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<br /> � REAL ESTATE MORT6AGE FoeM Fl8 2oe (eev. �-» `4
<br /> �
<br /> ,: 7 s— U 0 0 2 57 — -------- -- ;
<br />� 1� Dace Januarv 5. 1978 �'
<br />� +� ��
<br /> r �� Robert E. Engel and Deloris B. Engel, husband and wife; and Chris A. Engel, single 1 �'
<br /> �
<br /> f�
<br /> i.
<br /> Mortgagors, ,
<br /> � of Hall County, Nebraska " , in conslderation of
<br /> r
<br /> ( the aAvance of the princSFg1 sum recited in the note hereinafter described,receipc of which 1s acknowledged, hereDy
<br /> ��; mortgage and convey to �
<br /> � THE FEOERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corooration.
<br /> t; of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br /> jf is Farm Credif Buitding, 6maha, Nebraska 68f00, ,
<br /> �= Mortgagee (sub,lect to oil, gas, and mineral rSghts owned by partles other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br /> �i record; reservatlons in United States and State patents:and the rlghts of the publlc in all hlghways), the fo11ow1ng- �
<br /> �� described real estate in Hall county, Nebraska _
<br /> 'i SEC. TWP. RG.
<br /> i� NE3LSE�-l. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 11 9N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />; s;
<br />; �j
<br /> �� �� � �
<br /> ;� �
<br /> ,:
<br /> �� �
<br /> i� '
<br /> �� �
<br /> ��
<br /> {j
<br /> I� �i
<br /> � �� �
<br /> �� �'
<br /> ��
<br /> if
<br /> 1� contalning 40 acres, more or less, together wlth all of the rlght, title, and interest ;
<br /> (now owned orhereafter ar.qtilred)of the Mortgayors Sn said ProPerLy, tn�luding nll buildlnqs, improvements, flxtures,
<br /> � or appurtenances thereon or hereafter placed chereon; all water, Lrrigatlon, and dralnage rlghts; the tenements, i � �
<br /> �� hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, Sssues, rrops, nnd pro[Sts arising from said lands� anA (if - � .
<br /> ;� the Mortgagors� rlghts in the pu�lic domain are required by Mort,�gee for securlty purposes) all lenses,�permltc, . �
<br /> licenses,orprlvileges, nppurtenant or nonisppurtenant to sald mortqaged �remises, nowor hereatter issued, extended. �'
<br /> ) or renewea to the HortgaRors by the United States or Lhe state Sn whlch the above-described property Ss located or ii � .. �
<br /> lj cuty Qepartment, bureau, or agency thr.reof. -
<br /> 1
<br /> ;i This mortgage Ss given to secure a promSssory note of even dste herewlth, executed by Mortgagors to Mort�aQee, 1n , . �
<br /> �f - - - - - - - - . .
<br /> the princlpal sum ot �IRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 - DOL1.nRS,
<br /> ;� pqyable with interest accordlnq to the terms of sald note, the final payment being tlue sntl payable on the first CQy ' �� �
<br /> �+
<br /> `� af Au�+c��1997 . �R�is convey:ume shnll be void uDor. the ,ryyment o' said promissory note. � �
<br /> ji This mortgage Ss sub�ect to the provisions of THE FARM C9EDIT ACT and all acts amer.datory thereot or suDPlemental �
<br /> �1 thereto. The proceeds of the loan securea hereby will De used for the yurposes specified Sn the Mortgugors� appli- � �
<br /> i catlan for saSh coan end authorized by said Act. � . �
<br /> s�
<br /> The Hortgagors, and each of them, hereDy warranc that Lhey are 'ee ovmers of the mortgagetl real proDerty; chat they
<br /> ;� w111 defend the title agalnst all clalmants whomsoever, and that said property Ss free from all encumbrances• that '
<br /> '�f � they w111 keep all the improvements, flxtures, and appurtenances occupied and in good repair and permlt no acts ot �
<br /> �{ waste; anS they will relinquish all rlghts of homestead in said premises.and covenant and agree with the Mortgagee, � � �
<br /> 3� 83 Z01101YS:
<br /> � (1) That L'.�ey wlll pay when due all taxes, llens, Jutlgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessetl against � �
<br /> � the property hereln mortgageC.
