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� � <br /> . . , ,. __ . . . . , <br /> , . - - <br /> T�fE ,.MOR.TGAGOR_.FURTHER COVE1vANT3. AND AGREES: { y � � � � � ; � ,;� <br /> 78� 0008 '�8' ° <br /> = �ThaQmsh�e Mo� w�ll PgY the indebte�ese aa =tiyreu�beface,,,�rmded. .,� . . . . : . ` � , <br /> .. . ' 3 ^� ' '^'� ' � { i �' L+ri tr4' a ..., y,� ' :_d . ... t � .�;. ...,. „ !. :: . ' " . . ` ', ' . o- . <br /> �� � . � That tt�ie Mortg9gpY�3¢���,�'dwajer of said property m tee {'s�mpie und has good right and law[ul authoritp to sell and ` - <br /> : � convey the eame apd„t�jat jmlae seh�e3�`'C�e,e and clear o[ any Len or encumbrence, and.'that Mortgagor will wacranC and deteru3 the ' . . <br /> . <br /> tiNr to said }prem�x!`�dgaine���e�cFa�sns'i^wEal� 1�*sone w1�wr�so4vBc . . . I <br /> � � ..-� � :jW '� � .: Ypq�4 ,�.`}'? 3 k • � . �n .�� ���• . . . : , . . -- :� , � . ... <br /> y��t 1 <br /> . . v . e -:: � " + � � <br /> � � � � To pey imp�edaAteIy whea t7pe �and payab]e ail general ' t9xes apeciaF`la�xea, .@pecial assessmentx, water cFiaiges, �sewer serv- � ' <br /> i�, �� � � ice charges, and'.at}�et�• tsrEs� end charges �against ,s8id . p�Pertq, andtajl Caxes levied � on thedebt �ecure� hereby, and to (urnish the � ��.; , � „ <br /> ; � � � � Mortgagee,� tipon> �eqnest, with; the: or'rginal or dui�licate . receipty . therefyr..' Tha Mortgagor . asrees �' that there �ha11 � F�e add'pd to -.,�- � - ' <br /> ' � each monthly payment requ�;ed hereunder or� under the �evidrnce o[ debt secured hereby an �amount estima2ed hy the Mortgagee '�� � .� - � <br /> ,. . ., . _ .. ... . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <br /> � �. to �be su�cie�nt "!o` eitabl@ L1i�;��: 213qttgagee to. pay, as they become �1ue. all� taxes, a»scs.vments. end similar . chargea :upoR the�� P+em. '� " '� � �� � � <br /> "� i9es'"'sbDjCct ' ihe`reto; ariy' de6C+ieecy because bf �the insu(ficiency of ��such additidna� paymenL4 shall� be forthwith tleposi[ed � by thn ` � � <br /> . �, �Mo{tgagor with the, Mortgagee upon demand by lhe Mortgager. Any defflult undrr this pnragraph xhall b� riremed. a default in � �� <br /> , �. . . . , .�. . . .. , . . . . � - � <br /> < � �phyznent' oP � taxes, � �exaeasmenta; nr similar chargex rw�u�red hereunder: � � � � � , - � � - � . <br /> ,: ,.. � -. . . : . . . . . , � . . . <br /> , . .. ._ <br /> . , . . �. �, .. � , . . r :� .' : �� �. .� . � . � .� . � . . . . . . . . � . . _ . -.. _ �_ : . � , . .. : . . . , .: . . .,:, <br /> . �� � ;, �:� � ; , The Mortgagor agrees: that there nhall � aLew. be added �� to each monthfy payment nf principat and interent required here- � � . � . ' <br /> - � ' � under an amount eslimatrd by the� Mortgagee to be suHicient tu enable the MortgnKee to pay, as it Fecomas �lue, tbe insurance � . � ! � � � . � � ��; <br /> prernium on any insurance po�icy delivered to ihe Mortgagee. Any deficiency because ot the inyuffici.ency of such a�lditionnl . .pay- <br /> . � � ments'�'shall be forthwith' d'epnsited � by the Mortgagor with the� �Mortgagee uryc�n drmand 'by the Mo'tgagee. Any �clefault`tintler tfiis � .xp- ' � . <br /> ; patagraph shall tx deemed a default in the payment of insviance � prcmivms. If the policy or policies� depnsitnd am xuch as Frvme- � �� � � � <br /> owners or � a11 risk �ilicies, and the deposiLv are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the MortgaRee m.�y apply the depos'rt to - - � � - �. <br /> pay premiuma on iIRI(S required to be insured 6y this mortga�e. . � � � . . � � � � <br /> � Pa,vments made by the Mortgagor under the � aAme paragraphs�� may , at tf�e <>ption of the Mortgagee, be held � by it ond � - <br /> -. cominingled witb other such funds or it_4 own funds fbr the payment of such items.