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� � <br /> 7$— U ��ORTGAGOA FUliTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br /> , , , ; r_' ' . _ , <br /> _ _ _. _ : , _ <br /> , That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore prwided._ , �. . . � � <br /> � 'f : f . '. . . � . . . � <br /> � That the .MortBsBo is the awner o[ 8aid pfop�rty ,in ECe,;:;'subP,��. end �+es �,sood right and_ law[ul authonty`to� sell andf r�_f� � � <br /> r � �"'" � � convey thepa=ciean�thpt � pe��atfreetandctear 'o['gn'y'tipn o� i.*nci�mb'rance; 8nd� � thaC 'Mortgago� wili warrant� end defend thc 4�' ' : � . <br /> � titia to eaid Premiaes aqa�ns4�.rkhe cYa[i�ma of a[ll persons whomsoever . .. .. <br /> . ., n«.:�. ti, :�: � 1 �. 2 L ..t : h b,:: l`� .. . . , . 1.�..1, . . . .� . C� .t � L � t �.�� _ ..:� : I . ., ii. � ; . . . <br /> ' To payammediately when dUexand payable all, general taxes apqciab taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv• . . � <br /> � ice charges; end othgr'texe� and chargels g,q�n4Y'8aed�`,p(oporty'. apd:al� ,tazea'��levied on the debt secured here6y,, and to. furnish : the ,. . � <br /> „ � t <br /> Mortgagee,':'phon��:; wi�',.Uie . origr�&t 'dY�-duplicate �receipl� -�.tNeYefor,!�The Mortgagor .. agrees that there' shat! �e` -added 'to � ' ' � � . <br /> . each monthly payment requited hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimateti by the Morlgagee . . . . <br /> to be suffiaeqC� to(.;enat{le the -#�fdst�aiRee., to .pay. ' as 't1Yey. becuaie due, all .taxee, aseessmenLc, and (Bimitar charges upori ��the prcm=- �` � - � <br /> � ises aubject,,,th�reRo . any de,�'iciencY . because, of fhe insufficiency o[. such . .additionai . payments. sha❑ . be forthwith deposited. bY the_ . . � . . . <br /> o .., <br /> ; Mortgagor ,w�th th�.�MorC��e�rupoa�;;dCmand by the Mortqagee: Any � defaWt underthis. paragraph shall be�� deemed a ':defaultin ;�_ <br /> --.._...._._. . .. .��.. . . . . .. . . . . . . _ .__ _ . . :.. ., . � '. . <br /> � payment �of� fazes, assessmen , o� s�m�lar c}ia�ges required hereunder. � <br /> � -. � The Mortgagor agrees that there shall aLso be added to each monthly paYment . o( principal and intereaY requirnd here- - . � . � . <br /> � under an amount evtimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee Lo pay, as it bernmrs . due. : the inaurance � � � <br /> � premium on any Gnaurance poticy de[ivered fo the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because ot�'the insu$'icieney of . aueh � additional �_pay- . <br /> � menfs shall be forthwith deposited by the Mortqago� with the Mortgagee u{wn demand Ay the Mortgagee. Any default under this - � <br /> pa;agraph .sdall be deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited. are such az home- � <br /> � � o�Jneis` or� all risk� �policies, and the deposits are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the MortgaRee may apply the de�iosit to . � - <br /> - pay premiums on zieks required to be insured by this mort�age. � <br /> Paymenfs made by the Murtgagor under the above paraRrapha may, at the option of the Mortqagee, be held ' by it� and " . � � <br /> commingled with � other such� funds or � its own funde (orthe . payment �of such it�ms, and untii �so applied, such �.payme�ts are hereby <br /> � pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness. <br /> To procure, deliver to, and maintain for the F�!nefit of the Mortgagee during the li(e of this mortgage uriginal' policies and : � � , <br /> � renewals thereof, delivered at least ten days before Ihe expiration of any such policies, insuring againat fire and other insurable � . <br /> har�rda, caeualties, and� rnntingencies � as the MortBagee may sequim, in an amount equal to the indebtedneee eecured by thia � <br /> Mortgage, and in companirs acceptable to the Mortgagee, with loss payable dause in favur of and in form acceptable to the Mortga- . � � � <br /> gee_ In the event any policy is not renewecl on or before ten days uf its expiration, the Mortgagee may � procure insurance on the <br /> improvements. pay the premium therefor, and auch sum shall becnme immediately due and payable with interest at the rate srt . � . <br /> forCh in said note until paid and shall fie secured by thic mortgage. Failure on the part of the .Mortgagor to furnish such renewals .�. � � <br /> �� as are herein required or failure to pay any Aums advanced hereunder shatl, at the option of the Mortqagee, cunstitute a default � <br /> �� under the term.4 of this mortgage. The delivery of such policies shall , in the event of default, conertitute an assiRnmrnt of the un- , <br /> � earned P+amium_ . � . <br /> � Any sama received hy the Murtgagee by reason o( loss or damage insured aRainst may be retained by the Murtgagee i � <br /> . a�d applied toward the payment of lhe debt hereby secured, or. at the option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly or in � <br /> � � part may be paid over to the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build ' new buildings in their place or for any . � � <br /> other purpose or object satiafactory to the Murtqagee without afiecting the lien on the mortgage