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<br /> " 106-B—Corpo�atloe 8urvlvonhlp Waeranty D�ed (Revlpd 1i01) Th•8ultman aeaerat eayyl�8onw,Lfnwln,NaDr. !i
<br /> S
<br /> r a aorporation organized and eaisting nnder snd by virtue of the lawa of the$tate of Ne bra ska �S
<br /> � r
<br /> �I
<br /> , ia consideration of ONE TFIOUSAND ONE FNNDRED AND NO/1 00 ($1 ,1 00.00� DOLLARS ��
<br /> � � � � � . . �i
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto CHARLES F. LANGE a nd 'f
<br /> ) OLLEEN E. LANGE� busband and wife ;�
<br /> � �� �
<br /> I ��'
<br /> as joint tenants with right of anrvivorship, and not aa tenants in common,the follo�ving described real propartp in ��
<br /> : I� Iia22 County, Netrraska �
<br /> � + 1
<br /> P 3 ,�
<br /> i i� #S
<br /> t� Lot Twenty—seven (2'7� , Villa Mar Dee f#i
<br /> � Subdivision, Hall COUilty� -N�+F+++acira - !� �
<br /> � STAMP TAX �i &
<br />' � JAN 16 1978 �f �
<br /> � _.�C1Y S
<br />,' i� S�P 1 p,-t'jA�«... �
<br /> �EN�6N /. � � g�'--�� � ''
<br /> C � t�
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises to�ether�vith all tenementa, hereditamenta and appur- i�
<br />; ienancea thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of ��
<br /> them forever. �i
<br /> And grantor for itelf snd its successors does hereby covenant with the�rantees and with their asaigns aad ��
<br /> i � �vith the heus and assigna of the eurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seiaed of said premises, that they are `
<br />_j } freefromeacumbrance except £or easements and restrictions oP record � `;
<br />� �? {.
<br /> 3
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to couvey the same;sud that�rantor warFants and will defend �� �
<br />� the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons�vhomsoever. 34
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that ia the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire �;
<br />� fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. ��
<br />; � It witnesa whereof,grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affiaed and these presents eigned �,
<br /> �t by its Preaident. `�
<br /> �t Datetl ' Dece�Der 10 19'75 ��
<br /> i ' _ I /'� Jf
<br />� � r j f -•�J !u:.='_�: `�'" ` ... t� �
<br /> `r
<br />� �- `r-. ti _ ill��^���rDee/�C/�ompany,��Inc. ' j�
<br /> . .� o�_= BY G�...�/c�-=���...Preaident !;
<br /> ' •.. � � •= _ _ ......c B. Voss
<br />! �� $TATE�O • Ne a s�.. ... , County of.....8. �?:. ..., i
<br />; �:.... �d�' ., ._. . a .
<br /> �Rr n�• ;
<br /> ( Before me;a'notary public qualified in said connty,personally came
<br /> i f�
<br /> j
<br /> i Ja cic H. Vos s, President of ��
<br /> i�
<br /> Villa Mar Dee Company, Inc. ,acorporation �,
<br /> � �own to me to be the Preaide,nt and identical person who signed the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the l;
<br /> ezecntioa thereof to be his volnntary set and deed as auch officer and the voluntary act and deed of said corpo- F�
<br /> ration sad that its corporate aeal wae thereto affized by its suthority. �,
<br /> Witnees my hand and notarial seal on....!�::-?��. . ....��Q.........,19..�-�..�_ r�
<br /> .. . �� �� JOE E. SETLIK . � r� . � �.
<br /> � GENERAL NOTARV—Stne ot NaOr. ......... . .......����_�:�'��........Nota Pubhe. �i � .
<br /> ' MY Comrniaslon Exqr�s �7/ f ;�:
<br /> March 31.397s My commisaion ezpirea.r/�4.f�C=�.:3�...........�9l..�G'. �? Y�„ ..;
<br /> $TATE OF' .. .. ..:� ,, r.�- ;
<br /> � �
<br /> �. �j � �
<br /> Conatp ................................ j�
<br /> Entered on nnmerical indez and Sled for record in the Register of Deeds Offiee oP said County the �� � . °
<br /> ............day of..........:...........19. .....,at........_..o'clock and....._.....minutes ...........M.,
<br /> i! h 4-� �x
<br /> and recorded in Book.........�..........of....................at page........._....... �i ��
<br /> 4 rttn
<br /> � ...................... .......Reg..of Deeda........ �
<br /> $o • .Denutv '
<br /> —=�__.--------_- �
<br />, —�____.—.—__-:=—_ ____ i.
<br /> --- � --_ -_:,- . ,_..
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