� �n�
<br /> Form HUD'No.623&Neb.
<br /> � � (Sec.312 Lom) .
<br /> (Revixd Aua.1970) . �
<br /> �$_ 000598 MOItTGAGE
<br /> i
<br /> This Mortgase made u oE t6e 23rd day of anuary . 39 7$ ,beMeen
<br /> John E, & Mar aret J. a/k/a Pe Husband & w3.�eE
<br /> $ ggy J. Higgins� �(herema ter nlled, and if more Wan one party joiatl�aod .
<br /> � � � uverdlr haeinafter caUed"Ddortsagor"), residing at 322 ESst 9th Street . Hall Count�, Nebraslu �. . �
<br /> � � and the�United Stites of Ameriw (hereLuFtet called "Mortg�gee"), actin6 br and througb the Departmmt oE Housing and Urban � � � .
<br /> Developmmt having�Regioml Oftice st 911 Nox'th Walnut StTeet, KanS2s City .� � . . � �
<br /> Sute oE Missouri .
<br /> WITNESSETH, t6at to ucure the pa�meot o( an indebeedaess in the principal amount of Four Thousand Nine Hundred
<br /> Fifty & n0/lO0Dot2an(= 4�950.00 ),wit6 intereet thcreon, which shall be
<br /> payable in accordann witb •
<br /> cettain nott beuing evm date herewith, a true and conect copy of which, exdusive of the sigmture oE the Mortgagor, marlced �
<br /> � . "Schedule A" is amexcd hereto and made a part hereof, �nd dl other indebtedness which the Mortg�gos is obligated to pq to � �
<br /> the Mortaagee pursuaat to the provisions oE the Note and this Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby gants, coaveye and moregagq � �
<br /> � to the Mongaaee: . .
<br /> Tbe followrins deecribed properry situate in Hall County,Nebnska. �
<br /> I,ot Eight (8) in Block One Aundred Forty-ltao (142) in Union
<br /> Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br /> TOGETHER, with al� appurtmances thereto md all the dtate and rights of the Mmtgagor in and to mch propect� ot ia � .
<br /> aorvix appertainiag t6ereto; �I! buildings and olher atructures no.v or hereafter thereon etetted ot insLlled, and atl fiatucp � ..
<br /> and artides of perwnat property rtow or hereafter attached ro, or used in, or in the opentions of, any svch laad, buildinss or � �.
<br /> "struttures which ase necessary to the mmplete use md occupancq of such bvildirtFs or structnres for the purpose Eor which the� �
<br /> � w�ere or are to be erected or instaUed,indudiag,but not limited to :11 heatinit, p�umbing, bathroom, lighting, cooking, livadq, � .
<br /> � ventilating, reftigerating, incinenting, and aiaconditioning equipmmt and fixtures and all replacemrnts thereof and additioos � � � . .
<br /> thereto,whetl�er or not the aame are or ahall be atNched to �uch land,buildings or structures in any m�nner; �, � �
<br /> TOGETHER, wiW aa� aud all awarde no�v or hereafter made for the taking of the property moztgaged hereb7, or a� � �
<br /> part thereof (including aar easement), by the exercix of the pover of eminent domain, including aa� a�vard for ehange of � � �
<br /> grade of any street or other roadwaq, whith aw�ard� are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee and are deemed a pirt oE tbe ptopert� -
<br /> - mortgaged berebr, and the Mortgagee ie hereb� authorized to collect and rcceive the proceeds oE such aaards, to si�e proper .
<br /> � receipta and acquittances thetefor, �nd to �ppl� the sime toward the p�ymcnt of the indcAtednest secured br this Mortgaae, nob
<br /> � withsbnding tbe fact that the�mount owing thereon may nM then be due and payable; and the Tfortgagor heteby agreef, apoo � �
<br /> . zequest,to make,ezecute aad deliver�n� and dl aaisnmrnts and other instn�mcnts sufficient for the pucpox of aseigning ncli �
<br /> suth awtrd to the Mortgageq free, cleaz and dischatged of any encumbrances of anq kind or mture w�hatsoe�er;and �. � �
<br /> TOGETHER, with all iig6t, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to th� iand lying in the streets and roadt io ftont of �
<br /> � and adjoining the above desccibed land (aU the above described land, buildings, other structurn, fistures, artides of persoaal
<br /> . propetry,awards md other ti6hts aad "wteresb being hereimEtee collectively cylled the "mortgaged ptopert�"). �
<br /> TO HAVH�AND 'I'O HOLD the mertgaged propetty and erery part thereof unto the Mortgagee, its fuccessocs aad assisos �
<br /> forever for the purposes and nsea herein set fotth.
<br /> AND tbe Mortgagor Futther,covenants and agrees with the Mortgagee, as follows:
<br /> 1. The Moregagor wiil prompHr pay the ptincipal oE and intuest on thr indebtedneu evidenced by the Note, and all otder �
<br /> � � ehatges and iadebtednesa provided tAereia aad in this Mortgage, at the times and in the manner provided in the Note and ie
<br />. � thif Mortgage.
<br /> . 2. The Aiortgagor will pay when due, aa hereinalter ptovided, all Fround rrnh, iE any, and alt ta:e�, assessmeab, water �
<br /> rates and othtr go�ernmenbl charge�, fiae� and imposition�, of every kin� and nat�re whatsoevec, now ot hereaftet impoud ou
<br /> the mortgaged properq,oc any part thereof, and will pq whm due erery amuunt o( indebtedness secured b� any lim to which �
<br /> the lien o( thia Mortg�ae is e�epsesalr subject.
<br /> � � 3.�Thie Afortgage and the Note were ncecvted aad delivered to secure moneqs advanced,or to be advanced, b� the Mortgagee �
<br /> � . as or oa.account of a loan evidmced b7 ehe Note, toe the pnrpox of making the improvements described or referred to tn - �
<br /> �� specification and bid sheet d,i� August 31 , s9 �� . �o or on e6e �:�;
<br /> �� . mortga6��P�P�+'4, and for suc6 otber parpox, if m�, dettribed or rc(erred to therein, w�hich impro�emmti are herufter collee- `' �
<br /> tivel�.ealled. "Improvemenb."�Y7�e Mortyaaor shail� make or cavae to be made all the Improvemenb. If the mastraetion or � '� ��
<br /> .imhtlsUon-of.the..Impm�ements.shatl sot be.nrricd ont aiN reawnable�diligence, or shall be d'uconHnued at an� dme for �
<br /> � =�f�r�4 otha�tban��strikd,�lxlcoub, �cp of�God,-fim, floodf or other simi[ar t�tastrophice, riots, w�ar or insurtectioa, t6e �
<br /> Mortgasee,�aftec due�ootice-to�the Mortgs.gor:s 6ereb�wWorixd (aj�to enter upoo the mortgaged property and employ afry w�tcb- `
<br /> .. .rnen.to� pmtect�cpe Impro.emrnb from depred�tion or�injur� and to presme and protect snch ro r . 3
<br /> P pe 1�..(b) to carry out m� �..'�� �
<br /> . or d1 Weo Qistiea�contraets behvem the Mortgagoc md ofher parties for the purpose of makiag an� of the Improvements, ��
<br /> .. �S) F��+ke and enter into additioaal tontracb aad.�ioenr oblig�tiom for the purpoxs of completing the Improvemcmts purauant _..'� ;,,, - �
<br />. . to the obligationa��of t6e Mortgagor.6tseuodu,e(thet in tbe n�me of eLe Mortgagee or the Mortgagor,iod(d)to pay and d'uchatge
<br /> �
<br />