� and until w ppplied, such paymrnts arr hereby � � <br /> . pledged as security for the unpaid balance- ot the �mortgage �� indebtedness. � - � - � � � � � � <br /> To procure, deliver to, and maintain for thr benefit oC th� Mortgngee during thP li(e o[ this mnrtgaqe orG�inal polici�a and � � <br /> �� renewala thereof, delivered at least ten days before the expiration of any such �licies, insurin� against fire and �other insurable . .� � - <br /> her�rda, caeualties, and contingencies as the MortgaRee may require, in an amounL eqnal to the indebtedness secured by thie t - . � � - - <br /> � � Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to the Mortgegee, with toeu; payable ciause in favor of and- in �form acceptable to the Mortga• � . � � <br /> gee_ In the event any policy is not renewed on or F�efore ten days of iLe ezpiration, the Riortqagee ��rnay procurr insurar.ce on the 7� ��� � <br /> improvements, pay the premium therefor, and svch sum shall become immediately due and payable with �intereet a't the rate set ` <br /> forth � in said note until paid and shall be recured by tbis mortgage. Failure on the part of the Mortgagor to h�mixh such renewals � <br /> � � as are herein required ur failure lo pay any aums advanced hrrrunder �hall, at the option o( the Mortgagee, constitute a de[ault F"� � . <br /> � under the te'ms of this mortgage. The rielivery oC such policive shall, in the c-vent of de(ault, constitute an assiQnmrnt of thr un- } . .. <br /> � earned premium_ "� � � <br /> Any aums received by the Mortgagee by reason o( loes or damage insured ngains[ may be retained by the Murigagee j, <br /> � and� applied toward the payment of t6r debt hereby secureJ, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly �x in � <br /> � part may be patd over to the Mvrtgagor tn be used to repair such buildings or to ouild ' new buildings in their placr or tor any � � � <br /> � other purpoae or object satisfactory to the Murtqagee without affecting the lien on thr� mortgage [ur the ful� amount srcured here- <br /> by !'�e(ore such payment ever tnok place. <br /> � � � To rom tl ze air. restore oz rebuild any buitdin � or im rovements now ur hrreafter on the >remisrs which ma be- ' � <br /> P P Y P 8� P ! Y �C� . <br /> come damaged or destmyed: to keep said premises in good conditiun and rcpair and free trom any mechanic's lien or other lien or . <br /> � daim of lien not expresely subordinated to lhe lien hereo(: not to suRer or permit any unlawful use ot or any nuisance to exist on � � . <br /> �� aeid pmperty nor to percnit waste on said premises, noc to do any other aM whereby the property hereby conveyed shall become �, � � � � <br /> � less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omis�sion to act: to comply with all requirements of law with respect � . � <br /> r, ,. � <br /> � Yo the mortgaged premises and the use thereaf. .. � . <br /> . . � That ahould the premines or any part thereof be takrn or damaged by reason ot any public improvement or condemnation � � <br /> � proceeding, or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagec: shall M+ entitled to all rnmpensations, , � - � � <br /> awards, and any othei payment or relief therefor, and� shal! be entitfed, at �its � option, to rnmmence, ap�ar in ��arxl � prosecute in its . . . -. <br /> own nazne anY action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or setttement in connection with such takinR ur damage. Ali such � � � <br /> • �� . eotnpetmetion, awarda;" damagea, right of�� .action and� proceede are hereby� asaigned to the Mortgagee, �who may. after � deducting `�' � . - � <br /> . � thecetrom ���al! �ita-expenaes. � zeleaee any moneys eo r¢ceived by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured }.ere6y. The Mort• � . � <br /> ' � ssgot��agiees-�. to� execute- such tucther assignments of any compenaation, awarde, damages, and rightx . af action arad �rocee�L9 as . the � ; � . <br /> � , MortgageermaX +equire. . . . . . . - . . . . . . � . � . . . � �. � . . - . � . <br /> That in case o[ failure to perform any of thr covenants herein, thP Mortgagee may <lo nn the Mortgagor'c behalf everything " � . , <br /> so� oovenanted; that the Murtgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary tu protect the lien thereof; that lhe Mortgagor will �� . � <br /> . � . .,.,, . ,. .. . � >, . