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� . � <br /> ; . <br /> � 8--� UU �J � 4 "1 <br /> � y .sfitS q .,;j,, ; . ; �. . .' ' . : ; "� - t.. . . . <br /> Satd pmm�iaeoRy .aote wae.given to secure a loan in which the $ma11 Bwinaxa,Adminiatration,, an agency of the <br /> ' Un�tod;,Stptes o1,�lmerice, Lae� participated,� In compliaace with .eeotioa . 101.1 (d ) of the Rulw and 'Regnletione of <br /> the Suiall Bueineee Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1 ( d ) ), thia inetrument ie to be conetrued and entorced in accord- <br /> � f4!�n+Witltapplicrble.Fe�eraflaw.. , .: ,, ' <br /> ; , , . , _ :, , , . , ; - r. : .. . <br /> r „ 1. . The mortgagor, covwanu anRl agreen as follows: . <br /> � , <br /> � !, �� a. 8e will promptiy pay the mdebtediiees evidenced by eaid pcomiaeory aote at the times and in "the <br /> , manner therein provided. <br /> b5 ' He will pay ail taxee, aeeeeeaienta, water ratee, aad other governmental or municipal chaiges. finee, or <br /> i ' ' " '"impoeitions, for whichproviaion lasa not been made hereinbefore, and will promptlp delive= tha official nceipta ' <br /> ' ,' ` ' 'thuefor to the eaid mortgagee. _ ;: - , <br /> : c. He will pay each expeneee and Fees as may be incuned ia eh� protection and mainteaaace of Aud <br /> ' ' - property, inctuding tt�e feea of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collectioa of any or all of <br /> the indebtedneee hereby eecured, or forecloaure by mortgagec's sale, or court proceedinga, or in any other <br /> litigation or proceeding affectinR eaid property-. Attorneye' feee reaeonahly incurred in any other way ahall be <br /> paid by the mortRaRon <br /> d. For better eecurity of the indebtedneaa hereby aecured, upon the requeet of the mortgagee, ite <br /> succeeeore or aesigna, he ehall execute and deliver a eupplemental mortRaqe or mort�aRee covering any <br /> additions, improvements, or bettermente made to the pruperty hereinabove deacribed and all property <br /> acqvired by i[ after the date hereof ( all in form satisfactory to mortgagee l . Furthermore, should mortgaKor <br /> fail to cure any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encLmibrance on the property described by . <br /> this inetrument, mortgagor hereby agreea to permit morigagee to cure auch default, but mortgagee is not <br /> obligated to do eo; and auch advancea ahall become part of the indebtednesa eecured by thia inatrument, i <br /> aubject co the same terme and conditions. <br /> e. The righis created by this conveyance ahall remain in full force und eHect during any� poatponenrent <br /> � j _ or e�ctenaioa of the time of the payment of the inde6tednese evidenced by said promixsory note or any part <br /> thereof secured I�ereby. <br /> J. He will contiauoaely maintain haaard iaeurance, of euch type or typea and in such amounte aa tho <br /> " mortgagee may from time to time bequire on the improve�nenta now or hereaFter on xaid � propert?•, an�J <br /> ' will pay prompdy whea due any premiume therefor. All ineurance ehall be carried in companiee acceptable <br /> ro mortgagec aad th� poli«ee and naewala thereof ehall be held by mortgagee and have attached t6ereto <br /> loee payable claueee in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loes, mortgagor will give ^ <br /> immediate notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loea if aot made prompdy by <br /> ' ' mortgagor, and each inenrance company concerned ia hereby avthoriaed and directed to make payment for euch <br /> loee dir�cdy to mortgagee inetead of to mortgagor and mortgagee joiatly, and the ineurance proceede, or any <br /> � pait thczeof, may be applied by mortgagee at ite optioa either to the reduction of the indebtednees hereby <br /> eecured or to the reetoration or repair of the property damaged or destroyed. In event of forecioe�u+e of thie <br /> ? mortgagc; or other tranefer oE title to said property in extinguiehment of tl�e indebtedneea xcured henby, all <br /> right, title, and intereet of the mortgagor in and to any ineurance policiee then in force ehall paee to the <br /> purchaser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mort�ta�cee, ma�• be eurrendered for a ref�wd. <br /> i <br /> ' g. He will keep all buildinge nnd other improvemente on eaid property in good repair and conditimi ; <br /> ` wili permit, commit, or auffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; <br /> ' in the event o[ failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premieee and tho�e erected on said <br /> '' premiees, oc unprovemente thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may make suc6 repairs ae in ita diecretion <br /> `� ! it may i7eein `neceaeary for the proper predervation thereof; and the fn}I amount of each: and every ench <br /> j - '' G '' paymenc ehall ' be immediatelv due and payable ; and ehall be secured bs the lien�oF tHiF� mort�caFe. - <br /> ; . , � : , , . .� �. , , : � <br /> � .j .. .. . . - . .. _.. .. . . �.. ., � - .. . . . , , . . . . '_ . � . � . <br /> , h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created againet the property eubject to t�ie mortgage ano <br /> ; liea or liene inferior or superior to the lien of thie mortgage without the written coneent of the mortgagee ; and <br /> { .. a � .iurther, that he will �ceep and mnintain the eatue free frmn the cluim oC a❑ pereone rupplyinR labor or <br /> ? +�; � w ; mauri62a;for coneteuction of any; and all huildinge , or , improvements now heinF erected or to be erected m� <br /> , , , <br /> ; ,:: ._ ,� .,� as,a,dpremue� , :; ,.. : -. . : , �. , . _ <br /> i. FIe will not rent or aeeign any part of the tent of naid mortgaged propert�� or 'demolieh, or remu�•e, <br /> or eubetantially alter any huildin�c without the written conaent of the mortEcaRee. <br /> " ' � '-�� ' jr' rlll 'awarde of d8magea iti+ connection`with`any condemnation for public uee oF or injur�- ro an�• of d�e <br /> property eubject to thie mortgage are hereby aeeigned and ahall be paid to mortRagee, who 'may, apply the <br /> _ ; �; :,.eame to peyment of the inetallmente last due under eaid note, and mongagee is hereb�• authorized, in the <br /> ' '. ` ' ' �name of.:�thc'morrgagor; fo exeevee and deliver valid acquittancee thereof and to appeal from any euch awerd. '� <br /> , <br /> � � , �. , y, k The, mort�agee el�al,l have the ri�cht to inepect tha inortgaged premine,; xt,anr reaeonable time. _ _,,{�.._ - , <br /> ; � `, • 2i'�efa�1L' 3ii�attyj;ofdthls ouven�nte =br' coaditioxfe, at',ihie iloetcument or of ihe note or loan agreemeat eewred +� � <br /> . . � � a.hereby ahall terminate;the mortgagor'e right to poeeeaeion, i�ee, and enjoyment of the property, at the option of the <br /> .mortgagee - or }�ie aeeigne (it being agrxd that the mortgagor ahall have euch right unti] default ) . Upon any euch <br /> ' � .;d'efault, the mortgagee ehalt become the owner �.of'�all�dtf""[he^i+�nte and pro6te accruing after default ae eeci�rity � ', „*, <br /> , j ,.","for tLe indebtedneae eecured herebq, with'thb d�th�"i fe► qt►t�tt�'said`property for the purpoee oC collecting euch ' <br /> 4 �:.^ j <br /> r� rente and profise. Thie inetrument ehall opees�e ad aa�-esYigbment df anp:rentele oa esid property to that exteat. �. � <br /> .iti ' <br /> i + liltz ''� <br /> � SBA RORM 92B (2-73� I <br /> J <br />