� �
<br /> N}-0375 �� ������ �
<br /> .I.h�t Fraacie L. Weber ,na Grren K. Weber ,i,;,w;f.or
<br /> ��++� . (If Gnntor is no[married,add words'•an umnarried person".) � � . �` � �. � �����,��
<br /> (' �li Coun[y,Nebraska,in consideration of S �'�Q� ,rcccipt of whwh i>hcreby acknowledged,and the FurNicr payment oFa ��.
<br /> I � sum to make to[al payment of S 1•O0 for 1 poles und anchorsrnd ocher necesaary equipment when sc[on[6e fnitowing described property, � .
<br /> . du � MC hereby grant and convey unto che V1�.ZAR! O£ C81t0 nIId ttlC Nnbraska Publie pOMer D16tT�Ct � � . � � �
<br /> � (hereinafter.referred[o as Crantee,whether onc or morc) � � . � � �
<br /> i[s(their� leaiees,successors and assigns,thr�ermar�ent righe,privilege and easemene of a ngh[of-way tn cnnstruc[,opente,main[ain and remove all necessary � .
<br /> � poles, w�res, guys, underground electric faci ities and o[her ncceasary equipmen[ in connecnc., �herew�th, on and a�ross the fullowing pmperey si[ua[ed in � � � � .
<br /> �a21 County.Ncbraska, morc par[icularly describcd,� r�>u�w:. Part of the southeast qusrter of the
<br /> northeas[ quarter �SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Seetion t�renty-four �24), in Township lrvelve �12) North,
<br /> of Hange Twelve (12) West of the siath P.M., more particularly described ae follows: Coumencing
<br /> on the south boundary line of Syria Straet, aixty (60) feet eouth of the eoutheaat eorner of Lot
<br /> siz (6) in Bloek Four C4) in the Fourth Addition to Cairo, Hall County, Nebraeka; thence running
<br /> South e distance of onn hundred fift� (150) feet; thenee turning at right angles and zunning in
<br /> an easterly direction parallel to the aouth boundary line of Syria Street a distance of approxi-
<br /> matel� two hundred tventy �220) feet to e point interseeting the weet boundary line extnnded of
<br /> ; ��ue.. t., ai�,�y trio., (5) .,f rha Fnurth Addition to Cairo� Hall County Nebraska; thence tnrning ;
<br /> Sxeteaaiat5mc�m�ta�a�umrod�cie�mmcimctltntarltmmczaoc aax�[x�Hy��s�xac�cw�G,x7aaasac
<br /> at right aagles and running north a dietanee of one hundred fifty C150) feet; thence turning at
<br /> right aaglea and running aesterly along and upon the southerly boundary lin� of Syria Street, a
<br /> di�tanc� of approximately two hundred trrenty �220) feet to the point of beginning�
<br /> e e entric ine a un ergrou e ectric aei ities erein contemp ate s a e ocat on
<br /> the property approximately aa follovrs:
<br /> Oa a eeaterline of a 10' wide etrip, said 10' wide etrip to begin at the northeast eomez,
<br /> thenee southerly to the south boundary a di�tance of 150', thence weaterly 10'; thence northerly
<br /> to the north boundary a distance of 150'; thence eaeterly 10� to the point of beginaing. Said
<br /> centerline is to be approximately 1' veat of the east boundary of the 10' eneement sLrip.
<br /> �
<br /> t The G�ancec shall alw have[he privilege and easemen�uF ingrcss and egmss acru>s the pro�erty to ics(their) (ficers and employccs for any purpose necessary .
<br /> in connection wi[h the construc[ion,operacion,maineenance,inspeccion and removal of sa�d Ime and undcrground electric facilities. . � � . .
<br /> t The C:rantee shall also hav<t6c r�'g ht ac any[ime to crim or removo such[rces and underbrush as may in rny way endanger or in[ederc with che safe opention o( � . �
<br /> [he lines,underground electric facilities and eqmpment uud in connectiun thecewith.
<br /> The Gran[ee shall at all times exercise all due care and diligence to avoid m�ury r damage[o ehe cropa,hventock and o[her personal ptap acty of[he Gnncoc, � � �
<br /> and the Grantee shall indemniFy and save harmless che Grantor from sny such dam�ge and loc>arrsing n o.curring to such prooerty solely by reasun of the . �
<br /> � conseruetion,operacion,maintenance and removal of any overhead electric tines,however, in ehe evene thac all or put of the undergruund elacttic faeili[ies whicL -
<br /> may be inenlled on�aid eaument right-of way bewmes drfeccive or unserviceable in the sole judgmen�of the Gnn[ee,[he Gran�ee shall have the righc,withoue �
<br /> additional payment or consideration ro the Grantor or[hetr successors m tide for any damage ur loss occasiuned thercby,to mawtam,repair br replace such
<br /> � underground facili[ies;provideJ,if improvements to the prop ercy makz the insuliation of such rrplacnnents impractical a[che bca[ian oC the original caumen[ � .�
<br /> granted hereby,[he Grancor or rheir successors in[icle shall gran� and convey co the Grantee,for che saine coasideration as given herein,an easement for sncF � _ . � .
<br /> further inanllacion at a beation on said propercy whieh is mutually satis(actosy to the parties.If[he parties fail eo agree upon any such new loeation for the under- ' . . . .
<br /> �� ground eleceric facilities,che Gran[ec shall have thc right to determine[hr mose suir blc loca[ion for tt�c easemcn�chrrefor xnd the Cran[or sgrees co convey such ' ��
<br /> ! euemrnt;and if the putin 6i�to agree upon any such new location for undmground clectric facili[ies,the Crantee shall have no obligation eo ceplace or provide � � �
<br /> fie ux�derground clectric ficilicies across or to any�such proper[y.In detrrmining thc lo<atinns for fur[her installation the Grantee shall at ail times exercix due � � �
<br /> cace and diligenct to avoid injury or damage[o the property of che Grancor or[heir w«csu�rs. � � . �
<br /> The Grantee agreu thac shwld the lines and undergrtiund eiec�ric facili[ies constructed hemunder be ab:.ndonrd for a period o(five yeus,the right-of-way . �� �
<br /> , or euement heteby secured sLall then ceax and terminate,and[his con[race shall be of no further force and effeca . . �
<br /> s l� �J
<br /> Signed she �� day of T-^-��^. ,A.D., t9 7� , . . .
<br /> WITNESS
<br /> � �:',�s.lr� `9�, ��� �__ -J���-�^"�
<br /> ;
<br /> T_�cte��4' (.�Q.L�e�..� �
<br /> Gven K. Uleber
<br /> a
<br /> STATE OF NEBAASKA, ) , . �
<br /> ' I
<br /> ` � COUNTY OF � ) . �
<br /> �
<br /> i �
<br /> ' On this��y of ,�.��w._,19� ,before me chc undersigned,a �
<br /> ,� Noary Public in and for uid County and 5[ace, personally appeared , � "�„'
<br /> t-
<br /> t � � - � '� i
<br /> �j -s�...or� K, t.ut6e.r
<br /> �•? peraonally to me known[o bc the identieal person(s)who aigned�he forcgoing
<br /> � ��� .�instrumrnf u�Grantor md who acknowledged the execution chereof to be . ,,,,�
<br /> ��i -�--}�yc voluntary aet nnd�deed Cor che purpose therein expressed. { � �R`-'"+�
<br /> " . � � I �. �.. � .
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial�xaI the dace above written.
<br /> � ��' � y of .19�Q• I� �.
<br /> 1 DOROTHr
<br />� -.�«:.�°-mm.Exo.N � , I� �
<br /> otarv Pubiic
<br />