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� - _ _ <br /> 1 � <br /> 78- OO,OG'7� . ,. . . _ : - , <br /> . , . _ . . . ._. _ <br /> '�FIE - INORTGAGQR FUATHEI? COVENANT3 AND AGREE3:. i'S 1, � U V � ^'ST � . _ <br /> ' That �the Mortgagor wrl� pap the v�debtedneas as herembefor�:, proyided � ., . .�. �� ,. . � - . r�. <br /> a � <br /> �„ � �i:h. f � �5 : F 't : . } y ,a . : "� t: 1 a •:�' � : . . .. ,. . . :' .. " ... _ . . . � -. � . <br /> 1 <br /> � � � � �:� Tha2 the Mortgagor iS '��t Hwner of sa�d property in tee s9mple and has goocl �right and lawful authority ;o sell and ' � - > � <br /> � eonvey the asmc and that the serde� is E,iee snd clear of any liea or encumbrance; and . tha! 'Mortgagar will wacrant :�and�flefenil tlfe . ' �, <br /> -� ` � title � .to eaid (pre+nne�=agattt���it�#�cFa9mne ar ail p�tnbns whog�eoever� �^�" <br /> .. � . . ,, :� r � , � ' , <br /> . . : - '. h •• d ;:. /� � �� f .: .. . � . . � . . <br /> � To paY nwqediately When {3uC a7ritl peyalble��all general taxes. �apeciaL' taxen, .speciel �.asseaxmentv, water charges sewer tier"v- � <br /> � �' 'ice �charges, and o3herlaxea' and charges againsj ' said prbpertX. and• all� tazes'" leviPd on the� �lebt secured hereby, and to furnish the � ' ` r�-� <br /> . ; Mortgagee, � upon , request.�� with; the .originat or duplicate ,receipts Cherefqr. . �The Mortqngor agreea that �� tfiere shall br� addetl! to ' � � � � � '�� '�- <br /> J � . each. monthly payment reqmred hereunder or under the evidence of deht .secured hereby an amount estimated hy the Moctgagee , _ . '�� <br /> .. . . ,. , .. .. . . _ - . . -. .. <br /> �,�� '. to be sufficien��- t0,'4naftle the, Mo.etgagee �to pay, as they becrome due, ali � taxes, assessmenW, and simiiar chargry upon Che � prem , C� � � � <br /> : i5pe �slibj�ct thereto; any 'ile$cicncy because of the- insuficiency oC such ad8itionai paymFnts shalt � lte' [ertHwitM deposited "�by � LfiF " ' ��� - ' ` <br /> Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon damand by the Mor[ga&ee. Any drfault under this pa;nRraph shall be rlermed a default in . . _ <br /> . . 5 � payrrient o[ � taxai. ��.asevssment,q � ot similar� charqea required herr. under. , .. . . �. . � . . . . . . . : �� . �' . ��. <br /> ; _ . . . � . . � _ . . . . , . . : � . . . . , , <br /> The Murtgagor� agrees thpt. fhere ehatt also . .be added tu each monthty payment. o( principal ,xnd� interebt required here- . . � � <br /> � � � " under sn amiwnt extimated � by the - Mortgagee to be sa�cient to enable the Mortga�;e� to pay, as it becnm�s doc, the � insurance � _ � � <br /> premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficicncy M•cau�e ot the insufliciency o[ such av�litional , nay- � <br /> �� mertfii�sFiall �tie forthwith depo»iteA by the 74tortqagor with the Mortgaqee u�n demand by tfie Mortgagee.`any -default unde� this � � ' � . ' <br /> � � paragraph shall be dcemed a default in the payment of inxurance premiums. If the � pnlicy � or policies�ileposited• �re such� �as lrome- � � ... <br /> � owners or all risk policies, and ihr deposiLe are insufficient to pay the rntire�� pmmium , the Mortqagee rnay apply the depo!ri4 to � � <br /> � � � � psy premiums on risks require�i to be iqsured by this mortRage. <br /> � � PaymenLa made by the Mortgugor . under the a6ovr paragraphs may , at the ��ption oC the Morfgagee, be hcld by it aod <br /> ,- commingled with 'other vuch �funda or its "own fdndx for the paymr. nt o( cuch items, aod until so �applied, such payments are hereby � � <br /> + � � � � � � pietlged aa security for the onpaid balance n! the mortgnge indebta+dnes�. . , <br /> To procure, deliver tu, and maintain f�ir the benefit o( the Mort�;agee durinK the life of this