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�� � � <br />,� <br />"�SY;' ( 11 �, • <br />-0 � :. . ii . ..::... . ... ... . . ...: .. .....:.. .......... . '' � <br /> 78 - U.00199 _ _ _ , <br /> � --------------.______�.REAL_ESTATE.MOBTGAGE. .__ ____ ___----FogM F�e_1P9_lRer�._t_I7)--- ° <br /> ' �� <br /> I� pete January 5, 1978 <br /> � � fi � <br /> j� Marvin E. Stoltenberg (also known as Marvin Stoltenberg) and Eunice A. Stoltenberg <br /> �� (also known as Eunice Stoltenberg), husband and wife <br /> ~ �� !j , Hortgagors � <br /> ' �� . <br /> � �� �j ol Hall Nebraska � � <br /> County. , Sn conslderatlon of . <br /> ' � �i the advance of the princlpal sum recltea Sn the note iterelnafter described,receipt of whlch ls ctckno�xletlged, hereby � � <br /> �, II mortgnge and convey to _ �� � <br /> �' <br /> �! TNE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OI�ANA, a Corooration, <br /> +I of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br /> j� is Farn Credit Building, Dmaha, Nebraska 68100, <br /> r� <br /> ,� Mortgagee (sub,ler,t to oll, gas. and mSnerul rights ownetl �y parW es other thnn Mortgagors; exlsting easenents ut : � . <br /> � record; reservatlons !n UnSted States nnd State pntent.s;and the rSghts ot the public Sn all hSghr+ays),the follo�x3ng- � . <br /> f� descrlbed real estate ln Hall County, NehraGka , <br /> �i <br /> '' SEC. TWP. RG. <br /> II <br /> ;j SF,�tSE� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 <br /> NEZ (except Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad right <br /> of way); and that part of the NE3LSEZ lying North of the <br /> i� Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad right of way - - - 26 <br /> • " �': All in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12N 11 W6th P.M. <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> ;�f contalnlne 196 acre;, more or les,, to�ether•,v1th a11 ot the ri��t, cStle, and Snterest � � � <br /> I� (nov+ov„�ed orhereafter acqulr?d)ot the HortP,nrnrn Sn sald property, 1ncludinP 111 bu11A1nvs, Sm,ro��enents,Ilxtuces, � � <br /> or oppurtenances Cherean on c�rea(ter plar.r.d thereon; all r:ater, 1rr1gntlon, ��nd dralnsP,e rlghts; the tenements, <br /> ' heredltvr.ents, and nppurtern:nr,es *he;eco and the renCo, fssues, crops, and proflt.s nrSsSnP frr,m s:ifd lands; and (Sf � <br /> ii the Mort�a�ors� ri�hts 1n the ,.uhllc Com�+Sn -u•e requfreA by Ho:t�sgee ;or srcu;t:y purposes) ali leases, permSts, . <br /> �. llcenses,orprlvlle�;ea, apfw•tenant or nenappurtenm�t to sald rortnv,ed premiaes,no��von c�reafter lssueA, extended, ' <br /> or renevrr,d to �h� Mortgagers Dy the United SL�[es or 6he sGnce Sn whlch the above-Gescrlbed property 1s located or � � <br /> . ��i atly A�pnrtment, burenu, or•;+gency therv,ot. . <br /> ,4 �1 ���mortc;a�e ts �;Iven Lo ser,ure n prordssory� note of even e1aCe here�:i[h, 1>y Mortgagors Co Mortg�gee, Sn <br /> i <br /> !' chc princ�pal sum ot ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 - <br /> i � II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [10LLAR5� . <br /> �� p,}'+ible �vlth luterest nccordirot to Che Lern:: o' sild notr, Che ftnul ,aprent b�inE d�,te snd paynble on the first day � <br /> ����� Anril, 2007 <br /> !I ot . 