for the Full amount secured here- , <br /> � by before such payment ever took place. � � � <br /> � To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildingv or improvements now ur hereafter on the Premises which may be- : � . � � � <br /> �� come damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and free [rom any mechanic's lien or other lien or . <br /> claim of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof; not to xufter or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist on � � <br /> � aeid pcoperty nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any other act whereby the pmperty hereby conveyed shall become <br /> � � lees valuable, nor to diminiah or impair itv value by any act or omission to act: to comply with all requirements uf law with respect � <br /> � to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof. - . <br /> � That should the premisea or any part thereof be taken or damaged by reason of any puFlic improvement or condemnation �. � <br /> . proceeding. or under the right of eminent domain, or in any other manner, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to all rnm{xnsations. . � � � <br /> � awards, and any other payment or relief therefor, and shal! be enGtled, at its optiun. to commence. appear in and prose�cute in iffi ; . <br /> � own name any action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlement in connection with xuch taking ur damage. All such �� � <br /> � compensation, awards, damages, right of action nnd pruceeds are hereby a.ssigned to the Mortgagee, who mey, efter deducting . � � <br /> thereftom all its expenses, release any moneys so received by it or appty the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. Tbe Mort- . <br /> �. � 'gegor �agreee � to execute such further axeignments of any compenaation, awerds. damages, and rightv of acCion and proceeds as the � <br /> .. . :Mort6agee. .maY �*'eQui[e. . . . � � . <br /> � � Tbat in caee o[ failure to perform any of the covenantx herein, the Mortgagee may do on the Mortgagor's behal( everything � <br /> ' so covenanted: that the Murtqagee may alxo do any act it may deem necessary li� prolect the lien thereof: tfiat the Mortgaqor will . <br /> , repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the above purposes. and such moneys tuRet}ier with . <br /> � interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shall become so much additional indebtedness hereby securrd and may he in- <br /> � � cluded in snY decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out o[ the renis or proceeds of sale of said premises if not otherwiye . <br /> � paid; -'lhat 'it � ahall �not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumbrances. or claim in ad- � <br /> � vancing moneys as above authorized, but nothing herein contained shall be construecl as requiring the Mortgagee tu advanm any � �_ <br /> . . . moneys for any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall nnt incur any personal liability because of any- G _ <br /> , Lhing� it may do or umit to do hereu�der. <br /> � � In the event �oE the de[ault by MurlgaBor in the payment o[ any inetallment, as requircd by thc Note securrd hrreby, or � . � <br /> � in. :the;,per(ormance of� the obligation in� thia mortgage or in the note aecured thereby, the Mortgagee ahall be entitled to declam the <br /> � debt aecured hereby due and payable without notice, and .the Mortgagee ahall be entitled at its option, without nutice, either by itaelt .. . � <br /> or by a receiver to be appuinted by the court thereof. and without regard to the adequacy of any security for tbe indebtedness se- <br /> � �� cured hereby, to enter upon and take pos§ess7on� of the � mortgaged premises, and to rnllect and receive the renta issuex an.d � profits <br /> �� � � . �the=eo[, end apply. the� satne« Jesa coets .oLoneration and rnlleclion, upon the indebtedness aecared by this mortgage; said , rents. � <br /> - � :iasues,et,d proStd being' fiereby assigned to the Mortgagee aa turther security (or the payment of all indebtedness secured hereby. , � <br /> .. . - . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E <br /> �� �' ' �The Morkgagee ehall � ha've� the power� to appoinf��any -agent or agenta it may deaire �[or the � purpoae of repairinq-�said prem• - <br /> iees; renting the seme: rnllecting the renta. revenuea and income, and it may �paybut of said income all � expenses incurzed� in .rent- �� . .. ia; <br /> . ing and manapng the eame and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaininB. if any, shall be applied toward the � : ��' ^ � <br /> � � diacharge ot the:: mortgage, indebtedness. . This, assi8nment . is to terminel¢ and Ixcome null and void u{wn release of this mortgaRe. � .,ti <br /> . . _ . .. . . . � � y <br /> � . <br /> . <br /> , � . . . � . . . .. . , . . . . . . . . �: �. ' . <br /> . . , . . :� - : . : . � P �. <br /> . . . , - ... �, �-: � .:� . . . : .. . . . . . . . <br /> � � � � �� <br /> . . . . .. . . . }*�. <br /> , . . -_,..., . . _. . . , '..' . , � . ...,:.r , <br /> . . . .. . . ... . . _ . . _. . .�, : . . , . . _ . . , <br /> . . . . . . , . � n:.�. . . <br /> • � <br />