mortgage original policies and <br /> � renewals thereof, delivcred at least ten days tx[om the rxpiration of any such policies , insuring ngainst lire and other inyurahle <br /> � hazazda, casualties, and conLingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in �an amoun! equal to the indebtedneae aecured by thie . . <br /> Mortgage, and in companies accepfable to the Mortgagee, with losv payabl� clause in favor of and in form acceptable to thr. Mortga- � � � <br /> gee. In the event any policy is not renewt•d un or be�forr tt•n ctays of iG� expiralion, the b4ortqagee may procure• insuranee on the � <br /> � improvements, pay the premium thero(or. and such sum shalt bernme immediately duc and payable with interest at. the rate set � <br /> � forth in said note until paid �nd she❑ be secured by this mortgaK�� Fni (ure on the part nf the Mortgagor to furni4h such renewals , � � . � <br /> • as are herein required ur failure to pay any sams ndvanc.rd hereunder shull, at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default . . • s` <br /> � � under the terms of this mnrtRt�ge. The delivery oC such P��licics shall , in the event o( default, constitute an acviKnment of t.he un- � . ; � ' <br /> earned premium. ' � � � � . <br /> Any sums received by thv Mortgagec by reaxon of loss or damage insured against may be rr.tained by ttie Murtgagee � � <br /> . and� applied toward the payment u( the dehl hereby secured, or, at the option of the Mortgagee, such 9UITl5 cither wholly or in � � <br /> � part may be paid over to the MortgaK�r tn be uxed to repair such buildings or to build ' new buildings in their � place ur for any <br /> � other purpose or object satisfactory to the Murtqs�gAe without aftecting the lien on the mortgage for the [ull amount xecured hrre- � � <br /> by befure such payment ever took place. . �� <br /> Tu prem�ptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildinRa � r improvements now ur hereafter on the premi�es which may be- � <br /> � -� �; come demaged or destroyed ; lo keep said premises in good condition and repair and Irer from any mechanic's lien or other lien or � �� <br /> claim oE lien not expresxly subordinated to the lien hereof: not to sutTer or prrmit nny anlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on � � . � � - <br /> ' said propeNy nor to pertnit waste on said Vremises, nor to dn any other act whereby the property hereby conveyed shall txcome � . � . <br /> lesa valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omission to act : to comply with all requirements of law with respect � � <br /> � ` �. to. the morlgaged premiaes and the use thereof. , �� � <br /> That should the premisea or any part thereof be taken or damaged by reason of any public improvement or wndemnation . . � <br /> proceeding, or under the right ot eminent dumain, ur in any other manner, Lhe MortRaRee shall be enlitled to all compensations. � . � � <br /> � '. � . awards, and any other payment or relieC therefvr, and shall be entitled, at its option, to commence: appear in and � proseeute in its �� � <br /> � own name any action or proceeding, or lo make any comVmmisa or setUement in connection with ruch takinR or demaqe. All such � � <br /> � cotnpensetion:� awarde, damages; right � of � action. and �� �proceeds are heteby aseigned to the Mortgagee, who� may: after � deducting � . � <br /> r.� : � the�etrom sll ifa .ex{�ensee. zelease sny �moneys� ao � received by it or apply tha same un any indebtedness� secured �hereby. �The Mort- �. �. � . . <br /> gagoz .agueea.� to; ezecute� sucb� [uHher aAsignmrnts of any compensation, awards, damagea, and- rights ot action. and procecrls as the - .