_ f _ q �
<br /> . 9. Upon an� failure by the Mottgagor to compi� with or perfotm my of the terms, covmants or conditions oE this Mort• . �
<br /> � � . gaae � teqnirin6 the perment of any amouat oE monq b� the Mortgagor, other thnn the principal amount of the loan evidenced by � � - � � �� �
<br /> . � the Note. �.interest and - otl�et charge�, � �s provided in the Note, tfie Mortgagec may at its option make such parment. Eveq . . � � ,
<br /> . . . � � pa)meat so m�de br � the Mortgagee (inctuding mwnable •ttorney's Eees incurreaf thereby), with intercst thueon (rnm the date � � � . � � � � � .
<br /> oE� suth parmenq at ehe. nte of. .aix percent (6 % ) per , annum, except an� payment for which a di((erent rate of iaterest is
<br /> ; � . � . speciEied herein, .ahall� be payable -.by� t6e Mort6a6or �to t6e Afottgagee � on demand and ahall be secured � by this Mortsagc. T6is � � . � . �
<br /> � .�.Mortaase w�itd repec! to m� such amountvnd the intetest thereon, shall constitute a lien on the mortgaged property prior W . � � . . . �
<br /> . . � � an�� other lien attachmg .or. accruing ���ubxquent . to the lien of this Mortgage. � . . � � � � � � � �
<br /> - � . � � � `� 10. 2'6e � MoKgaaee, b� � an� of � its �gmts ot reprefmtati�es, shaO have the right to inspect the mortgaged property from timt � � . � - �
<br /> 0 ` to time .c m� reasoeubls hour of the day. Should the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, at any time rcquire inspection,
<br /> . 0: �� repait, cue or �Yttention of� any kind � or naturc � not provided by this Moregage as determineJ 6r the Mortgagee in its wle dir �� . � -
<br /> � � � tretion, t6e Mottgagee mi�, after notice to the Mortgaaoq rnter or cause errtry to be made upan, the mortgaged propert�, and : . � � �
<br /> inspect, repair, protec[, cart for or maintain such pcoperty, as the Mortqagec may in its sole discretion deem neceseary, ud mar � �
<br /> . . . � � � par all �mounls �of moner thuefor. as the Dfortgagee may in :ts . sole distretion deem necessary. � . � . .. � . . .. .
<br /> � � � � il. T!u ptincipal amount owring on the Note togethet with intuest therenn a�d all othu chargen, as therein ptovided, �, � � � �
<br /> and aU other amounts oE money� owing by ehe Mortgagov to the Mortgaqee pursuant to aaJ secured or intended to be xcured � .
<br /> . br this Mortgage, � sha11 � immedidtely � become due and payable without notice or Jemand upon tht appointment of a receivez ot � � �
<br /> � liquidator, w�hether voluntfry or involuntary, for the Mortgagor or any of the property of the Mortgagor, ur upon the (iling of � �
<br /> - a petitioa br or against the Mortgaaor under the provisions of an� State insolvency law, or under the provisions oE the Bank• . � � � .
<br /> � � tuptc� Act of l898, u amended, or upon the making by the Mortgagor of an assignment for the benefit af tbe Mortgagor's creditots. � � .
<br /> . -� ' - ' `The � �Martgagce ls authorised� ta declare; at � its' option, all or aay part of such indcbtedness immedistdy due a�J payable upon the � � �
<br /> . happenios of my of tl�e [ollowing evmis: � � � - �
<br /> � (a) Failure to pa� ehe amount of any installment o( principal ■nd interesq or other charges payable on the Note, which shall . � � � � �
<br /> have become due, prior to t6e due date of the nezt such installmrnt; � � � � � � � � �
<br /> � (b) Noaperformance by the Afortgagor o( any covenant, agreemmt, term or conJition oE this Mortgage, or of the Note � � -
<br /> � (e=cept as otherwise provided in subdiv:sion (a) hereoE) ot of any other agreemmt heretofore, herewich or heteafter made � � ' � �
<br /> . by the Mottgagor w�ith the Mortgagee in connection w�ith such indebtedness; � . � . .
