, __ _ � �
<br /> ` .,._,, �,
<br /> �. � 1[ORSGAGE-Sa�inq� �d Eo� Farm—{Dl Cr�du PfmJ.TSS2 (SpselaA � � . . . .
<br /> : 78--.U 0 0 3 21 MORTGAGE
<br /> (i.. .,. .:� � � . . � , ; . � !o�No � .
<br /> t riDs n+n�rruaE, m�ds•��- � � �llth a�..�r J an ua ry �s?$ b�and b.ews.n�
<br /> RtCHARD'A. RASMUSSEN AND MARIAN L. RASMUSSEN, husband and wife. each in his and her own
<br /> right' and esd'spouse ot the other. ANn EDWIN A. RASMUSSEN_ unmarried
<br /> a� HALL �o..aey�,xe�m.m mo:sy�S�d Aoms Fsdam!Sa�tag��d I.o�Aa�o�alloa ot Grmd taland.
<br /> a oorporadon wg�izad�d e�tinq uader ths law� oE Nabradoa with!b prtadpal oftioa�d plaes d budner at Grm3 Llmd.Nebsaaka. � .
<br /> m mortgaqse: � � �
<br /> WISNESSE7H: 7hat said mottgaqor 5 for md la eona[da:ation ot tLe tum of .. .
<br /> t FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100----------------------- � � 54.900.00 �,
<br /> �1Le recalpl o[wLteh ia hsrebp aeknowl�dqad. dr, bp these pre�eab mort4u4a md wmr�t uaW �dd mo�tgaqe�. ib wa�emon md �� . . .. .
<br /> aad9n�, fwaver, all tLe tdlowiaq dasertbed reat estate, aimated ia the oounty ol HALL � � . .
<br /> �d Slate oi Nebiadco, to-wir. �
<br /> ; £� ... �.-..."".,_'
<br /> r 4.
<br /> _ r ,�z^� '
<br /> �
<br /> .,'- ,._ __:....._.+�_�t. ..µ�
<br /> � t'
<br /> .�� .:.3� 7ogather��with all LauHng. Lghtiaq. �d pl�mbia9 equipmont �d Hxtura�.iacludinq�token aad burnen.�acen�.m�atnq�.�Iorm window� � _�
<br /> � �d door�.�d wlndow �hades or blinda. ueed oa or ia coanection with said property.whot6er the�ame m� aow lacated on said Propa'tp �
<br /> or horeaNer pla�ad thareoa.
<br /> [
<br /> ; . 70 23AVE AND 70 HOLD 1'FIE SAME.toqether with all �d siagulaz tLa tenemantr.heradit�eats�d appurten�ces theremto belamq- � � � � .
<br /> ;
<br /> i inq,oz ia miywtae appertaicfaq.torever.�d warr�t�Ls tlLLe to the c�a. Said moreqagor_S.harebp eovenan�with aaid mortgaqae �.� �
<br /> �� t�,�v a re ����erp hereo[.the la�vful awaer�ot the premise�ebwa�ouveyad�d de�eribed,md a�'P
<br /> i .�;$ aeiaed N c good�d iade(eosible estate ot{nLeritm�ce theraia, ir�e cnd cle�ot all encumbrmce�,and Uwt t h�y w1U w�r�t�d - �
<br /> � ddoad tha tlUs thereto forevar agmmt t6a daima and demands ol�cll pe�was whomsoe�er. ce .
<br /> �i _
<br /> �� � PROVIDm ALWAYS. �d this Inatr�ent Ss e:eeuted and dellverad to eacura the papmeat o1 tLs sum of � . �
<br /> � � FI FTY FOUR THOt1SANi� N I NF HI Wf1RFfl t ih t�n I ______—________�-v� � � .� � �� ' �.�:
<br /> 3 fii /_�0------ s--�
<br /> wilh intezert tLereon, logelher w�itL su�h charge�and adv�cas ca map be due md payeble to said mortgagea un er the terms �d . .
<br /> � .1 camditlons of the promiawxp note oi even dme Lerewith and secvred herebp,ezecvted by�d mortqaqor S to wtd mortgagae.paqeWa . . .
<br /> . � as e�rmed in amd note.aad to ae�vre tLe pedormanee ot all tLs terms �d rnnditlon� oontaiaed thetdn. ?hs tarme of wtd nota �a .
<br /> . hereby iacozpoiatad heraIn Dp this refereaca. � � . . .
<br /> . .. It L the iatentlon�d agreemaat of the p�atiea hereto that tltia mortqaqe �hall alao �ecure �p luture adv�oes mcdo to �md , � � ..
<br /> pa
<br /> :���i morlqaqor 5 bp a�d mortgaqee. and aaY�d all fndebfedneae ia addiNon to tha amwint above etated whieh aaid mortqcqrna, or�my '. � .