<br /> �}
<br />. ( (2) That they w111 insure and keep Snsured buildings or ottter improvements now on or wrilch may hereatter be placed .
<br /> !J on sa1G premises Lotrie satisSactlon of Lhe Mortgagee, such lnsurance pollcy shall be endorsed wlth a mortgage clause � � � �
<br /> ;� wlth the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee. prty sums recelveA may be used co pay for reconscruction � � �. �
<br /> ot trie destroyed improvements; or, 12 not so applletl, may, at the option of the Mortgagee, be applled Sn paymenL of �
<br /> i� aqy Snde�tetlness, matured or unmatured, secured by LhSs mortF,age. �
<br /> {
<br /> F` (3) To pay all rents, fees, or charges now due or to become due unaer the terms oZ each lease, permlt, license, or �.
<br /> � Drivilege on the public domain which is apDurtenant or nanappurtenanc to the mortgaged premises, whlch has been , , . .
<br /> Sssued,extended,or renewed�by the Un1teG StaCes or the state Sn which the above-described property Ss located; and :� . ,���.
<br />� to D�'form anG observe every act, covenant, contlltlon, and�stipulation necessary to keep each of tne same Sn gootl
<br /> standing: anQ to take every necessary step Co secure the reissue, renewal, or extenslon of each ot the same: and to i� � _�
<br /> � asal�.�waive, pledge, or endorse to the HortgaESee each�lease, permit, license, or prSvllege Sf MortgaQors� rights '��
<br /> . in public domain are required by Mortgagee for security purpoaes. � - �'.:;
<br /> �;
<br /> i4)e��T1ncludinhe event the hortgagee.is a party tu any litlgatlon afSecting the securlty or the llen of its mort- ( . � �;;
<br /> geg � g.8ryy�3II1L Dy th¢ Mortgegee toforeclose Chls.inOPtgBgB OI' 8tly slllt lII wh1Ch Lh0 MOPtgageB may be Ramed �
<br /> �' a�party Qeiendant Sn which it is obllgateA to protect its rlghts or lien, including condemnatlon and bankruptcy �� . . � �`
<br /> �.praceeGings.�-the�Hortgagee may Sncur�exyenses and aGvance payment for abstract fees, attorney Sees (exceDt to the � � r
<br /> exEEnt. rohSbiLeG b larv costs, e � �� � r� '�
<br /> D Y ). xDenses, and other charges.
<br /> L
<br /> (6}� �Zhat�in .Lhe event Lhe Mortgagors fa11 to DaY When due. any taaes, llens, �udgments, or assessments, or fall to ,P;,;� .���.
<br /> �, malnCaln insurance as kerelnbefore yrovlQed, or fall Lo pay rents.� fees, or charges under the terms of [u�y lease, �.._��.�;.„,.
<br /> ar y
<br /> permit�, license�, or�privllege; or Mortgagae Ss required to Sncur expenses for abstract fees, attorney fees, costs, � � �
<br /> �� expen.aes,and�other charges Sn connectlon with 1ltigatlon, Mortgsgee may make such payment or provlde such Snsurr�.nce, .
<br /> oc lacur�sueh-obligation, and the amounta�:paid� therefor sha21 Decome a part oS the Sndebtedness secured here�y due
<br /> - and payaLle.limnedlate�y�, and ahall bear lnterest from the date oi payment at the same rate as provided for aefault
<br /> in cne note.
<br />... ,--=---��_.�--------- ---- ,�.::.._____ :._:__,... .._ :.._. ___._.. ,_- _ ,; �
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