<br /> , (c) Failure of the Mortgagor to perform any covemnt, •greemrnt, term or condition in any instrument ueating a lieo upon � � �� � � �
<br /> . � tbe mortaaged psoperty, oc my part thereo(, vhich sball have prioriry over tbe lien of this Mortgagr, � � � � � � .
<br /> (d) The Mottgageds diseovery of the Mortgagor's failute in �ny app�ication of the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee to dixlose � � �
<br /> . my [ict deetoed b� the Mortqagce to be m�terial, or of the makinlq thercin or in any of the agreements eatemd into � ' � � � �
<br /> _ b� the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee ( including. but not limited to, thr. Not� and this Mortgage) oE any misrepresen- . � � .
<br /> lation by, � oa behalf of, or for the benc(it nf, the Tfortgagor, �. . � .
<br /> � , (e) The sale, lease or other transfer of any kind or nature o( the mortgaged proputy, or any part thereof, without the ptior � � � � . � �
<br /> � . � writtea consent of the Mortgager, � ' � � .
<br /> � � (f) The enactmcot af'ter . tbe Jate of this Atortgage of any law uf thr Srate of Nebraska deducting (rom the value oE � � � �
<br /> t6e mortaaged propecq - (or �anr part thereof), for the purpese of taxation, any lien thereon, oc changing in an� way �. � � � -�
<br /> � � ib law�s for t6e ta:ation of mortgages or debts secured by moctgage for state or local purposes, or the manner of collea � � �
<br /> tion of aay sueh tax, so as to affect thia Mortgage, and if after such enactment or change the holder of the Note a�d t2�is �
<br /> �. Mortgage gives wrritten notice to the Mortgagor declari�g the Note and all other indebtednns secured by this Mortgage � . � � � �
<br /> � to Ix due and payable, because of •ny suth emctment or change, immediately upon the expintion of tbitty (30) da�s � � �
<br /> �Fter such notice.
<br /> T6e Mortaagee's Eailute to ezetciu any uE its rights hercunder shall not constitute a waiver theceof. All the evmts io this Pata- � � �
<br /> � � � gaph enumerated upon the happcaing of any of which the Note ehall become, or may be declared to be, immediately due and � �
<br /> � ? pa�able, are in this Mortgage called "events of default". � �
<br /> ` � � 32. 'I'ht �Moctgagee ma� from time to time cure each defaul[ under any covenant or agreement in any instrumrnt crntiAs ■ � � �
<br /> lien upon the mortgaged property,� or any part thereof, vhich shall have priority over the �ien of this Mort6age, to such eztent - � � .
<br /> � � as the Mortaagee ma� e:clusively determine, and each amount paid (if any ) by the Martgagee to cure any �uch default ehall be paid � � � � � �
<br /> . � . b� tbe Mortsago� to the Mwtgagee; and the Mortgagee shalt aleo become subroRated to whatevec cights the bolder of the ptior � � � ��
<br /> , . � lieo misht hare uader such insvumeat. � �� .
<br /> : .� , 13. (a) Aftn � the 6appenins of anr defavlt hereundet, the Mortgagor shal� upon demmd of the Mort�gee sur�eoda po�ses- � �
<br /> � . � . sion of tho mortgaaed property to the Afortgagee, and the Moftgagee may enter such pmperty, anJ let the same and collect all the � . .
<br /> . - . � tents thereErom whitd are due or to become due, and apply the same, a(ter payment of alt charges and ezprnses, on accouot of
<br /> � t6e iade6tedness hemb� secured, and all �uch rents and all In�es ezisting at Me time of such default are hereb� assigned to the � �
<br /> Monsaaee as (ureher security for the paymmt of the indebtedness tetured herchy ; and tbe Mortgegee m�r •Iw dispo»ess, by tbe
<br /> . . . . musl . sumaut� proceedit�gs, anr temat de(aultiag in the parmrnt of any rent ea the Mortgagea � . . . .