<br /> ...j. of ILem. mcy owe to s�d mortqagx. however evldeneed, wLethar bp cole.book acoouat n otLecw/se. This mnrtgage ahall ramaln ia lull � . ' .
<br /> �.. } tores md et(set betweea tha pa�ties Ls�eso�d tLeir Le3is,panoml zepre�eamtiva�. suceaaora �d miqn�. unttl all mnounb �ac�ued � . . ..
<br /> heraunder.iacludiag luha±a ad��cm.�e paid ia!ull with 3nlsre�t_ .
<br /> �� .. .. . .,. � � � .
<br /> ��� .� :� iM mortqcgor S Le�eby adg�L_to�md mortqagee all rents �d income �ielaq at �my md all times tro��wid propertr.�d
<br /> . Lerebp authotize said morlgagee or it� aqea4 at ib optton. upoa dafault.to talce ch�ge o!said ProPeKY md �olleet all renb and lnoom� . . �.. . .
<br /> �i �the+etcom and apply the same to the payment ot intereN.PrintlpaL iasur�ca prsmiumi, tms�.awpmenb.repaic�w improvemeab necN- � . � .
<br /> �eary to keep.aaid yroperty in tenanlubla wnditloa,x to other eLarqs�u papmenb provtded f�b�rein or ln th�aole Lmabp�eeured. 1'hS� .
<br /> ��_ � . zant msignmant aLolt aontlaus in loroe untll the unpatd balmice o! �afd�te b(ully p�d Ths taking ol poeesuion hereunder d4all ia ao . � . .
<br /> m�nu prevent or ret�d�ald mostgugee 3a t6e eolleetion ot �md wms bp foreelwure or othecwfee. � � �
<br /> 7Le fatiur� d ths mo�tqaqee to aaaar!mp o1 !4 siqLU hecmund�r at�y tfms�hall aot be mn�hued aa a wai�er ot ib right w�ert . .
<br /> j � tLa.wme���d-b-bWt..npaa �d entores strlet compl[�ee wlth all ths M� �d peo�fatons o( aa7d nots md M thla �- . .
<br /> S mostqags u}'�'° 1.^l^'. t ,. ,.
<br /> r fdN.� S , ,...., ti .. ;
<br /> ' � 7! � � dlall{cau�s'Io"Hf paid to wfd moreqaqse �as saKrs�ount due!t herauadez,aad uader tLs tezm��d�o�ldam� � � � �
<br /> r at�atd aota,huebY sae�ed.inelu�aq.tot�d�cd��ns.md�p ezl�eYoaa ot rsa�wab tL�ao[ fa. a�ooadmce wSYh fLs btm� �d pro�i�dona , . i
<br /> ! therwt.�d lE�.�ald,moztqaga�S_�hatl comply w1tL all tL�'pro�Llons at�n1d aob md o!tLi�morlqaq�.thsn tl�ew pre�aab�hv1i bs�otd: -
<br /> at6erwLs to semdn,in��luL loce�.�d.qNacL md sdd:m�tqaqe�aball bs�ntltied to ths poasyiaa d ali o!wid propertT.md may.�fea � . . � .r* ."
<br /> opHon..dsrJme-�IL�wLd�oE�dd mh md dl fnd�bNdaer=eprM�nted th�rabp ro b�imm�dfatd�dw and patabl�.and map laeela�s thts
<br /> , , mo�lqaqs � tab m �oeh�r � '.
<br /> �, 7 l�gal-�aetlou b psot�ei�.lts KqLL�d.tmm t3s dab d�ueb detmdt alt Wms o/ iad�btedner Neuced L�reb! -�.
<br /> � � iLall.draw int�rut a�Ab6.pm m�tm. Appaolrm�nt wd��d. � � . .. a
<br /> � .,.% � ��4a9• ��"bs �9 apon md �➢mv. W tL.�:b��dt d tL.bdn.racvta�s.a�elel�tra�oxs.�uacw�m,md�d �� � a-�� ' � #
<br /> thr r«pKtlr�.Pactir Lac�w. .
<br /> L , , r. � .•. : .. .. . ..�. . .. . . . . ..
<br /> $ . �� Qi Wl' ,Q��'ffi tIV�.�aid • �`�.
<br /> � ,�., , ... .Dfa�qaq��� ,,.e n.rwew ..c a�s.G'tL.�dar me��sar:Ine aeo.. � .
<br /> 5 �...V
<br /> . . . . ��. , . . .
<br /> _
<br /> �, . .,� � �. .. .
<br /> • '7
<br /> .
<br /> ..y . < .;.�,. : � ,:� ... , � � ,. ..._i� i y�
<br /> .S �� � ..r /:�✓.il�2!'- �� '�.cy ."Mr,.�..�� .
<br /> i �k�Jchard,:.q, .-Rasmussen L. Ra �s
<br /> 3
<br /> ; dwin Rasmu sen, unmarried
<br /> , �
<br />