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<br />� . f! ( 9 ) That Sn the event aqy awards are made to the Mortgagors or thelr successors in SnLerest for taking or demaging �� � �
<br /> �1 by the exerclse oi eminent domaln Che whole or arLy yart of the mortgaged yremises or aqy easement therein , the said � �
<br /> . j awards are hereDy asslgned to the Mortgagee ; the Hortgagee Ss hereDy authorized to collect , receive , and receipt '� � � �
<br /> therefor anp to apDly the same in payment of aqy SnAebtedness , matured or unmatured , secured by thls mortgage , "; -
<br /> � ( 7) � That in the event Mortgagors detault Sn the payment oI said princlDgl sum , � or of any installment thereoi , or ��
<br />� oZ aqy interest triereon . at the tlme when the seme � shall be due , or wlth resDect to any covenant ar cond2tion here- ' `�
<br /> oi,� then , at the option oI Mortgagee , the entire 3ndebteAness secured hereby shail forthwlth Decome due and payabie, I
<br /> shall� bear Snterest .at the detault rate descrlDeQ � 1n said note , snA the Mortgagee may S�neCiate]y foreclose ttiis �� I.,
<br /> mortgage or puraue eqy other avallable legal remeQy .
<br />� . ( 8 ) � That in Che event actlon is Orought � to foreclose Ch1s mortgage , the Mortgagee shall be entitled Lo immedlate !� �
<br />�' thesusualn of the mortgaged premises , anA the court may appoint e recelver to take posseasion of said premises , wlth �' ��
<br /> � powers or receivers Sn lixe cases . t�
<br /> �
<br /> ( 9 ) That failure or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of Sts rights or Drivlleges , shall � not be construed as a ,1
<br /> aalver thereof - that any act of Mortgagee walving aqy speclfic QeSault of HorGgsgors shall not be construeQ as a '( '
<br /> � � walver o1 any future detaults ; that Sn case of Aefault Sn the payment ot any amortfzation inscailments or interest , � +�
<br /> or ln case of paycoent Dy� Mortgagee of aqy 11en , Judgment , tax, Snsurance , cost or expense ; or rents , fees or charges, ��
<br /> � sald Mortgagee ahall have the privilege , without declaring the wl7ole SndeDtedness due and payable , to foreclose on �
<br /> account ot such specltic default for such sums as are 1n default and such torec2osure proceedings may be haQ and �{
<br /> 1 the land described hereln may be sold , sub� ect Lo the unpaiG Sndebtedness hereDy secured , and thls mortgage sha11 �
<br /> � contlnue as a lien for any unyaid Dalance . i
<br /> 1ti
<br /> ( 10) That the Mortgagee may extend ana defer the maturlty of and renew anQ reamortize said SndeDtedness , re2ease ii
<br /> from SiabilSty aqy yarty llable thereon , and release from the lien hereof portlons of the proyerty covered hereby, ��
<br /> �r� wlthout affecting the yrlority hereof or the llability of Mortgagors or any other party for the paymenL of said # � �
<br /> 3 SnQebteGness , all such extenslons , deferments , renewals , anG reemortlzations to be secureQ hereby. i � � .
<br /> I
<br /> � ( li ) Transfer of Security . IL is agreed between che parties �hereto , their heirs , legal representacives and assl�s, !y
<br /> � that the Sntegrity anG responsiDility ot the Hortgagors constltuces a part of the consideration for the note secvreA +{
<br /> hereDy , anG that in the � event the Mortgagors shall sell , transfer , or convey the property UescrlbeG herein , Lhe fl
<br /> � Mortgagee may at its option declare the entlre SnQebtedness immeQiately due and DBYeble an0 may proceeQ in the en- � � �
<br /> forcement of its rights as on any other default Sn the terms ot the note anA mortgage . ;� � � �
<br /> �! ( 12 ) Assl�vnent of Praceeds of Mineral Lease . Mortgagors hereby transter , set over , e.nd convey to Mortgagee ail (�
<br /> ;� rents , royalties , bonuses , and delay moneys that may from time to tlme become due and payable under any oil , gas , + , :
<br /> or other mineral lease of any klnd now exlsting or thut may hereafter come into exlstence. , covering the above land (�
<br /> � or aqy part thereof . Ail such sums .so received �y Mortgagee shall De applleQ to the inGebtedness secureQ hereby ; or �
<br /> r! said Hortgagee may - at lts optlon turn over and tiellver to the Mortgagors or their successors in incerest , aqyor ail � �
<br /> I of such sums wlthout pre� utlice to any of Mortgagee � s rlghts to take and retain future sums , anG without pre�udlce �3
<br /> { to aqy of its other rSghts under this mortgage . The transter and conveyance hereunder to Mortga.gee of sald reats , 4i
<br /> ��!1 royalties , bonuses , anG delsy moneys shall be construed to be a provSsion tor Lhe payment or reCucclon o7 the mort- �r
<br /> gage debt , sub� ect to the Mortgagee � s option as herelnbetore provideG , Sndependent of Lhe mortgage 11en on. sald real � ft �
<br /> jestate . Upon DaYment in Iull of che martgage debt and Lhe release of thls mortgage of record , thls conveyance shall ;! �
<br /> j become inoperative and of no' further force and eZfect . �� -�
<br /> �j ( 7✓ords and yhrases herein, incLvding Lhe acknowledgment hereof, shaZl be consfrued as in the singular or ylura Z 4i ` y��
<br /> j , nucbers aa�d as mascut£ne , feminine , - or neuter gender, according to the co ex � � �'.
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<br /> ;! � thls a�day of ����� , p . D . , 19 f�, Defore me , a Notary PuDlic Sn end Zor said County and `� � .
<br /> 2 ' �
<br /> �� state , persona11y appeared Paul A . Ouisenberrv (also known as Paul A Quisenberrv Jr ) ��
<br /> ��
<br /> F and Minnie K . Ouisenberrv husband and wife ��
<br /> i1 �;
<br /> �! to me known LODe the Persons named Sn antl who executed the foregoing Snscrument , and acknowleGged that they execuced ij � .
<br /> the same a.a thelr voluntary act anQ deed , i
<br /> NANCY J. EITZEL �
<br /> �ENERAL NOTApY J' gf N �� '....� �. 4 . . �
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<br /> � [ Type or print nayne undar signeture ) ti
<br /> Notary Publlc Sn anG for saia County and State :. � '
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