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<br /> rporatlon Survlvo�ship Wa�rarKy Dsed (Revl�ed 1961) The 8nttm•n Oeaersl eaypl�Hoa.e,Lineom,xeDz.
<br /> II
<br /> y
<br />� a corporation organized and eaieting nnder and by virtne of the lawe of the State of Nebra slca � ^
<br /> �
<br /> � ia�coneideration of ONE TIiOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NO�100 ($1 , 1 00.00� DOLLARS �
<br /> f�
<br /> � reeeived from grantee, does grant,bargain, eell, convey and confirm unto CHARLES F. LANGE a n d ��
<br /> a OLLEEN E. LANGE, husband and wi£e i�
<br /> !pj
<br /> as joint tenanta with right of anrvivorship,and not as tenants in common,the following deacribed real propertp in !{
<br /> Hall Connty, Nebraslca . ��
<br /> �� }�
<br /> � Lot Twenty-eigl�t (2$� , Villa Mar Dee �f
<br /> , Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, �i
<br /> ' f!
<br /> STAMP TAX +
<br />� � ACH�D JAN 16 19�8 j; :
<br />� STATEMEi`1T A'�
<br /> i �r � �y� �� .
<br />! � g �� G' � gY-���,�"--- r.
<br />� .
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises to�ether with all tenements,hereditaments and appnr-
<br /> j � tensacea thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their asaigns, or to the heirs and assigas of the survivor of ; '
<br />� � them forever. I� '�
<br /> Aad grantor for itelf and ita aucceasors does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigas and �
<br />� with the Leirs and assigns of the aurvivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premiaes, that they are � �
<br /> freefromeacumbrance except for easements and restrictions of record tf �F
<br /> ��
<br /> f that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same;and that grantor warFants and will defend �
<br />` t the title to said premisea against the lawful claima of all persons whomsoever. � �
<br /> ! It ia the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the �
<br /> j grantees, the entire
<br /> ti fee aimple title to the real estate ahall vest in the surviving grsntee.
<br /> d It witneas whereof,grantor has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affiaed and these presents eigned i
<br /> by ita ,.. .presi8eat.
<br /> i e.�� Gi r '' U
<br />? 1)at�ed •'De.�r'ecib.er 1 O lg 75 ��
<br />� -
<br />' t �,F��rR. •�"���� �� fOd. .(�tN.c. -.... ��
<br /> } �•'*._e.!.; 11 ar� Dei C PanY. �,
<br /> $TATI' .� �� N� �s a ` By ....'ck B. V o�����ee dent �i
<br /> '
<br /> � �i 9��''^•.. Q$�;.�1��........, co,mty of......z;a.1].. ........: ��
<br /> l . _ r, „ ,' � ia
<br /> �� Before me;a notary public qualified in said connty,personally came ,1
<br /> �#
<br /> 4j Jacic B. Voss, Pr�identof ;
<br /> � it
<br /> Villa Mar Dee Company, =nc, acorporation %E
<br /> �own to me to be the Presidant and identical person wh o signed the foregoiag instrumeat,and acknowledged the 1
<br /> ezecntioa thereoPto be his volnntary set and deed sa snch officer and the voluntary act and deed of said corpo- ��
<br /> � ration and that its corporate seal wae thereto af�zed by its authority.
<br /> :,. Witness my hand and notsrial seal on... .' -at-y;.-�/,..�Q......._.,19/...-� ��
<br /> • " JOE E.SETIiK }� _,�yf- �,.�/J ,
<br /> . . ����fiENERAL-�NOTARY—Stats.W NeDr. ...... ` ...�..•"�•--^•"�"�`'••"'�='Y...............Notarp Public. '� � � �
<br /> . My Conurds�on ExWns . . _ ry/ �
<br /> ' ' Mareh 31.1976 �Y c mm�eaion eapires...t'�.�"IP�:Z��;.3�...._...., 19/.V. i! ;
<br /> $TATE OF . .
<br /> Connty . _.. .......................� !t ,,
<br /> Eatered oa nnmerical indez and faled for record in the Re j ,I �,'
<br /> giater of Deeds Office of said County the
<br /> ";.............day oi..... . . . 19 .... ,at...........o'clock and...........minutes . .M., �
<br /> snd recorded in Book.....................of.................... ... .. .
<br /> � •.
<br /> atpage................. �j `: ,��� .
<br /> � � ";"
<br /> .................................................
<br /> Reg.of Deeda
<br /> Bq .......................................Deputp
<br /> - ____._._.. _.-- ---_�. _ �_� _...
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