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<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of tl�e monthly instnllments reterred to in parugraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> change' the emount of such instaltmenta.
<br /> 10. Bonower Not Releasad. : Extieneion of the time tor puyment or modification of amortization of the aums
<br /> aecured by this 14oTtgage grantecl by Lender to any euccessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to reTease,
<br /> is-any msnner, _the-lisbility of the uriginnl Borrower nnd Borro�cer'F successors in interest. Lender shsll not be '�
<br /> Q required to commence:proceedings againstsucl� successoror refusc to extend time for psyment or otherniae modify �, �`
<br /> CTj amortiaation of the sums secured by this \Iortgage by ceason of :iny demaod inade' by the original Borrower and � ° '
<br /> Lf� Borrower's sucoessora in intereat. �, : ' �, •
<br /> Q Yl. Fosbe��ce by Leader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy ,t
<br /> C"j hereunder, or oti�erwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be s wai✓er of or preclude the exerciae of any right ' '
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other ]iens or charges by I.ender �_',
<br /> shall not be 's 'waiver of Lender's right to accelera£e the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. � ;
<br /> � `32: Retaedi'es Cumula6ve. ' All remedies provided in tliis Mortgsge are distinct and cumulative to any other °'.
<br /> Op right`or remedy under this 1-Iortgage orafforded by la��• or equity, and may be exercised concunently, independ- `
<br /> � ently 'orsuccessively.
<br /> 13. Sueeessora �d Assigas Bouad; Joiat �d Several Liability; Captioas. The covenants and agreements , i
<br /> herein contained ahall bind, snd the rights hereunder shatl inure to, the respectivc successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> and Borrower, suUject to the provisions of paragrnph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Bonower shall
<br /> be joint and several. The captions and Leadings of the ��aragraphs of thi� \ tortgagc are for convenience only snd
<br /> sre not to be used to interpret or define Lhe provisions I�ereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any notice to Borro�ver pro�•ided for in t6i� \lortgage shall bc gi�•en by mailing such notice by �
<br /> certified mail uddressed to Borrower at tl�c Property Address stuted below, except for any notice required under =
<br /> paragraph 18 liereof to be given to Borro�t•er in the munner prescribed by applicable Iaw. Any notice provided ' '
<br /> for in this \fortgage shall bc deemed to hAve bcen given to Borro�rer «�l�en given in the marmer designated herein. � , ,:
<br /> 15. UniEorm Mortgage; Goveming Law; Sevezability. 'Chis form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br /> for nstional use and non-uniform covenants �vitl� limiteci ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rity inatrument covering real property. This \iortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which s'-
<br /> the Property is located. In tl�e event that any provision m• clausc of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br /> applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions oC this \Iortgage or the Note which cun be given . ;� ,_
<br /> effect without the conHicting provision , and to this end the provisions of the �Iortgage and the Note are declared ky '
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bonowez's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this :�Iortgage at the time of execu- ?l 'r
<br /> tion or after recordation hereof. �� ' `
<br /> 17. Trrn�sfer of the Property; Assumption. If :ill or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold �+ s �
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum- J" C ;;
<br /> brance subordinate to this Mortgage, ( b) the creution of u purchase money security interest for household appli- y � i
<br /> ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la�c upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the. grant of '{` , ;�
<br /> anp ]easehold interest of three yeats or less not containing un option to purchase, Lender may. at Lender's option, F: ; �w'�
<br /> declare sll the sums secured by this Mortgage to bc immediately due and payable. Lender shall hsve waived such f ` r;
<br /> option ,to accelerate if, prior to the sale or trunsfer, Lender ss�id tl�e person to whom the Property is to be sold or f - '
<br /> traneferred reach agreement in writin� tl�at the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest �'
<br /> papable on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at sucl� rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived � �,
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ- � � �
<br /> ten sesumption agreement accepted in �vriting by I,eader, Lender shall release Borrower Srmn sll obligstions under t�
<br /> this Mortgage and the Note. r
<br /> If Lender exercises auch option to accelerute, Lender shall enaii Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance � � 1
<br /> with paragraph 14 hereof. Such noticc shall pror•ide ss period of not ]ess than 30 dayc from thc date the notice is +° '
<br /> mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borro�ver fails to pay sucl� sums prior to the y ?
