthly payment of principal and• intereaR. required here- � � <br /> under an amount eslimated by the 2Kortgagee to t�e sutGcient to enabfe fBe Mortgage� to pay, as it � becomes due, tMe� inaurance � <br /> � ��. premium on any inxurance policy defivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency- of soqh, addi;ional , pay- ��e � . � ' �� <br /> � meriLd shettl � F�e forthwith'�8eprisited "by 'the � Mortgagor� with the � Mortgagee upon demand � by the Martgagee:� Ahy �deFault �unHe}' this ' � <br /> . . paragraph shall be deemed - a default in the payment 'of insurence premiams: If � tfie �mlicy� or � policiex� deposited� are auch as Mime- ' � - �� . ;��'. <br /> owners or al) risk policies, and the deposit� are inxu(ficient to pay tl�e entirr premium , the Mortga�;ei� may apply the d�•posit tn <br /> '� � PHY Premiuirib-:on..FlSks r�yui�ed .to �.be �nsured bythi� mottgage: . .. . . ' . � . . . , ,. � . '�..: <br /> � . . � . r .�_ .. .. . . , i . . . � . . �� . � . . <br /> �:� ' ' _ _ . . � ,_' , �. i � ' �. <br /> :� . . � Paymentv made by the Mortgagnr under the abm�e paregraphs may, at the � optior� of � fhe Morfgagee, Fie� �held by � iC�and "` " ' <br /> � ' ; � commingleci with other such funds or ilx own [unds for thr. payment n( such itrrns, and until �o applied, such payntents sre hereby . �,' . �, <br /> pledged �as security� forthe - u•nryaid �balence o( the 'rnortgaReindebbednessi � . - .. ..- , . .- .. . � . . �. - . � : � , .• ' -. �. � � � � �- .% - � ;, �. <br /> ,� � , r To procu,�e.� deLvQr tu, �and meintbin for tbe benefit�� oF th� Mortqagee. during the IiFe of �this mortga�e origina! �nl�ciea�^and r,. <br /> ���,� . renrwats thereof,�deliver�d at lrast ten day� I�e[ore t6c expiration of� any such policies, ir�uring against Fire and � othe. r insurahle � � ',. <br /> hazatde, easualties, and contin enciea as the Mor agee ma r ��t� <br /> , g tg y equire, in an amount equai to the indebtedneas secured by this <br /> Mortgage, and. in companiex accepLable to the Mortgager., with loss payable clausr in favur of and in form acceptable to tfie Mortga- . . <br /> i � � gee. In the � eveni any policy is not renewcv! on or beFore ten days of its expirution, the Mortgagee may procure inrturence on the e . . <br /> . improvementa, pay the premium there(or, and such sum shall become immediately due and payable with interrst at the rate srt . , .,:;� <br /> . � [otth in � said note unlil paid and shal2 k� secura•d by this mortgage_ Failure on the Part ot the Mortgagor to [urnish such renewal� _ <br /> � . . � as are herein required ur failure to pay any sums advenced herNunder shall, at the option ot the Mortgagee, constitute a default � � � <br /> + � . under the terma o[ thia mortqagr. The delivery of such policies shall , in the event of default, rnnsliWte art assiqnment uf the un• , <br /> ; ;�. . earned premium. �� <br /> ,r.: <br /> i <br /> ; �. � Any sums received by the Murtgagee by reavon of loss ur damage insured against may be rrlained by the Mortgagee �; _ <br /> a. �� � . � �and applied toward the payment of the debt hereby secured, or. at the option of the Mortgagee, such sumx either wholly or in z � , <br /> : � -�pert may �� be paid ove� to .the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build ' new buildings in their place or for any . . ` '.; <br /> � � � . other . purpoee or object satisfactory to the M<�rtgagee without aRecting the lien on the mortgage for the full amount secured here- ; � l=� <br /> ? � � � � by before such � payment ever took place. . . � <br /> . -.3 � �� � . . � � � � � <br /> � � � � . � �� To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvementc now ur hrreafter on the premiaes which may be- `; <br /> . � rnme damaged or destroyed: to keep said Aremises in good conditioa and repair and tree [rom any mrchanic's lirn or other lien or .a, :;�� <br /> � � . � claim o[. lien not expresely eubordinated to the tien hereof; no[ to sutier or permit any unlawful use ot or any nuissnce to exist on � �:i <br /> � aaid property nor Lo permit waate on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall hecome : <br /> �. �.� . � , lees valuable, nor to diminiah or impair ifs value by any act or omission to act ; to cnmply with a❑ requirementa of Iaw wfth respect . ;' <br /> � � to the mortgaged pmmises and the vse thereof. � ' <br /> `� <br /> � . � � . ' That ahould �thr premises or any part thereo( be taken or damaged by rea.wn of any public improvement or condemnation <br /> {�.� .� � . prxeeding, or under the right ot eminent domain, ur in any other manner, the I�fortgagee sha❑ be entiUed to all compensations. �� � � - <br /> � � � � � � awards, and any other payment or relie[ therefor, and shall �be entitIed, at its option �, to commerice,� �appear in� end ' Proseeute "in ��ita� . � . <br /> . . own.