<br /> _ ._:._ _,,,:_....�_ .. _
<br /> I . �
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<br /> � � MOA7GAGE–Sa�lnq� �d 7.om��Posm—mlr�et Cr�dlt Plm)�;�255d (Sy�da]) . � .. . .� ..
<br /> 7$- U 0 0 3'�7 MORTGAGE `
<br /> .� �xo � a,'
<br /> i
<br /> j TF3[3 INIfENiORE.,made �w•• I7th .t..e o� Janiiary 1938_.bT aad b�eweia
<br /> r. ' �`
<br /> �+ �� �FDWARI� :1���_ ,K(1S�INSK1 ANfI 1���6tRA INF f'.� Ilnc���cltl� �.�.��.�...+ ,a�� �y,i#AT--eBEh i 11 h i 9 Blld IlCI � �
<br /> ! own right and:as spouse of the other. -
<br /> � o� Ha I'1 r�h..Nebza�ka.m most9a9or 5 and Hom�Fademl 3avfnq�and Ioan n,.«iau�or c,r�d r,im�a.;
<br /> . a eorporofion orq�lasd�d s�tlaq md�er ehs 1mo� o! N�braats�with!b pAadpal otlie�aad plac�o!buatneu at Gicnd lal�d, Nikradca,� � .
<br /> m moreqaq�e; . �. � . ;� � �
<br /> { . WI7NES4ETFi: TLot aaid mortqaqor� tor aad in eonafdercllon of the�um of � � .
<br /> ; �= NIME��7'HO�lSRNf)'F!C'HT N!!Nf]RF!'} ANl� r�n/inn n�yQrr ( , � �
<br /> We�rseefpt..ol..:�vLleh�is lurobp acknowledqed, do bp ths�e pre�eaU mortgaqe and wanant unto aaid mortqaqes'ib �uecaues� �d�.. �..�
<br /> � atdqn�,forever, all the following descrlbed real estate. �ituatsd in tLa eounty o! Ha I I . �
<br /> , ...'aad��3tate a!N�brmlca.�towtt: . . � � . � .
<br /> i
<br /> ', i
<br /> ' 1 � � � �
<br /> � NEBRASKA.
<br /> '"s �
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> � Toq�ther with all hsatinq. YqhNnq. �d pL.mbinq equfpmsat and liztu[w,taeludiaq�toksn aad burnera,eccaens,awninq�, stormw5ndown "
<br /> +`�� �} end doon,�md wladow ahade�or bitnds, used on or fa connecUoa with wid propertp,whether tLe wme are no�v located on scfd propertq .
<br /> .( � or horeatter ptaced thereon. � �
<br /> 70 HAVE JSND TO 80LD 2'F� SAME,toqecher with cll �d dnqular Ihe teaemeats,Lezeditcmeab cnd appurtea�eea thareuato beloaq- � �.
<br /> .�� inq.or in anywiu appertain3n4.forever.¢ad wanaat the tltk to the�ame. Sald mortgagor�_hereby mvenan�with aatd moRgaqa� �
<br /> . � 3�
<br /> {' �thce�'.he.�C_ ��� at the detivery hereof,the lawful owners,r of tbe permius above coaveyed aad ds�ccibed,cnd are
<br /> ! :��,j �eSaed of c good aad indeteaslble ertate ot tnheritance therela. lree and elear o!all encumbcaace�,aad lhat�e�L wlll srartaat�d , .
<br /> � deland Ihe title tl�ereto forever cqalnst tha daims and demanda ot a1l pezaona whomsoever.
<br /> 4�� . � PROVIDED ALWAH3, �d this instzumeal is ezecuted and delivared Io aeeure!he papsnent of the sum o� �� _ �
<br /> .
<br /> i N INE THOUSAND E�GHT HLINDRED AND N(�/I On--------------____________a,.l��s (F�nn n�_i,
<br /> � � �with Sate:aet lhereon, toqether wtth sueh chargee and advanees as may be dua �d pcyebia to sald mostgaqoe uader the tarms aad . - ..
<br /> {
<br /> Z condttiom ot�We promisw�y aete ot evea date herewith aad �ecured heraby,ezaeutad bp�afd mortgaqor�._to said mortqaqx,payabl�
<br /> �.m ezpreued In said note,aad lo�ecuie che per[ormanee o!ail ths tarm� aad eonditions eontained lhateia. T6e tezms o! aaid ¢ots ars . .
<br /> 3... herebp�tncorporated herein bp tLL :afareate. . � . � . . .
