� �
<br /> �$-i U00301 MORTGAGE
<br /> � 1'HI9 'INDENTURE� m�d� thi� t O h day of JanuarY , 19 �$ �
<br /> � � � -, �by�md between
<br /> e Orvi�7l T T-�mh�rg and DPlorPc A mhnrg�� hnrahand anA��c�ifn Es rh in �hta nd 1-�Pr n[,m �
<br /> a
<br /> ri¢ht and as sno+se o h oth
<br /> � � Aal l CcuntY.Nebreel�a,ea mortgagor s.and Grend Ielend Truat Compecy of Grand Ielend.a corporation � . ..
<br /> organized md ezietiog under the lawe of Nebraeks with ite prlacipel ofKce and plece of buelneea at Grand Ielmd,Nebraeka,ea mortgagee; . . �
<br /> � WITNE9SETH: �Tha6 seid mortgegor�_,for and in coneideretion of the eum of : � . � �� .
<br /> Five Thousand Five Hundred Ei�hty Eight and 34/100 ��,n�a 5.588_34 �,
<br /> , �the x�eceipt of which ie hereby acknowledged,do_by theee preaente mortgage end warrant unto ssid mo � �� � �
<br /> rtgegee,iW auccessors and aaeigna,
<br /> , forever,ell the foLowing deecrtbed real�eetate,situated ia the County of Ra 7 1 �. . � �
<br /> and 9tate of Nebraeka,to•wit: . � � � �
<br /> , . . .. . ._._._._..,._ ,.:
<br /> ....... . � . .-.o.. ,,r n,r � .
<br /> The South Five and Five Tenths Feet (5.5') of Lot Five (5) in Block Four�(�i��,ra,fld„_ t
<br /> Al1 of Lot Four (4) in Block Four (4), of the Ingalls-Turner Subdivision to the
<br /> Village of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> f �� � � .r'
<br /> 1 Toge[her witk ell heating,sir eoadltioning,lighting,and plumbing equipment end luctures,including acreeae,nwninge,atorm windowa and �
<br /> dooro,end window ehades or blinde,ueed on or in wnnection with aeid property,whether the eame are aow located oa nald prop�ty or bereefter � � .
<br /> plaoed thereon. . � .
<br /> �� } -: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Wgether wit6 all and eingular Lhe tenementa,hereditamenW and appurtenancee ChereunW be- �
<br /> � Iongiag, or in aqywiee appertaining, forever, and warrmt t6e UUe to the aame. Said morgagor S heraby covenant_with aeid �� �
<br /> � mortgagee that_they Az'P ,st the delivery hereof,the lawful owner8_of the pcemieea above rnaveyed and deecribed, �
<br /> ��; �d"�are eelzed of a good md indeteeslble eetate of inheritence therein,feee and clear of all encumbroncen,and that.�he�will � � .
<br /> warr�nt end defead the titte ChereW forever agaimt the cleima end demand�of all peraone whomeoever. � . -� �
<br /> ��": PROVIDED ALWAY9,end thta inetrument is�eeuted and delivered m eecure Che payment of the anm of � � �
<br /> Five Thr.nannA� Five H.�nAra.i Fi ghr� Fi ght nrl 44�1 ll(1 ���(s.. S�SRR_44 ��
<br /> wlth intarest the�eon,together with euch chetgm and advmcee m may be due and payable W eald mortgegee under the terme and eonditione � . �. . . �
<br /> .of the promisspry note cf even date herewith and axured hereby,ezecuted by said mortgagor_�_to eeid mort � .� �
<br /> gagee,payeble es exprenaed .
<br /> . �:ia eetd�note,aad to eeeuto t6e par[otmanoe of all the terme snd conditione contalned thexein.The ternu oi eaid note ere heraby ineorporated • � � �
<br /> hereln by tLie reference.
<br /> i
<br /> � �ICis the mteadon and ageeemenE of the partiee hereto thet thin mortgege ehell nlao eeeure eny future edvancee msde W eald mortgagor.g_
<br /> � by esid mortgagee,md my and all Indebtedneee in addition to the emount above atated whid�aaid mortgagoro,or any of t6em,may owe to �
<br /> �i aaid mortgagee,however evideoced,wbet6er by note,book nccount or otherwisa.Thin mortgage ehnll remain in full force and elfect between .��
<br /> � � t6e partiae hereW md their heixa,pereonaliepreeentatives,eucceaeore and aesigne,until all emounta eecured hereunder, ineluding fuwre ��
<br /> advanoea,axe paid in fuB with inteaeet.
<br /> � � �� The mortgegor�_hereby seelgn_to eeid mortgagee all ianta end income ariaing et eny end all timee from eaid property and � � � �
<br /> he�eby authoriu seld mortgsgee or its agent,at iW option,upon defsult,to take charge of eeld property and collect all ren4 end income ' � �
<br /> � ."t}ierefrom and�epply the'eeme to the psyment of inteieet. PrinciPat. Ineurance p�emiums. ta:ee. aaememeate. eepaire or improvemente . � .
<br /> � neceesary W keep ssid pmperty in teaentable oondition,or W other charges or paymente provided for heiein or in the aote hereby aecured.ThSa . � �
<br /> rent meignmmt ehell continue in foece until the unpaid balmce of esid note fn fully pnid.The taking of poeaeeaion hereunder ahall in no mmner �� �
<br /> ���.ptsvmt oz retaed pid moetgagea in ehe collecE3oa of eaid sume by forxloeura or oEherwiee. . . . � � � .
<br /> i The faffure of Lhe mortgegea W aseert aqy of its righfe hereunder at any time e6�11 aot be construed m a wsiver of ite rlght to aesert the � � � � �
<br /> eame at sny latee time.and W imLL upoa and enforce etrlct compllaace wlth all the terms and provieioee of esid note aad of t61n mortgege. � . . .
<br /> If said mortgegor �s edeL auee W be paid to esid mortgegee the entize amount due tt hereunder,end under the terme and proviniona �� �� �
<br /> of said note hreby eaeured.inehiding tuWts advaecee.aad aqy e:tennione ur zeneevale t6eeepf in axordenee with the terme sndµeovieiona � . �
<br /> � .� thereof,�nd�eetd morEgagor S_ehsli oomply with a11 the provieioae of mId aote md of thie mortgage,then thex prmenta alull be void: � �
<br /> ( othar�vLe to xa�osln in tall forae aad sfiecE;a�ea3d mortgagee shall be eneitled to the poeseeeion of sl!of eeld property,end mey,at ite opClon,
<br /> dxLra fhe wbok of seid aote end all Indebte�ee repiasented thareby�W be immad3atel,y due md peyable.end may foreclosa thfe mortgage � � "�� '`,�;•
<br /> z � . or taks aq othar tegal actloa W p�otect iC�.rlght.Appraieement waived.. - �e �
<br /> �T6is mort�ge ehell bs bindiag�npoa and shell eaure to the bsneflt of the heirs.�eeuton,edmin»tretora.euexeseors and asei "'��` ��F
<br /> gne o[the
<br /> � ' *esPective ParCks heaeto.. . .._ �. . . . . , � � ; ' � '�.
<br /> � . �. . . �., .
<br /> � k I1�1 WITNEBS WFiEREOF, esid Mortgagor_�ba�Le beraaato eeG their head�_the dqv ead year tiret above ��
<br /> writtan. � � �t- ,�
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