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<br />�� � ' • WARRANTY>DEED : ;
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<br />� ` Gle� 1�. Stewart, a single person, herein called the
<br />� gsa�[or,` i�:cc�ideration of a private a�snv�ity agreement based ��
<br />� , upon market va�iue of $35Q,QOU.00 executed by grantee, does grant, ;:•,
<br /> ba�gg.i.n, selZ, convey and confirm ur�to Dyn asty Enterpri-ses, a , x;,
<br />� co-partnership,. herein called grantee, the following described real -;
<br />� ` ,property in Ha11 County, Nebraska:
<br />� 1.
<br />� A tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the
<br />� Northesst Quarter (NW'�NE'�1 0£ Section Twenty- = ;,. =.
<br /> i.. Nine (29), in'Township Eleven (11), North, -
<br /> Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , more
<br /> particularly described as follows: beginning , :';
<br /> at a point 33.0 feet south and 593.0 feet
<br /> west of the Northeast corner of said NW'�NE'�;
<br /> thence running southerly and parallel to the ~
<br /> east line of the NW'�NE� a dista:nce of 400.0 i
<br /> feet; thence running westerly and paral�el �='
<br /> to the north line of the NW'�NE'� a distance �
<br /> of 130.0 feet; thence running northerl and
<br /> parallel to the east line of the NW'�NE� a
<br /> distance of 400.0 feet; thence running ea'sterly �
<br /> and parallel to the north line of the NW'�NEZ
<br /> ' a distance of 130.0 feet to the point of � :;
<br /> beginning. Now known as: Lots One (1), {
<br /> � � Two (2)', Three (3) , and Four (4), in BZock � � r
<br /> Two (2), in Stewart Place Subdivison. � ' �,'
<br /> � ,�,
<br /> ,
<br /> 2. � v��;
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Six '�
<br /> (6) , Block Two (2) , Stewart 'Place Subdivision, � '
<br /> Iia11 County, Nebraska, more particulaxly ` r ;
<br /> described as follows: beginning at the South- � �
<br /> west corner of said Lot Six (6) ; thence northerly' ' '-'•
<br /> ' a].ong and upon the west line of said Lot -Six : ,,; �!
<br />� C6) , a 'distance of Ninety and Seven Tenths
<br /> (90..7) feet,; thence running northeasterTy
<br /> along and upon `the arc of a cirle whose radius -
<br /> is;;'One -Hundred Twenty (T20.0) feet, (aZso
<br /> bein the northwesterly line of said Lot
<br /> Six �6), a distance of -0ne Hundred-Thirteen
<br /> a�nd Thirty-Nine Hundredths (L13.:39} feet; ,;
<br /> thence easterly aTang and upon the northerly ,`.;
<br />� . Tine of said`Lot Six (6) , a distance of
<br /> Twenty-Two and Two Tenths (22.2) 'feet; tt:ence
<br /> rcisming southerly perpendicuLar to Che
<br /> nor�herl.y line of said Lot Six (6), a distance
<br /> of One Iinndred Fifty-8even (157.0) feet; thence
<br /> wester2y along and upon the southerly line of` said
<br /> Lot Six (6), a distance of One Hundred Sev.en'and
<br /> Seventy-Seven Hundredths _(I07.77) feet to- the
<br /> " .` pla.ce of beginning and contain3.ng 0.31 acres, ;.�a' '
<br /> .:, ,;. , more or less.; " .
<br /> 3.
<br /> A tract`'of, land comprising a part of Zot Six '
<br /> (6)`, B2ock Two (2), Stewart Pl�ace Subdivision, i
<br /> � Ha1:I Coutet}�, Nebraska. AND a ;part of the �_:. ,
<br />�Y �TorCiz�agC �Qua�t'er (I��) � Section Twen�.y-
<br />�'� 3J3.ire (29`��"�ToFmship�Eleven (1-1) North� Raage�� � � �� � �
<br /> . ,-
<br /> rF t ' N�xie (3') , W�'at a� °the 6th ly:M: , in H�-11 County, ..;.:�---:; , ';
<br />� 1V`�li�casl�.� ad�are gart�,cu3.a=�.Y described ss
<br />�J 'w°�' f��Ds��.,��� �gi�sY3;�a� aC a�: �o��.nt on tt�.e so�sther�ly � �� ��,
<br />��Ea 4� �
<br /> r .� � � � f � �� � .•� f�ii
<br /> a �
<br />� }, �� � � � ./��� /'�c � m�
<br />��µ GI::E1�F'Nt: � ' � �
<br />, � � �
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br />