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<br /> ' 7_8-. 000860
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<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 6250
<br /> M ordinance creating Street Improvement Diatrict No. 947; defining the boundazies of
<br /> ' the district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paving,
<br /> curbing, gutte:ing, and all incidental work in connection therewith; and to provide for an
<br /> effective date of thia ordinance. � �
<br /> SECTION 1. Street Smprovement Diatrict No. 947 in the City of Graad island, Nebraska,
<br />' ia hereby created.
<br /> SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br /> Begianing at a point on the southerly line of Phoenix Avenue being 300 feet, or
<br /> 91.44 meters, northeasterly'of the east line of Adams Street lying souch oF Phoenix
<br /> Avenue; thence running southerly for a distance of 150 feet, or 45_72 meters, co
<br />' a point 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, east of the east line of Adams 5[reet, lying
<br /> south of Phoenix Avenue: chence running south on a line parallel to and 300 feet,
<br /> or 91.44 meters, east o£ the east line of Adams Street for a distance of 2,560
<br /> feet, or 780.288 meters, more or less, to the west prolongation of the north line
<br /> of Lot 3 in Grand Zsland School Addition; thence running west on the wese pro-
<br /> ' longation oP the north line of Lot 3 in Grand Island School Additio� for a distance
<br /> of 10 feet, or 3.048 me�ers, to a point 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, east of the
<br /> east line of Adams Street; thence running south on a line parallel co and 300
<br /> feet, or 91.44 meters, east of the east line of Adams Street for a distance of
<br /> 882.4 feet, or 268.956 meters, to the north line of Stalley Park F.oad; thence
<br /> running west on che north line of Stolley Park Road for a distance of 300 feet,
<br /> or 91.44 metera, to the east line of Adams Street; thence running south on a line
<br /> 60 feet, or 18.288 meters, east of the west line of Adams Street for a distance
<br /> o£ 7 feet, or 2.134 meters; thence running wesc on a line 33 feet, or 10.058
<br /> meters, north of the section line in Stolley Park Road for a distance of 360
<br /> feet, or 109.728 meters, to a point 300 feet, or 91.44 meters, west of the west
<br /> line of Adams Street: thence running north on a line parallel to and 300 feet, or
<br /> 91.44 meters, west of the west line of Adams Street for a distance of 3.350 feet,
<br /> or 1,021.08 meters, to the northerly right-of-way line of the Burlinp,ton Northern
<br />� Belt Line Railroad; thence running northeasterly on the northerly righc-of-way line
<br /> of the Burlington Northern Belt Line Railroad, for a distance of 350 £eet, or
<br />' 106.68 meters, more or less, to the center line of Adams Street; thence runnin�
<br />' southerly on the center line of Adams Street, also being the riRhc-of-way line
<br /> of the BurlinRton Northern Aelc Line Railroad, for a distance of 12.5 feet, or
<br />. 3.81 meters, to a po£nt 125 feet, or 3.81 metera, north of the center line of the
<br /> Burlington Northern Belt Line Railroad; thence continuing northeasterly on the
<br />, northerly right-of-way line of the Brulington Northern Belt Line Railroad, for a
<br /> diatance of 175 feec, or 53.34 mecers, more or less, to a point 132 feec, or
<br /> 40.234 metera, northeasterly of the easterly line of Adams Street; thence running
<br /> southerly on a line parallel to and 132 feet, or 40.234 meters, easterly of the
<br />, easterly line of Adams Street and the southerly prolongation of the easterly
<br /> line of Adams Street for a distance of 125 feet, or 38.I meters, more or lesa,
<br /> to the eoutherly line o£ Phoenix Avenue; thence running northeasterly on che
<br /> southerly line o£ Phoenix Avenue for a distance of 155 feet, or 47.244 meters, to
<br /> the point o£ beginning, all as ahown on tt�e plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto
<br /> and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />; SECTION 3. The following atreet in the district shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br />' guttering, and all incidental wozk in connection thezewi,th:
<br /> a 1 Adams Street frmn the northerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern
<br /> � Belt Line Railroad to the north line of Stolley Park Road.
<br /> � Said improvementa ahall be made in accordance with plans and specificationa prepared by
<br /> the Engineer for the City, and approved by the Mayor and Council.
<br /> SECTION 4. The improvementa ahall be made at public coat, but the cost thereof,
<br />' excluding interaectiona, ehall be asaesaed upon the lots and landa in the district apecially
<br /> ibene£ited as provided by law. APPRO _A 70 FORnn ,
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