_ I- �
<br />€ .
<br /> �s- U00560
<br /> r
<br /> . , � . � COPIES TO : � � . . �. . .
<br /> . � � . � ( - ) H2O.W . Diviaion , Neb . Dept , of Rrls . . Pru,�ect PJo. M-5161 (001)
<br /> . � � ( ) � Owtu:r . . - . .
<br /> ` ; B�yrer Tract f7o. 12
<br /> � )
<br /> . . � . . � . . � � � RIC2iT OF ?4AY CO;ffF,ACT . . . . . � .
<br /> : � �� � Z4iIS H.^,REEMF'.NT� made and entered into this �y� day uf �, 19 7 � � � . .
<br /> , by and betxeen :
<br /> Graydon E . Hartigan , a single person ,
<br /> ,
<br /> � - � oP 721 WESt S't011ey Park Rodd , Grnnd Island , Coimty o£ FIall , State of Stebraska , hereinafter ca2led � � � � �
<br /> � �� . the ChINER, and tt�e Ciby of Grand Islend , Neuraska , hereinnfter called the BUYER. � � � � � � �
<br />� � � WITNESSETH: 7n. considerat3on of the paynu�nt or payrv:nts as specifind belox, the Owner hereby agrees to � ..
<br /> � � . � � execute to the B�yyer , a warranty deed , �.hich wi21 be prepared und 1lirnished by tbe Buyer , to certain rea2 � �� � . � �
<br /> eatate aescribea as roiiowa : Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 8 , Hagges �
<br /> Subdivision in the City of Grand Island , Nebraska ; thence running east on the
<br /> north line of said Lot 8 to a point lying 7 . 68 feet ( 2 . 341 meters ) east of the
<br /> northwest corner of said Lot 8 ; thence running southwesterly a distance of
<br /> 12 . 69 feet ( 3 . 868 meters ) to a point on the west line oF said Lot 8 a distance of
<br /> 10a10 Peet ( 3 . 078 meters ) south of the northwest corner of said Lot 8 ; thence
<br /> running north on the west line of said Lot 8 a distance of lO . lO feet ( 3 . 078 s
<br /> meters ) to the point of beginning
<br /> � � and as shown on approved pl:�rts for F'ro,ject No . Di-5161 ( Wl ) , Trnet PIo, 12 � consi,tir� of 38 ��78 �
<br /> . . equare £eet , more or less � citup.ted in the Northeast Quarter � NFa �— �
<br /> � . � � � of Sectioa 28 , Township 11 North � Rnnge 9 West oY ti:c th P. M. � in Ha11 County� ��� .
<br /> . � � � Nebraska. � . � �
<br /> � � . . It is agrced and vnderstood that the Buyer i� hereby �;ranted m immediate right of entry upon the premises �� � � � -
<br /> � described above . % � �
<br /> j
<br /> �� � 1'he IIuyer agrees to purchose the above described real eetate and to pny therePor upon the delivery of � � -
<br /> . � � � � � asid warraztty deed . If the Ocmer so dee. ires he shall havr the right to receive � l� oF the finul paymeints � � �
<br /> . � . �� dua under this contract prior to vacating the premises h�in�5 acquired . Paymeat or puyment3 are to be made � � . .
<br /> � � by the Duyer to the Owner fur the praperty actually taken , nut includ3.ng pre�ent public roads , according to . .
<br /> - . .� ., the i'ollowing rate per foot . 17ie parties hereto sh¢11 be buund by n cquare footnf,e fi�;ure which sha11 not � -
<br /> � � � . � very SOQ, from� the footap,e set £orth below as an approzimate figure . This nmount shall be renegotiated when � � �
<br /> . . . � a varietioa of trie sqvnre Sootage exceeds the3e limitattons . . � �
<br /> � � � � . � Approximately -- � square £cotage at $ �– per aq. ft . , Sta –�– to Sta -- $ -- . � �.
<br /> , Approximately � �� aqu¢re zootage at $ �– per sq. ft . , Sta ._ to Sta -- $ �– � � �
<br /> � � � � Moving and replacine approximat,ely -- feet of Penoe nt $ -- per foot � y .-- � � . ,
<br /> Land and Contractual Damaaes ' ; ' _ " ' $ 111 . 39 ^
<br /> , : APPRoxit•f,•.�rs: 2mnL $ 11Z . 39
<br /> . � Rhe abwe paymerets sha11 cover tL11 dama�es caur,ed by the e. ; C�blishaent ar:d constivcticn o£ the abwe pro,jeot . � , �
<br /> � � � . 2f any other perty shall hold any enc:ambrance again3t the aSorementioned property at tne tiae of delivery � � .. �
<br /> � � oP the deed , �uch pEtyments as ere due undr_ r thia contract shall be madc io the Owaer ,jolntly with the party or � � � . � � .
<br /> � , � parties holding cuch encumbrance � unless said party , or pnrties holding such encumbrance skall havc 1n writing - � .
<br /> . . - �� waived .his right to receive auch p$yment . � � , �
<br /> . . � . Ezpensea � For. partial release o£ nortgesges nn�l docu�ntnry sta,ups wi11 be paid by - the IIuyer , i£ rr.quired. � . �
<br /> � . � - � 71iis- contract aha.11 he binding an both parties a� �oon s it i� executeQ by botl� prcrties , but , :;hould � . . �
<br /> . . � � � aone oS' the above rea3 estate be required this contract shall terminnte uoon Che payc�ent of $10. 00 by the � � � �
<br /> � � � �- Euyer � to the � chmer. . . . . . .
<br /> . � . . . � . . � � � � �. :i�a;'
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