<br /> �� � � (b) fn the event that the Mortgagor occupics the mortgaged property or any part thereof, the Mortgagoc agrees to surtenda � �
<br /> ; . posxuioa of sueh properq to the Mortgagee immediately aftet an� sucF de6ult hereimJer, anJ if the Dfortgagoc semaios in pos- - �
<br /> . aession after such deEau7t, suc6 possession sball be as a tenant of the Mortgagce, and the Atortgagor shall pay in adv�nte, upon �
<br /> � demand by the Mortgagee, aa a reasomble monthly rmtal (or the premises occupied by the Mnrtgagor, an unount at ]east equivateat � �
<br /> � . to ono-tw�elEth of the aggregate of the twelve monthly installments pavable in the currrnt calrndar year, plus the actual amount of � �
<br /> the amual ground renq if any, t�xo, assesamenb, water nta, other .¢ovemmental charge�e anJ insurance premiums payable in �
<br /> , conaection vith the mortgaged property during such year, and upon the failure oE the Mortgagor to par such monthl� rmtal, . � ��
<br /> � � ttu Mortgagot ma� alw be dispoxsessed by the usual summary proi�eedings applirablc ro temn�s. This covmant shall become
<br /> . effeetive immediately espon the happening of any such default, as determined in the sole discrction of the Mortgagee, wbo stull �
<br /> � aive aotice of such detarmimtion to the Mottgagor, and in the case nE foreclosure and the appolntment of a receiver oE the reats, � � �
<br /> �� � t6e w�ithin eoveoant shall iourc to th� benefit of such receiver. �
<br /> - � . ' � 1�• The Mottaagee ia aoy action to forcdox this Afortgage shdl be entitfed to the appointment of a receiver w�ithont noticq
<br /> . � aa �a matter of right and without regard to the value of the mortg�ged pruperh�, or the solvcnq� or insolvrncy of the Mottga�ot � �
<br /> . . o[ other party liable for the payment of the Note and othu indebteJness sccured by this Mortgage. � �
<br /> � � � � � 13. ?he � Mon NI�FIIp . (CO '
<br /> . . sagoc. ( 10) days upon request in person or within twenty (20) dqs upon request br mail, wi1!
<br /> .. � furois6 piomptl� a writtrn ahtemrnt in form satis(Rctory to the Mortgagee, signeJ by the Mortgigor and du(y acknoaledged, of , "'�
<br /> � t6e � amount . then owriag � on � t6e Note and other indebtedness secured b� this Mortgagq and �vhether an� offsete or defmw � �'Jm`� •�� � '
<br /> • i �. �� � . � . esiet apiost � such 'indebtedaess �or an� part thereoF. 'ak:!'�
<br /> r "e ;
<br /> . � . 16. � 1be. Mortsagor. � wi11 give immediate notiee b� registered ot «rtified mail m the Mortgagee of an� fire, dam�ge o� otber
<br /> nsnalt� affeRia6 � � � ro ert or of m mnv mee, eransfer or chan c in ownershi oE such �
<br /> �8� P P 7. 1 �Y R P Pcopert�, or aa� put
<br /> ; thereoE.�� . . � � � . ;
<br /> � . � - , . .. .. . , . . . � .� ���_�
<br /> 17. Notiee and demaad� br requeat may be made ia� wriring aad may be xrved in penon or by m.il. , ;
<br /> � . � . . , � . . � � 18. Ia - eaae o( r Yoreclosuce sa4 � of the � mortgageJ propecer it ma� be w�d in one parceL ,. : � y�� � V' . �
<br /> - � � � 19. T6e Dlortsasor will�� not � �aseiaa the cents, if �ar, in whole or in part, from the mortgaRed property, ur any part thereof.
<br /> . rit6out We prior written .conymt oE tbe Mortgagee'
<br /> J
<br /> 1
<br />