� . <br /> . MottBeB�.;maY re9uire. � . . . � � . . . . . . . . . ,.,y? � . � . <br /> � That in cave of failure to perfurm any of thr covenantx herein, the MortgaRre may do on the Mortgagor's behalf everything Gi..1 � . <br /> so covenanted: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem neccssary tu protecl the lien thereof; that the MortgaRor will '(,�'� � .� <br /> ; .. _. , . . . � . <br /> � repsy upoti �demand �any moneys� paid � or � divbu�sed by the Mortgagre for any � o[ the above purposes, and such moneys togetfier with �j .' . <br /> -� `� " � irif.erest' theceon �at the taEe" provided� in aaid note � afiall become � so much additional indebtednesa hereby securs_vl and � may he in- � � � - <br /> � cluded .in anY decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid uut of the renLa or proceetia � of nale o( said premisea if�. not �otherwisc : � � <br /> ; . paid: that it ahall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances, or claim in ad- � � <br /> ' � vancinq moneys ��as�� ebove ��authorized,. �but nothing -hereia contained shall be construed as requiring � the �Mortgagee �Lu advance any � . . � � <br /> mox�ya�for�.�any such �purpose nor to do any act hereunder, and that Mortgagee.shall not incur any peraunal liability becsuse of any-. ;� <br /> �� - thing:.ikmay, do�or omit.�,W do. hereunder. _ . . . , � - . � � � ' � � <br /> ' S� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> � � � In � the event of the defautt hy, Murtgagor, in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note secured hereby, oc � � <br /> � - . in �the performance o( the obligation in Lhie mortgage or in the note aecured thereby, the MortgaR� shall be entitleci to dectare the _ � <br /> �' t � � debt eecured heceby due and payable without notice. and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at iLa option. without notice, either tay itaelt � . � . . <br /> � � oY by.a ieceiver �to be ��appoiinted 'by�, ttie 'court thereof; � and � without ,regard to the adequacy of any security .for the �indebtednesa se- . <br /> ' c}fred hereby: �to eriter upon �and take, poe9esaion' of'�the mortgaged -premisea, and to collect and receive� the rents, issues and profits . - ��. <br /> ,' t}i'ereof aral`�apply tiirsefrie� leae� coef.e of� operation� and "collection. upon the���indebtrdneas eeeured by-� thia mortgage; said � renta,'. � . � � �_ t <br /> , . .: . .. . . . <br /> �, i �iee�{M�beinshezebj+-aeeigned . to. LhcMortgagee:as�further� xeeurity for the payment of. all indebtedneas securcvl hereby: � <br /> . . _ _. . . _ . .. . . : . . . , �. :,,�: . .. . , ' .: <br /> � � The� .Mortgagee ehall have the power to appomt any agent �or agenta it may desire for lhe purpose of repairinq said prem- �� •' r-M.-�.� �' <br /> � u mg. �and managing the`�same ana of collectmg �thues and income, and it may pay out of ssid income all .expenses..incurred .in rent- . : ,, ;; � '�. <br /> �aes: ronting the ,eame«,wllectinS., the, rents ieven . . . . . . . . . . .. <br /> `� � • �� diecherge of . the mortgage and4btedness � Th�s aee�gnment is , lo terminate end becomc nutl and void upon release af this mort a e. . �. � " '�'� <br /> e rentala thereEromi The 6alance remam�n i[ an akall be applied toward the � <br /> R R LS�, , <br /> . � yb, °N,' i a e . E i .v-A � . , t . . . , _ , . . . . �. _ . � , sY <br /> q 4�y� # - � Y�'. � . <br /> i t�. :. ,L . . � 1� .`,, . . . �y : � . <br /> ,�:,?'y.yr�+. �,Y w.:�. '�Z,, ,1 t � +,. ....�:,._ F.. . .. . . . .. i�' �'+� <br /> 6z « � . <br /> ... . .., . -a- ' :. -. <br /> . r • . .. � ' .. . ... .. . � . 4.� :?fi^".i.1..r� � �'.N �: .�.v' <br /> �`�'..��� .... � . . . . . . . . <br /> :1 � �� � . . . . . <br /> ? � :. . . . � . . ' . . � � . � . <br /> . . � � � . . . � � � . J . <br />