51i1:: couvey:nce shall be ��otd upon thr pa.y.m�aut ot snld premissory note. . <br /> i� Thls mortgage ls suDJect Co 6he provlslons of YIiF. FAPM C9E�IT ACT and all acts anendatory thereo! or supplemental � <br /> thereto. The proc�eds ot the loan secured hereby w111 De used ior the pu:poses ;pecStied in the MartF3gors� aP➢11- � � <br /> ';! cntlon for sald loan and authorSzed by snld Ac6. . <br /> - �� Th^Mortgavors, and eoch of them, trereby�szirrant thnt they are fee oc+ners ot the rortgaged real Property; ChaL they � <br /> �i vr111 detend the tltle agalnst n11 clnSmants whomsuever, nnd that sald protxrty Ss free fron a11 encu��rances; that � <br /> � �� they �slll keep all th? 1mD�'oven�nts, tSxtures, and nppurtennnces occupleG and Sn _r,00d repalr �ind permit ne acGs of <br /> � waste; nntl they v+ill relinqulsh all I'SFhLS af honesterid Sn sa1A premSse3,and covenant. nnd n3ree �+rith the Martc;¢gee, � <br /> ( � �j na tollows: <br /> �� (i) That they w111 pay v+hen tlue nll. taxes, llens, Judgments, ur as;es^ments w61ch ma,y be IIIWItISI}' fl55C55ed acainst <br /> ; I� the property hereln mortga3ed. <br /> ; ';j (2) That they wlll Snsure und keep insu:ed bulldings or other lrprovenent.s nm•+on or rrhlch m¢y hzreatcer 6e pl3ced <br /> �. on seld prenlses to the snLlsfar.tlon ot Lhe �ortgaEee,suclilnsurance poticy ^h111 be endorsed wlth a mortgage clnuse <br /> � wlth the loss thereunder Lo Oe pn,ynble Co ttre HartgaPee, pny sums receSveA may be used to pay for reconstructlan <br /> � f� of the destroyed Smprovements; or, lf nut so applled, may, at ttie oDtion uf the �ar!.�aree, he applted ln payment of <br /> � i� nny Sndebtedness, natured or unmatured, secured by thls mortFsc,e. <br /> �. iI <br /> l f3) To pay all rents, tees, or chyrges no�v due or to becone due under th� terms af each leuse, pernit, llcense, nr <br /> � !I prlvlleye on the publlc domaln e+hich !s �ppu['Gen¢ttt or ncnappurtenant to the mortgsp,ed premSses, �vhSch has been � <br /> �; lssued,extended,or renewed by the United S[aLes or the state fn�shlch the uGove-descrlbed property f� located; nnd � <br /> li to pertorm and observe every ¢ct, covenant, concllU on, and stSpulatfon necessnr}• to keep each of the same Sn Eood . �>�l -�.�.L�-�- <br /> �. standlnP; nnd to tuke every necessary step to :,ecure the relscu^, renearnl, er extenslen ot ench ot the cane; and to <br /> �� j assSgn, walve, pledge, or endorse to the Morr,gavee each�lense, permlt, 1lcense, or prSvSleF,e !f Y,ortgagors� rlghts �� �y , <br /> �' Sn public damnln ¢re requlrea Gy Hort�ngee for securlty purposes. � <br /> l 1� (4) ThaL !n ttie event the MortgaP,ee Ss n party tu any 11t1P.ntlon nflectinE the s�curlty or th^ llen ot its mort- ' <br /> �� EgEe, 1nc1udlnft ar�Y sult by the Mortgagee toforeclose this nortgage or any sult Sn�vhlch the Nori�gav,�e msy be na�ed I � <br /> � u party detendnnt In }shSG� 1t Is oblivated to protect lts rlghts or 11en, fncluAing cundennatlon anA bankruptcy n <br /> � proceedings, 6he Martgagee nay lncur expenses and advance pnyment for aUstract fees, riLt.orney fees (er.cept to th^ � tQ - ' <br />� .. �I extent prohiblted Dy lav+), costs, expenses, und other charges. � �, - tp � � <br />� : �i (5) That Sn the event the Mortgagors fa11 to pay wl�en due anf taxes, lien,, �udgn?nts, or¢ssessm�nts, or C�S1 to . �� .,, �� � <br /> � , maintaln Snsurance as herelnbefore provlded, or tn11 to pay rents, fees, or chnrgea under the Lerms o: any lease, <br /> �� permit, 1lcense, or Prlvilege; or Mortga6ee is reUulred to tncur expen^es for abstrnct fees, attorney fees, co>ts, <br />� j� expenses,and other char_r,es Sn connecW on wltt� 11LSgation, MorLgaPee may make such p�ynant orprovLAe sur.h St�sur:ince, � <br />� � '� or Sncur �uch obligatlon, and the nmounts pald th�r•etor shall become a part ot the 1nd?btedness secured heraby due <br />,, - � and payzble ltmnedSate�Y, flnd shall bear Interest lrom the date of payment at the same r¢te ns provlded tor dc,eult <br /> R i I <br />,� , �� in the nate. ; � <br /> _.,_ . _.. ...___ ._. ._. _.. . . . . .. . � . <br /> . . . :.�._. . .. ....- - - . . <br /> ..- --_.: ... __�. ._�.. . . . . �.�.�.- <br />� � � <br />�,-. i'I � <br />:� <br />