<br /> expira.tion o[ such period, Lender may. �vithout furtl�er notice or detnand on B'orrower, invoke nny remedies per- � .+
<br /> mitted by paragrsph 18 hereoF. �.
<br /> L�ON-UNIFORbf COVENAI�TS. BOl'1'O�VCP Ni1CI LBIl(IQl' fUl'LI]CT COVCI1flRt 1nd agree as follo�vs : �
<br /> 18. Aeceleratioa; Remedies. E�cept xs pro�•ided in � �uragrn��h 17 hereof, upon Borro�ver's breach of any P
<br /> covenant or agreement ot Borrowcr in tl�is �IortFagc, induding thc covensnts to p�y «•hen due any sums eecured � -
<br /> by this �lortgage, Lender 7irior to acceleration shall mail noticc to Borro��•cr us pro�•idecl in paragraph 14 l�ereof !'
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) t2he breach ; �;2) the 2etion required to ewr such breach ; 131 a datc; not less tlian thirty days r
<br /> from the date thc notice is mailed to I3orroa�cr, by �cl�ich surl� brcach must bc cured ; und i41 thnt failure to cure
<br /> such breach on or before il�e date specified in the noticc inuy result in ssccelerution of the suuis secured by this
<br /> Mortga�e and sale of the Property. If the breuch is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declate nll of the sums secured by this \?ortgsge to be immedistcly due and payaUle
<br /> without further demand and may foreclose 'tLis �fortgage Uy judiciul proceeding. Lender s6sll bc entitled to collect �
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclosure, inclmling, but not limited to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br /> nbstracts and title reports. �
<br /> 18. Boaowora Right to Reiastate. .\'ot�ti�ithstanding I.ender's uccelera[ion of the sums secuted by this
<br /> Mortgage, Borrower ahall have the right to have any proceedings begun by i,ender to enforcc this �fortgsge dis-
<br /> continued a� any time prior to entry oE a jndgment enfotcing this �fortgage if : �n ) Borrower pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due ander this �Iortgn�c, thc �Tote and notes securing Future Advnnces, if any, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b) Borrower cures all breaches of an�• other covenants or ssgreements of Borrower con-
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c) Borrower puys all reasonsble espenses incurrecl by i.ender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in this vlort�uge and i�i enforcin�; 7.endcr's remeciies us provided in pam-
<br /> grsph 18 hereof, iacluding, but not limited to, rea=onnblc attornc}•'� iees : and ( d ) Borrow•cr takes such nction as
<br /> rI.ender maq reasonably require to assure that the lien of this �Iortgsgc. Lender'� interest in the Property and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured hy , thi� vlort�age sha❑ continuc unimpsired. Upon such psyment
<br /> and`ct�re by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligatione secured hereby shull remain in tull forcc and effect as if ' , :�'�
<br /> no acceleration.had occurred. -���-�>'
<br /> 20. Asrtgnmsat, oi�.Re�s; Appoiatment ot. Raceiver; Lender ia Possesaion As additionul security here- ,, u ;
<br /> under, Borrowerliereby seaigns to 7�ender tl�e rents of the Property, provided thnt Borrower shall , prior to acceler- � '�• @ �.
<br /> staon under psrsgrsph 18'hereof or sbandonment of the Property, have thc right to collect and retain such rents .,. '
<br /> �ag t hey tiecome due and payable. y <' �
<br /> U`pon "acCeletataoa under psragraph 18' hereof or abandonment of the Yroperty, Lender, in person, bp agent „,: . �
<br /> p=, by �aYd�o�ally appoinEed receivei�-n1ia11 be enti�led to enter-,upon, take posseasion of and manage the ProperGy i��< '
<br /> :,and.`to� collect�the xents of. the Property,;+including' thosc past due. All rents collected bv Lender or the receiver """'�-'�`' ""
<br /> ahall be spplied fiist to payment: of the costs.of management of the Property und collection of rents, ineluding, but ,
<br /> not Smited to, receiver's;,feea, preminms on mceiver's Uonda and reasonable attorney's feea, and then to the sums
<br /> secui�ed'by thie Mortgage. Lender and Lhe feceiver sHall bc lidble to account onl�• for those rnnts actu�lly receiced.
<br /> . _,.. ., � ... . _,... . ., . ._.:, , .._, .,..._ . .. . :,. . . .._ ,. ,.,. . �_ �
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