_ ._ ._._ r - �
<br /> ��.: 1[OHSGRGE--Sa�leg� �d Lom Pofm--(DI� C+�dit PImJ'155d (9yedaA . � . . .. �� .
<br /> �s- [�U 0 3`�8 MORTGAGE
<br /> :
<br /> ` : r.�xo , �;
<br /> �.�� � rtus.nvD@Imne.moae �� � 9th . �,,,,� Q� � _ .. � January .. � 1s78 b�meb.n.a.n � � .
<br /> DEAN F. FINN`:AND DOVNA D. FINN. husband and wifa aach in htc a.,� har �,w., ,-�9r,+ �r„� a
<br /> spou'se"of the other
<br /> ,, Ha 4'1 �.,,ey.�bra.ta,m�eyoyo:s�a som.F.ae�sa.my.�a r.o� a..omnon oe cr�a m�a.
<br /> � a awpoTqKom w9���d s�tlnq under ths laws d Nebradca w[th fts pzindpal ottiw md piaor ot biWaaa at Gr�d Ll�d.Neb�ta, . .
<br /> m maztqug�s: � � . . � � �
<br /> VV12'NESSETR: iLat aatd moatgagor 5 for�d ia eoedderatlon of tLe sum of . . �
<br /> i THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100---------------------------------------- �, �s 30 000.00 �,
<br /> ���� ' �tLe�saeeSpt o[ w6ieh�is�bsrebp ecknowledqed. d� bp the�e preseat� morigaqs�d wmrmt unfo wld matqage�.�ib nu�eeson md� � � � . � . �:
<br /> � mtr�. lorever.all tha ldlowtng descibed real es�ata. �tmated in the wuaty ot Ha I I � � �. : .
<br /> .,...md smce�.oc Nabrmta.�eo-wtr. �. � . . . . .� . � ...
<br /> ,� i
<br /> i
<br /> . � "-
<br /> ,.. ` Tog�thar wHh all heatln4- Iiqhttng. �d plumbia4 w4uiPm<at and f3ztura�. indudiag�token and butaen.sQeen�.awntaqs,�Mrm�indow� . . .. i.
<br /> T �d doois,and �vindow ahade�or bllada.ueed on or in comectton with smd property.wLether lhe�e�e aow loeated on acid pzoperly .
<br /> or heraalter plaeed Wereon_
<br /> , TO HAYE AND TO HOLD TF�SAME,togetLer with all and einqutar tha teaemaab.2utedit�eats�d appurtea�ces tharsmto Ixlamg• . � �
<br /> �� iag.or la�pwiae appartaiaing.toraver.�d w�r�t Ihe title to the �ame. Said moztqcqorS—herebp rnven�� with aaid mortgaqae . . .
<br /> � the� a re ��@��very hezeot,the lawlul awner 5 ot tfie premisea cbova conoeyed�d d�aQibed,md a re
<br /> �j seisad ot a good�d icdefeasible es�ata of In�exit�ce tLere3n, fzee and de�oi all encumbr�ce�,and�hat t��1�_will wan�t�d � � � .
<br /> defond tM tiUe the:Mo for�ver aqmast the cicims�d demaade o! dI pereom whomaoever_ �_ . �
<br /> PROVIDID ALWAYS, and this inswmeat ia e:eeuted and deYvared to eeare tLe papmsnt ot 1he aum oi �.� . ,
<br /> ; THIRTY THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------------ ��. �: 3o,nnn.nn �,
<br /> with intarest the:eoa to9at6er �vleh such eh�qas �d advaaees m mcy be due �d papable to amd mortqagea undaz the lezma �d � � �
<br /> �..�1 condittcns o( tLs promis�ory note ol �ven date hetewith �d seeured hereby,ezeeulad bp e�d mortqaqm S ro uid mortgegee,pnycble . � .
<br /> � as ozpre�sad in aald note.�d to eeeure the pedotmm�ee d ail tLe terms �d eonditloos eoatalned tharala. SLe tarma of said note ure : . . . .
<br /> Lerebl iMorporatad he�e3a bp t6i� :sferenea. � � . .
<br /> �� It �s tl+e inteati�cad eemant of the ee hereto that thie mort �
<br /> cgz pvrti qa9e ahall dw aenisa �y luhve adv�oce made to rdd
<br /> mo»qaqor� bp aoid mortgcgoe, cnd �p aad all fadebtednses ia cdditloa to tLe amount cbove etatW which wtd mortgcgon, or�p � .