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. <br /> ?� repay 'upon�'demarid ��any moneys� �paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee � for any of the above purposes, and svch moneys togetfier with � � � � � . . <br /> ;. :. . . ._ _. . . . . '>: <br /> ' . �- . inkeiest theeeon� af� �the iate� provided �in �� said note� ahall become so much ndditionat indebtednesa hereby secured� �and ' mey �Y�e �in- � � � � � �, �,� <br /> �duded in any �decme forectosing this moNgaqe and be paid out of the renfs or proceeds of nale of said premiaes if� not othe+wise � . . � <br /> � ; � . .paid; that it ahall not be obligatory upon the Morigaqee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrancea ur claim in ad• � � � � <br /> � � vaneing �maneys'�.as above �- authorized, but �nothinq�� herein contained ehall be construed ea requiring the Mortgagee �tu advance any � � � �. . . <br /> � . . at�neys��. toc.any:such�.purpose nor !o`do :any act �hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not inwr any persunal liability F�ecautie of any- . ; . . <br /> . . thing,it-.maY. do� or omit: to do hereunder, � . . � . � . � . � . . . . � _._. � . . . �. . <br /> In� the event o[ the default by . Mortgagor �. in lhe payment o( any . inatellment, as required . by the Note secured hereby. �. or.. � �.� � . � . � . <br /> � � in the performartce o[ the obligetian in this mortgage or in the note secuml thereby, the Mortgagee sholl be entit7ed tn declare the , � � <br /> � ' � � debR xcuced hereby. due and peyable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at its option, without notice, either hy iLael( � � <br /> ,- : . �n : . *, : . ._ . _ .. . . . <br /> � - oi ,Iry a rece�ver 'to be �aypomted by the cour[ thereof. and withou t regacd� to the adeqvecy of any� security for the indebtedness xe- : � � .. : � <br /> � ' . , . : . . ... : _ . <br /> cVred heteb�/, to ente�` upop ;and take �Osbeas�on o� the �mortgaged � premiaea, and to collect�amlTecerve� the rents."� issuea and "profita , t <br /> �- ` > tfiffreofJ 8nt1' applq the`. asme; 1�s caeta o[ °operafion � and ��eollectian, vpon the�' inde6tedneae "secured� � by� thix morigage; � said �' nriW,'� �. . � � :��. <br /> � • }; ', . ��ie6ifee'°snd 'pF6fits`ISeing�hereby^aeeigned-to the-Mortgageeas ���further. security for the�payment� of a11 indebtedness Recured. hereby. �. � _ � �� " � '"� � �.� <br /> ' - �,,. . . . � . . � . . . . _ . . _�.�-�_.::. <br /> � - �� � TF�e �Mortgagee ahatl have the power to appoint any agent or agenta it may desire [or the puzpoee of repairinq said prem• '� � <br /> �, � , . �, ises: renting;. fJ�o Latlne; �qlle,eting, the rgnta, cevenues , and ,income, snd it may pay out of ceid income all expenaes incurred in rent- 3 � '`af � <br /> � _ _ � ,,.� . . ^ � � � � 1. <br /> x � - ingLand matiegt`n$ fhe' same`and � ot"collecting tha reritals �fherefrom: The� 6alence mmaining, if any. shall be applied toward the , : �_ ,. <br /> y disclfarge oflthe morl�agje i�debtedae�s�., Th�s aseig�unent ia to terminate and become null and void upon release o[ this mortgage. --; `_ <br /> :^ t . ` . � . � ' � <br /> = � s + .�t ! � Fa- ' K'3' <br /> , . . <br /> , , . <br /> , ' : <br /> � ._i.�..,.. _ . _. _ _ _ . . _..._ . __ _.��._��__ .. __. 1 . WI <br /> _ _...�., _..._. ..._�. .. � .�. a5. <br /> L.���.. .�.�.__..:.._�..�� . .. . . .L' .� � <br /> . . . . .. . . �, p � <br /> . .. . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . .��:... <br /> . ' ��. . . � . � <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � <br />