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� ` � <br /> _. , <br /> �..�._..���_ _ _ <br /> . � . <br /> ; j <br /> ' � ; �MOHSGAGE--3aHsq� md Inm,Po�m--�Cr�d(t�Pl� SSS� l8psdaU .. . . .r� ':; . � .: ` .:�,r <br /> ; 78-- O Q 0 3 8'7 MORTGAGE - <br /> ,.i ,:: . �xo � <br /> ,< z : <br /> ,, , <br /> .� . .�.Ytug'a�ipOiYpxE,maae,�• . . 1�8th .�,,; or .January . . . �978 .tnandt�tw..n <br /> -,{ MARVIN []�'"�MILLER A�1D PATRICIA I _ MII IFR h�iehanri anri Wifc� oarh r� h�� ap� tio.- ..�..q p,j�ti+ <br /> �� and as spquse ot the other • - <br /> j 'or HAL'L co„net.xeMmta.m�S�d Aome FWs�al Sa�inq��d Aa�aeiallon ot Grmd L1md <br /> i i� .. a cerporatloo or9�izod�d e�stiaq uader tLs laws ot Nebrmta wSth!b P��1iw1 oNics�d plaes ot buaius�at Grand Ll�d.Nebrmlcw <br /> m mortgag�a: � . � . . <br /> ' j- . �WI7N�ETH: SLat�ald mort9c9orS_. !or and ia coodderatlon o( the��o! � .� � �� .. ... <br /> j TWENTY E16HT THOUSAND AND NO/l00----------------------------------- �s 28.OQ0.00 ,, <br /> � <br /> ILe�zeesiPt ot�wLich is Lersby admowledqed, do— bp 1Lese preaenb mort4c4s md w�r�t unto�dd maregaqe�. ib sooeeasns-md � , . :-: <br /> aoiqn�,lors�er, al!tLs fdlowtaq de�ibed teal esouts, �ima�ed ln the couary ol HALL <br /> .�,��� � �and Stals o�NabrmloQ.towit: � . � <br /> ;. 1 S <br /> } <br /> j LOT ONE ( I) WOLFE'S SECOND SUBDIVISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLA�D, HALL <br /> i COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> .��� � � ,� <br /> ; <br /> � - <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � � .. ts... Sogether wii1� dl Leatinq. IighNnq. �d pl�mbin4 aquipmeat �d f[Kuree, iaeludinq stokeis �d burners.�ezeans,awninga,rio�m windows " . <br /> �� und doors.�d window a6ade�or Llind�, ueed on or in croanectlon with smd propertp.wLeth�r the a�e�s now tocated on wid propartp <br /> i or herea(ter placed thareoa. . . <br /> ,� SO FIAVE AND i0 HOLD Tf�SAME, toget6er with aL and eiagufar ebe teaemanh,heredit�enta and appurten�ces�Lareuato belong- . � <br /> i� inq.or in cnywise aypertainiag.lorever.cnd w�r�t the title to the same. Said moKqagori Lezebp covea�� with wid moRqngw . . <br /> � t���_ a re .�n tLa delivery hereof.the ImvfW owner^�ot tLe pcemises abova conveped�d de�cribed,�d-are � <br /> � � � <br /> �e(sad o[c good and indeleaaible ertata o!inLedt�ce therein, lree aad ele�ot all encvmbx�aes,und tlwt t*-.�/ will �omr�t md <br /> �delend the tltle thereto forever agmnst tLs claims and demaads of all peraons whomsoever. <br /> � � �� PAOVIDID ALWAYS, md tLia fastrument L ezceuted and delivered to eeeuie the paymeut o[the aum ot . <br /> TWENTY E 1GHT THOUSAND AND NO/100---------------------- -,�,,,,�, �i28^oon_o0 �, <br /> � w31L intereet�tLareon, toqolher witL aue6 chmges and advanees as may be due �d peryuble to aaid mortqaqee uadsr the terms �d <br /> � wndiHons of the promiesory note ot even date Lexewlth �d seeured herabp.ezecuted bp�d moztqaqor-�to wid mortgagae.papable . <br /> cs ezpreased in said note,md to�eeure the pedorm�ce of all tLe teims �d rnadittona oonldned therNn. 1'be term� ot wid nots me <br /> Lereby inwrporated LerNn by tLia referencs. <br /> It b tha intentl�and aqreameal o[tLe parties Lrreto tLat thie mortqage sLdl atw secvre �p 2uture advaaces made to wid .. � . . <br /> j..