<br /> of tLem. may owe a wid mortqaqee, however sv(deaced, wLe�her b9 nde,book account or otherwise. Thia moctgaqe�hall ramaia in tnll �� � � � � �
<br /> L h
<br /> � lores �d eHact betwsea tLe p�ties Larew �d their hel:s, parmoal rap�eseatatives, sumessora �d auiqne. uatil atl �ounu aacu:ed
<br /> ��S here�mder.iucluding tuture advaneea,�e pdd tn full with ialare�t. � � . . . � .
<br /> i .
<br /> �ihe mortg�gor�—luzeb� m�ig.. W�md morlqaqee all rmb md 3aeome �ia4 at mp �d all tlm�� lrom �cid pzoperi7 md . . .
<br /> hereby ai�thorizs said moregaqee or its aqent, at ia opdon, upom defwlL to talce c6arqa d satd pmpe+tp�d colleet all rants and 3neoma . � .� ,
<br /> tLcro4om and apply!he a�a ro the papmeat of intere�t,pslnefpai,in�aaoe pramiuma. Ima�,m�a�smeub, repatn or Improvemenb nseee• �.
<br /> �y to keep �a3d Propesty in teamlabts crond[tion,or to ochor eharqes or papmsnb P���d!oc Lereia or Ia tha noN h�rebp aecurad. Shia � �. . .
<br /> rsnt mttgnmsnt aLall aontiaw 3a fores untll tLe uapa[d bal�ee of tald aots is}ullp p�d 7he takiaq oi powWon Lereuader�Lali in no , . .
<br /> mm�nar pra�wt or zatard wid mozlgagea in the oolleallon o! said wma bp foreelo�ura or otharwise. �. �
<br /> �.� ., .�,�. .... ... . � . . .
<br /> ? � 2Le laLL�aa of 1Ls moc[qaqes ro a�ert�p o! lu rfqhh hereund�r af any ttme�hall not bs oon�tzued as a wcher o!ib AqLI to auert . . .
<br /> a y
<br /> tLa s� �'�Leaht�upon mad entorca�eriet eompLance with dl ths tarms aad provi�ions ot aald nda �d d tIW . � ,
<br /> -�� ItCKi�.R 3*f.�,r;..,�,��..�:,,. . .
<br /> i! �' . �,F��•..� .amne.b b�pald to wid moAqaqsa th�mNr��ount dua it Le�sundsr.md under tLs te+ms md pw�itfao� .
<br /> "�.-t d wId nota herebg.iseursd.����••:a�•,••tuhve ad��ce�.md�7ertandoaa ar ranswaL themd Ia actordance wtth ths b� �d pro�Wams � . . . ..
<br /> � t6a�sof�.�d,i[,:wid .10�0��d all� p with...all tL�provldoms o!w!d nota�d ot tLla moreqaq�.tL�n tLs�s pra�eab�6a11 bs�d: . � `
<br /> , Whe�wLe ro ramcla tn�.fnll, md aald mortqaqM�Loli bs antltlad to th�Poeadon d all oi said prop�atp. �d map. at it�
<br /> ,� mmlgag�tat��olh�r,lqol aetloo be11�Sodebt�daao repraNntad fharebr�to b�imm�dlaeel�du��d payebla.�wd may forectow fhi� .�="'�� '"�i�
<br /> ��– �PI
<br /> { � protsct!b..dqLR�d hom tLs dal� o[�ueh dslault all.Itam�ol I�bladnar rcursd Lareb7 _..... .�v .
<br /> • �hall�diaw inferat at S% p�r�aum. Apprai�ot wai�d � . „ ;.
<br /> 7Li�mortgag���hell bs Ws'elfaq.upw md��Lul(wv'� to�f6�b�m8t d ths-hNn.sz�tlon.adminLtrato�a.�n�on �d mdqnt d � � �~ �'�
<br /> � , tL�r�etln yaNM L�teta _ ..� �,. :., . . .,. _, . , . .
<br /> '�'k Qi,.�t14171��86 W� aald�..1Wepoq�..��� ��- � L�r�mb Nt .. �{}felT'�; ���.g tL�da�aod 7a�!i�obo�e
<br /> i w+l���s �ry�/ ^�j- � /�' � �': y�:
<br /> f. ..:'I �.�. . • . . . 4
<br /> IYn�+rQFEi lJ - ll/W1H/. .,. . .. . . . � ivt /1.� 71 / /.71/YZ/ . . . . .�R 5: .
<br /> p Donna D. Finn
<br /> �
<br /> ;,k��.n � �s��,Ah.:�' . . ..
<br /> i .�..... .......... ......... _ .._ ._. .... ... ._ _ .. ...... ... . . . � J
<br />