� natne any action or proceeding, or to make any compramise or settlement in connection with auch taking. or dainage. � At! xuch - . � <br /> ; � . ' � eoinpeneaYiotY:�"ewards; '�datnsges; �right � o[ action� and pzoceeda are hereby assigned to tbe Ntortgagee,� who may;� af[eE ."dedueting ' � �; , ' '� � <br /> { t�er'ietrom all`ita� �expenaea, releeee�� ahy . moaeys ��so received by� it � or apply� the same on any indebtednena seeured��hereby. 'Phe Mort- . � . <br /> , � . � gagor.:.agreea��; W- e�cecute� such � Lurther� axeignmenfa of aay compensation, awarda, damages, and rights ot actiun. anfl :proceeda sa�� the . . � . <br /> .;... :Marl6nB�A;�may. .sequire.��� -,� . . . - . � . . .. . � . . . . . . � .. '. . :� <br /> . P . . . . � �� � ' . ' � . , . . . � . . . � . - . . �: . _ z . . . <br /> ' � � - � � � . . That in case of failure to perform any of thr aovenants herein, the Mortgagee may do on � the Morlgagor¢ bebalf everything .;. ;� � <br /> .y ; � ' � ao covenantCd; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary te> protect tfie lien thereof; that [he Mortgagor will "'c'� ' � � <br /> . . , � :, . . . _ . ...:... . . . ',� <br /> �g � � repay.�;;vpon demand 'any moneys�paid� or�disliursed� by the Mortgagae [or� any of the �above purposea. and euch moneys togetfier with � ` � � � � . <br /> •. � . � � . ._... � .< <br /> � interest� thettron"aC the tate� pzovided in said nole shal! become ao much additional in�lebtedneex hereby secured�� and� may he in- � "�� � - � � � �- � <br /> � � cluded ��in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of the rents or proceeda nf� sele ef said� �sremiaes. it not -otherwiae. � - . . . � . � <br /> � i peid; thst it .ahsil not ba obligatory upon the Morigagee to inquire into the validity of any lien. encumbrances, or claim in ad- _:; . � � � <br /> ; v�hdng,moneys;as ebove ; authorized; �. bu4 nothing �� henin -contained � shall- be conatrued as requiring the �Mortgagee ��,to advance any �' � � . . <br /> s 't � moaeye .foreaay;;such�purpoee no;..4o do,any. aM �heFeunder; and : that Mortgagee: a1�all notincur any perewnel liability -becaur.e of any- � � � . . . <br /> b th'tns„it:may�.� do..or..vmit, b do her4under. :. -: . . . `�.." � �� <br /> . : . „� - �, , • ,;..,. ; , . ;,.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . .-- . . . . <br /> 3 ' � ' � � ` In fhe event of� .the default by; Moztgagor, in the payment of -any� installrnent, as required � by. the � Note -. secured hereby. or � � ' ,; <br /> �� � ; in tLe pedormance oC the obliga4ion in thu�mortgage or in �the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be rntitled to declare the � . � �.. <br /> , ;, , . +e� � , y due>apd peyayle wilhout noGce..and,the_Mort ee ahall be enLitled at its option, withont notice, .either by itself � �� <br /> debt"se�v .hqreb Sa8 <br /> � � or �iy a tEc��ver to be'appofnEed b fh2 eourt thereof, and w�thout regard to the adeqaacv ot any �security� for' the ii�iiebteilneas se- � � � � <br /> ,'.�f c�{ 'red htnby` '.f"v enter vpon, end �take poe3ees5ort o'3`�'2he mortgag'ed premiees. and to collect and � reccive the -rents, issuex and��profiL� �� � � � <br /> , �� thereol; ead^:app2y the�.ssinet .l�sycoaMa o[�_operation���and ^colteC6an, upon the�� indebtednese secured � by "this mo'tgsqe; seid '��tents,� ��� . � � <br /> � i6e�Ea�dn�� "to6f�'�b6in` � � : <br /> �. � �� � g��.erElry'adeegned" to �ff�e`Mort;agerae �further securit� (or tfie paymcnt o�� sll indebtednees aecureKI �ereby. �� � � �-. � •�� <br /> �,.� ,. . � . . . . . . . . . . .. � . . . � , � . ; �., .: � ; . . .. . - . . . , : , �. . � . � -�� � <br /> x � �- The -Most6agee shall have the power to. appoini any. agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said P�em-� . � ""' _'="`� J ,' <br /> iaea: rentin�� Lh� asme �caAechna;'the sents„ revenue9 and income,, and�it may pay out of said incame all. ex � � - �' <br /> � r c . : ,_, . .. . . . . Penses .inwrred .in renL . , i� <br /> ��,�N ^ �ng and �natsdsang �lhe esmF and��ot coll'e'cting the� tenfale lherefrom � �The balance rnmaining; � �it sny. shall be applied towdrd the . ' ' c ' � ,` <br /> , <br /> au�,brn or +� mpd�9 �ndFbtednene Th�s aae�gnmrnt �n to terramate and become nvll and void upon release of this mortgaAe. t' � <br /> � ' �` -.4 ,� � ���r. �C i3 SSMYe sIL4' ;r � .. � ^c , ' :,, i ;, •�<,. , ., -. . . . . . . .. � - ' ts � <br /> p� i�y :w .y"fly3-^�J <br /> W 0.r7�fi. �L� � � � '`1a 1 f . . . . . . . �� <br /> j e �� ' <br /> j{� � 5 r-' "� <br /> �� 1 " � -�{✓. . � � �'�'; t� #{M"`i!^` \ '�.£i\ ��w' ., ` . - � �."�r y� <br /> �f l� A �r.��� � �� N]' l � . � �F : .lP' 'S <br /> Id �1' ++.... - ' . . . . `- T -0 � 4� <br /> 1 � ____ <br /> �� .� . � <br /> � F <br /> �t . . -. ; ., .n:�.' . . ( . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . : fi • . . <br /> S � . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> 4 �3 � . . . . . . . <br /> � <br /> . . . � � . . . . . . . ' . � . . J � . <br />