� ...mortgagor 5 bp amd mottgcgea. cad �y and vll indebtedne�e in addidoa to the amouat above atated wrLich wid mortgagott, or �p .. . .. <br /> of tLam. map owe to wid mortqaqee,however evidenced. whether bY ao�e, book aeoount or othen.lee. 7Lis mortgaqe ahall remain ia iull . . .. <br /> ;�� . tores�ond elfacl�betwaen�tLe p�atlea herato aad theiz hetn. Penonal rep:esentativae. ivae�son aad miqm. unW all �ounn eaeurad . � . � <br /> pa <br /> �. . hareuader.iadudinq lut�va adv�es.�e paid ia full with iaterest_ � . <br /> Tha more9a4or.5—Larebp aaai��.. W dd mertgaqee aL renU �d lncome �Liaq at�y and all dmes trom �md PrePeAY �d <br /> � hereby wthozisa wtd mortgagae or ib aqea4 at ib optlon, upon delaul4 to take eh�aqe o[aatd Properip md eolIeet all renb�d Income . .. <br /> tLezefzom and apply tLe e�e Io the paymeat oi intar�4 prinefpal,3asurcnea premiuma,tezes.�aeameab. zepai:s or improvamenb new�- <br /> wry to keap aaid Dropertp in tenmtabte conditioa. or to Wher eh�qes or paymen4 pro�Ided!or 6sretn or in ths�te Larabp teeured 111a <br /> rant as�lqam�nt�all comtlnw ln f�ee unW the unp�d balance ot �dd aote b fully padd. The talunq o[poaaea�foa hersunder ehall ia no . <br /> .,"� m�ner.pra�snt or re��d wid mortgaqee ffi the mDxtloa aE wid sum�bp torealwur�or otL�wi�e. � . . . <br /> ..'�������� The tallia�of the mo+tqages to aoezt�7 d-�its dqhb hereunder at�p Hme�hall not be rncstcued as a.vclver ot ib rtght to ar�eri . � .. <br /> ' tL�a� ��md-*e-irW npoa�d eatoics�triet eompllanea with all the tezm� �d provWons ot �cld note and of th4 . <br /> � �4a9� � Q ._ . . . <br /> `� i 1�7iitlta 8V 4s='s. :.a <br /> �':! �.�ot�d,d mte l�e . .. .�eaose�b� paid b aoid mongaqea ths entlre�ouat due it Larsunder.�d nnder ths terms�d pso�iaiam� � . . <br /> �, st bT Nausd.���o�nq'��Pu'�iva-ad�ess.�d�p eztedton� oz rawwaL tLeroot ia aow�d�ee witL tLs b+m� �d pro�idod � � ,�, <br /> �:t :� thu�ot.�d�H wid�.maztqagor��hall comply wfth�dl fh�provldoa�of�d mts md of Wis mortqaqe,thsa WeM pre�enb�hali be�old; . . .. <br /> ',_;#-...,. Wh�s,wl�s�m semain.ln.lpLL,.toics�d,��a3d mor�qaq�s.�hall ba aatit4d W tLs paoeaWa d all ot wtd pzop�rt�.�d lu � <br /> � opNon,d�elara�tM wLola ot�dd�nols and all iad�M�dned � _....,:... ...'. <br /> s or aab � WL�r *ePreNntsd�LassbY to bs imm�diaN17 dos and pa�cbl�.md mcy[oreclws th4 p <br /> ` <br /> p �9 7 �e9a1 aeHw �o protxt its slqh4.�d lrom ths dat�d nuh dafaull all item�d lndebtedaea �eeured hareby .;, �: <br /> { •6all,draw IntaYwt a!S06.Par�nnm. Appradrm�nt wal��d. ... ' Pa, <br /> / , - - ....,.. .., ... , . . I '. <br /> i, ,, 'Sht�morEgaqa �bs�biadlaq�:��npoa �d��6aR��a�v� to�tL� b�n�ft!ot tL�Ldn. �z�euton,admint�tratoc�, naocwor�md aWqns d J . ; . , <br /> t' tL�z�uti yarW�h�rNa ,. � . . . <br /> e <br /> y �� .. , � ... . , ,.. ; . � <br /> IN.W1S�8S SVf� pid;��2foslqagarS�d� ha�unW Mt 'fhAt f' �`andG Ihe dap acd year lfr�1 abos� ' � .�"�;' <br /> .,�. _ .:r : ... � .,. <br /> � . .. ... . , .. .. , . <br /> � .. .. _ .. . _� /-� ��''�'� �t J �., � <br /> wrtt6m. . . ..� � <br /> r' .,�; <br /> . -' . r..� ,��.. <br /> ' �/� l"G'H ...�� J PI�.[«) �� � �GC/�'L.'Lt."�L.CC.�' ��, ����..L_.{.(J_"a ..' <br /> Marvin D.;,Miller Patricia L. Miller <br /> � �� I <br /> J <br />