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<br />� 23�—Agi!lmea! tOB WatPIIil=p 1�Nd Ths Huf(msn 6eneral 8uyyly Honse. Lineoln, Nebr_ ' � �� .
<br /> tj
<br /> THIS .4GREEMBNT, made this /� day of � C�v ,ry �'f 7, betzoeen ��
<br />; �'I�tdoJ'� F. P/afie a_-�d �`S." �-. � '�
<br /> e.u..'Y► i C G � F'/a. N1
<br /> hereixafter sefe�red to �s
<br /> I as the seller(s) and BQ-YG'cs.�-e� ,�, �TcL SC Iv `� I:.
<br /> hereinafter referred to as the buyer(s). ��
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the seller(s) hsseby cove�ant(s) and agree(s) that£f the buyer(s) sha11�rst make the pay- �
<br /> ment(s) axd¢erfosm ihe covenants hereixafter mPxfioned on hu,her or Jheir part to be made and pe�formed, the said 'i
<br /> seUer(s) agree(s) io furnish buyer(s) a good and sufjirient nbstract of titla showing a inerch8ntable title af�ecord to •i
<br /> the psemises hereisrafter described in !he seller(s),and will convey and assure to the btiyer(s), iss fee sin:ple,clear of all t'
<br /> encumbrances cxcept as stated herein, by good and sufficiene Warranty Deed, the fol[oaving lot, piece axd parcel of �j
<br /> � ground, to wit: � O t' �(o ��o C i � �! < <3
<br /> , K a, �t�► v�-�-s, � /.�/a.e� �dd , ti o n �7'�'..�-h ;
<br /> � G� } � °� �`r a �. c' .�s I u-n d� �/e.b'r�-, �t
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<br /> �' r�
<br /> ��'�; � �
<br /> sa
<br /> �;
<br /> ��
<br /> And lhe said buyes"(�) covenant(s) and agree(s) to pay to said sclle�(s)� th su»i of ��EN�Y' 0�� #j
<br /> .TW-O v S�-N D 91..� N�o (��/ oOq ao� — DOLLf1RS, j�
<br /> -m the manner follo-.uing: �
<br /> Dollars, cash in haaid paid, dhe receipt whereo�ss hereby acknowledged,asd the balance payable_ �
<br /> �}
<br /> = ,�..K.�. �,,��{-.-u,6Qz /, � 9 �7 r"�,�as-�=- ��
<br /> i CL,�,�3�`'aQu.e. /�' ,s�.�.. .���� " '�
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<br /> qrneh intesast at the r e of /O per cent¢er axnxm, payable i�htiet��4a-�""on tpie whole suon yemain- fi
<br /> iosg fsom time to lime u�paid, and to yay a[1 general taxes, tkat may be legally evied or imposed upon said land, ssib- (�
<br /> i sequen�to �he year and all installroents of special assessmexts or sperial taxes becoming due os delinquent ��
<br /> after and keep the buildin�s in a reasonable sfale of repais and i�,sured !�
<br /> fi'' r !{
<br /> for$,�,O��QQ�..► • If there is a mortgage on said psopesty,pay interest and taxes thereon up to TJ�,t�„�,�,
<br /> �� . It is mutually agreed th¢t time u an essentio! element in this contract. And� is f ther i
<br /> agread that in case of any payme�nt, eithes of Qsinci¢aI or interest, reonaixing un¢aid for a s¢ace of �(� days ��
<br /> �� ¢fter the same shall becon�e due, and in tase of failure of the said buyer(s) to +�wke any of the aforesaid payments �1
<br /> psovided for herein or the breach of any othar covenant contai�ed herein,thu contract shall at tha opeion of the seller(s), �,
<br /> � be forfeited and determined and the buyer(s) shall forfeit al!payments made hereunder, a�d sttch payments shall be ij
<br /> � retained by the seller(s) as liquidated damages fn full satisfactfon of all the damar�es sustained, and sellar(s) shall have !;
<br /> the right to re entes and take possession of said ¢remises aforesaid. ��
<br /> That thu agseement sha11 not be assigned by buyer(s) without the ua-itten consent of the seller(s).
<br />� �!I — � . �� � a �? � ��
<br /> � _ ._. ,. . .,. - 3�
<br /> �� S
<br /> �i _
<br /> It u mutually agreed that al! the covenants and agreaments herein eontained shall extenrl to and be obligatosy +! � '
<br /> upo„ the haiss, exeeato�s, administ�ators and assig+rs of t/se respective pastses. i �
<br /> IN WI?'NESS WHEREOF, the part4es of lhese presersls hove!:e unto set eheir hands sea tl�e day a�d ymr i� �
<br /> rst,above written. ' . " �
<br /> � _ .. �+ f
<br /> Si��d, scded and dBdive�ed in 1he p'ressncs of , .... ... . . ......•- ---•--�- — -....._...... ..(L:S.) ' ' ' "i
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