<br /> � � It is tha latanHon�d agresment ol tha partie� horeto tLat thi�mortqage shaR dw �aeure aay luhue adv�ce� mcds to wid . � �
<br /> , l
<br /> ;.;. mortqaqor S by.�dd mortgagee, aad any aad all iadebtedaeu in additlon to tLs amouat above �taled which said mortqagor�,or �y , . . �
<br /> �����? of��hem. may owo to�aid mortqaqee. Lowevez avtdeaced, whetLn by aote,book aceount or othenvlee. ihia morlgaqe shall ramain in full �� �
<br /> '�� tores�-m�d.etleet betwsen�tLa p�ttea hareto aad thelr bMn. perwml :eP�ebataVo�s, sueehwr� aad aadgaa. uatl! all amounta wcured � � .
<br /> . ��, hereundar.lndudiag tuhuo advmusa,me paid Ia full with Sateraat. �
<br /> � S!w mostqago�_��herabp mtlSa—to�aid�mortqagee a1l reata �d ia�ome a:letaq at any aad ali Uma� trom wid Prop�rty:aad
<br /> . h�reby autLoriu sald mnttgaqss or ib agaaL at !te optlon, upon detault,to take �harqa ot satd propertp�d wlleet all ren4 aad lneomo
<br /> � ltiorafrom and cpply.tLe a�e to tLe payment o! t¢tsrest, pzlneipal,�fanuanea pramluma.t�es, assaumsau, repafrs or impxovamenb aeee�- . .
<br /> ��,� eary to keep aa[d D�oparey fa tea�tabls crondlUon. or to whrr charqee or paymente prov[ded tor herein or in fhe note hereby�eeured. Yh1� � �-
<br /> � »nt asslqnmaa! shail oontlnw ia to:ee uatli tLe vapald bal�ce o! �aid noro b lully pdd. The taklnq of poseees[on hnreuader ahall ia ao . . . . �
<br /> 2�� � m�aer provent or :otazd.wid mortgages Iu.tbe oollaetloa.o! sdd�ums bp lorxlosurs or otherwtee. . . �,��:
<br /> �� � ; � �T6� fallurs o! th� mo:tgages.�fo'�m�esl�y ot�fu..righb..hereuadaz at any tlme shatl aot be conatnied as a wciver ot Its rlqlat to auert ��. . . �
<br /> t6��a�e at any laler time,oad;b i�Lt npon�cad wnlo:ee�strlet oompLcnce .vith all t6e terma and provLfona of �cid nota cad of t}tls . . ..
<br /> � �.
<br /> i� � moct9a4e• . . . ..-; : ��:.�. ..,,. . ... . . ..
<br /> ;;.'�� � �It sdd mortq¢gor5_afiall cause to bs pald to w!d mortqaqss ths eatlr�amouat dua it herauader,ead undar the term��d provLlon� . .
<br /> � ot�o,ld mte 1+�r�bY aseurNi..�nelud3ng�lutuss.advanea.and anp saewions�or.nwwaL...th�reol ia accordaaea wilh ihe,teims�d Provfaioaa . . . .
<br /> �� tluxwf.md!i���a7d��.�_�hall mmply with all th�provWoa�ot�ald aote�d ot thl�mor�qaqe.ehm tha�s pre�enh ehall be�old: . . . ', ,..
<br /> � WhntrW W remaia�ln,lnll,;tozo�md..Nlset.�d�wld:motlqaqy�hall bs.�atltl�d to t2u yo�ewfon oi.ail o! aaid p:op�rty.�d may�.at tu . ..'�-'���.
<br /> + `� opUon, deelar�.tL� wbaie�ot�d mt�and�all Iad�btednsM�.rep:�anted Iherabp lo b� imm�dlably due�d payabls,aad map foreelow tNs � � � -y r_"`,:: �, �.
<br /> '� morlgcga�tab^sml oth�r'Ipol aetlam to psobet fb��r1qhL �d��!mm ths dat�ot�sueh d�iaWt al! ltem��.ot ind�btedaeo �seurad herobT :, � � ,.:
<br /> � �haU draw Yn1�Fwf�piz aenum. EppraWm�M wd�d � . �„ ... y
<br /> � 7'}i1��mortqaqi I' bs bindlnq-upon �..rhall�nun W tL��b�wSl a1 tL�L�Izs.`�s�eut�s,admldatratsn.�ueeNwrs�d aniqn�ot � �. �-;%:�
<br /> s,
<br /> th�z�p�ellw P�ttr Lu�to., . �. . ��r., •
<br /> � � � IN� WIZN�tW�OP„qld D[�Ogo�s �w.. V e L�iNanb.��t ��'FF19 f I' . ... l,cmi!G fha daq and year tlr�1 abovs . � �,%€_ ..t.
<br /> ��� � , , �<: . . . � �� . ��, ..�.
<br /> 7.� G .�� �� .. . . . � o ,��,
<br /> ;r Ed.ward J ,:K��inski La ine C. Kosinski '
<br /> ;e -
<br /> > .
<br /> � �
<br />