r. _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � . � .
<br /> t' ,
<br /> i 78-- �3 � n � 71.
<br /> �
<br /> r .
<br /> 4 That this mortgage is given as security for the performance and observance of the covenants and agreemente
<br /> herein coatained and to aecure to the mortgsgee the payment of the sum of **ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY- FIVE
<br /> �j THOUSAND DOI:LARS* * * * � * +k * * * * * * * * * * * * �o��,a �� 175 ,000 . 00 ) with in- '
<br /> '{ teiest thereon according to the terma of a certain note of even date herewith, executed by said mortgagor5 to said
<br /> } mortgagee in consider5.tion of the nctual loa of h sum o i said interest to be computed from January 3 i , !
<br /> � I9 78 , at the rate of intereat �
<br /> j , ��able on the fi=st day of each and every
<br /> � Jnl 1 �nth of January and July , , beginning �
<br /> Y: Y , 19 78 , upon sll principal remaining from time to time unpaid ; principal
<br /> � to be paid ia installments as follows: �..
<br /> � ' E-4, 400 , 00 on January 1, 1979 �d � 4 , 400 . 00 each on the first days
<br /> � of January theresfter ;
<br /> � to January 1, 19 92 , inclusive; and y
<br /> , �
<br /> , 1 _
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> y _
<br /> $ 113 , 400 . 00 balance on January 1 , 19 93 ,
<br /> twelve the
<br /> with interest in the event of defnult ut the rate of � per centum per annum instead o(�siop�Yrate us provided
<br /> � in said note. Said note is payaUle at the Home Ofhce of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston,
<br /> Mussachuaetts, or at such other �luce or places as the holder thereof may from time to time designate.
<br /> � That thE mortgagors/alsevfully seized in fee simple of the mortgaged premises, and that they have
<br /> a good right to sell und convey the same �s uforesnid ; thnt the mortgaged premises are free and clear of all encum-
<br /> � brances, except as aforesaid, and that th2y will �varrunt und defend the same unto the mortgagee
<br /> = aga.inst the lawful clnima and demands of all persons ;
<br /> iTo pay the note hereby secured and interest thereon as same shall become due and paysble, and nlso any other
<br /> , indebtedness thut may accrue to the mortgagee under the terms of this mortgage;
<br /> To neither commit nor sutFer strip or �vaste, nor sutTer nny violation of any luw, by-law, ordinance or contract
<br /> affecting the mortgaged premises, to keep the mortgaged premiaes in good repair and not to do or suffer anythins
<br /> that will in any wise diminish the value uf the mortga.ged premises;
<br /> To pay all taxes, asse.ssmenta nnd charges that may now or hercafter be levied or assessed upon the mortgaged
<br /> premises before ssme become delinquent; _ .
<br /> To keep the buiidings now or hereufter standin on the mort ed b
<br /> g gag premises nnd uny nnd al1 nppsratus, fixtures
<br /> and nppurtenances no�v or 6creafter in or z�ttached to said buildings insured ugairy5t Ics,9 or dsmnge by fire, tornado,
<br /> war or other casualties in such form, in such companies nnd in such sums (not less thnn aufficient to avoid any cluim
<br /> � on thc part of the insurers for co-insurnnce) as ma,y be satisfa.otory to the mortgagee, and to deliver to the mortgagee,
<br /> at least fiftcen <Inys before tLe emiration of nny policy on the mortgnged premises and/or appnratus, fixtures and :
<br /> appurtenances as nforesaid n new and sufficient policy to take the plttce of the one so expiring, all insurance policies
<br /> as aforessid to be held by nnd bc for the benefit of und be Fsst payable i� case of loss to the mortgugee ;
<br /> Thnt in case of sale of the mortgaged premises as provided hcrein, or in case of assignment of said note, the
<br /> holder of anid note is hereby appointed the n.ttorney irrevocable of the mortgafio�S to mal:e an sssiqnment of
<br /> any and all insurance policies as nforesaid and to collect all moneys due theieunder if same :ire cuncelled ;
<br /> That upon failure to comply �cith any of these covenants und ngreements as to payment of taxes, assessments
<br /> and chnrges nnd�or procttrement of aforesn,id insurnnce the mort�a�ec muy pay sai t es assessments or charges,
<br /> or cost of such insurance, and the amount so paid shalt bear interest ut the rate of ��CYr�entum per annum trom
<br /> date of payment, And suid sum or sums so pnid shall be immedintely due and payable, nnd Fhall be an additional lien
<br /> upon the mortguged premises, and be secured by this mortgage, and may be collected in the same mnnner as the
<br /> principal debt hereby secured;
<br /> Thnt the exercise of the rights nnd nuthority herein granted to psy taxes, assessments nnd charges nnd tnke out
<br /> insuruncc shall be optional ��•ith the mortgn�ee and not obli�atory, and the mortgngee shall not in any casc Ue linble
<br /> ;'� to the mortg�or5 for s failure to e�cercise any such right or authority ; �
<br /> That the mortgagee shall be subroguted for further security to the lien, although relensed of record, of any and
<br /> all encumbrances paid out of the proceeds of the loan secured by this mortga�e ;
<br /> That in case the mortga�ce sha11 herenftc:r appenr in any of the lnnd departments of the United Stutes Gocern-
<br /> ment, or in any court or tribunul whatever, to defend the title or poesession of the mortgaged premises or the lien
<br /> of "this mort.gage, or ehall 'be mada s part,3� defendant to any action at lan• or suit in chancery by revaon of the exe-
<br /> cution oF this mortgage and make un sppearunce in defense of said nction or suit, s11 the costs and expens o such
<br /> appearance ehalI be allowed the mortgugee, and such costs and ezpenaes ehnll bear interest at the rate o��er +
<br /> centum per annum from date of pn,yment, and said sum or sums eo pt►id shall be immediately due and paysble, and - ,M,,::.
<br /> shalt ' be sa ndditional lien upon the mort�ed premises and be secured by this mortgage, and may be collected in
<br /> �. ,_- . . � ' `
<br /> ' the same manner as the principal debt hereby aecured ; ;: ,.; �' .
<br /> To pay to the mortgagee any moneys received as damnges which muy have been sustuined by or sssessed ngainst I ;` ;, .�
<br /> the mortgaged p:emises �vhether for a tnkin� by public authority or in any other manner whatsoever; J 4, �
<br /> ,That tlus mort �"
<br /> gage crentes a continuing lien to secure the full and Saul paymont of said note and atl the other ,�' ` "
<br /> obligationa`imposed hereby and hemnfter nriaing; .':`, � - ;, , .;�
<br /> , , » ,,..�,
<br /> That the mortgaged premieea,bemg located ia.the State ,of Nebrasks, this mortgage and the righis and indebted- *- �ape ', -
<br /> ; aess hereby eecured eha11, without regard to the place of'contYact or puyment, be conatrue3 au1 enCorced accurding
<br /> � to the laws of the State of Nebraska;
<br /> i "ttel„I .. .
<br /> � �
<br /> s
<br />