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'�� ���� I . <br /> ��..� ' 78— U����.���. <br /> �` �F3=�;r-�!�=�.'7 <br /> Atoi:TcnGt? Rerecorded rnortgage to show correct date-year <br /> � AtORTGAGG LOAN N0. �� 22.963 <br /> ; r KN011'ALL�fENBYTIIGSGPRCSENT5:That Robert L. Fish and Donna f�i. Fish, each in his and her <br /> - ' own right and as spouse of each other <br /> Alortgagor,whether one ur morc,in wnsideration of the sum of <br /> � � Thtrty Four ThQUSand Fnur Nimdrad and Nn/1n0-----------------_______________ DOLLnRs <br /> sloancd!o said murtgugur by The Equitable Duilding anJ Loan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,lfortgegee,upon 344 shares of stock oF <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Ccrtificatc No.L 22,963 ,do hcrcby grant,convcy and mortgagc unto the said ASSOCIATION the(ollowing <br /> dcscribed real cslate,situated in Ilall County,Nebraska: <br /> I LOT TWELVE (12) AND SOUTHERLY SIXTEEN AND SIX TENTHS (16.6') <br /> FEET OF LOT TEN (10), ALL IPI BLOCK SEVEN (7) UNIVERSITY PLACE, AD! <br /> b. <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> together witii all the icnemenis,I�creditamrnts and appunenanca thercuniu belnnging,including attached ilom cuverings,all window screrns, � <br /> window shades,blinds,slorm ainduws,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbine and water cquipment and accessories thereto,purt�ps,stoves, <br /> � rcfrigeralors,anJ other fixtures and eyuipment�ww ur hereaflcr atlacheJ to ur uscd in ronnccliun«�iU�said real estate. <br /> � And�vhcreas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hcreby agrec that thc mo�tgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asscssments levied or <br /> asscsxJ upon said prcmises and upon Ihis mortgagc and�hc bond sccu c t iercby b:fore thc same shali become delinquent;to furnish approved <br /> insurance upon thc buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S ������.�� payablc to said ASSOCIATIO� and to deli��er ro said <br /> . ASSOCIATION ihe policies(m said insurance:and nol tu wmmit or permit any waste un ur about said premises; <br /> � In case uf default in the perforntance o(any of the terms and wnditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,[he mortgagee shall, � <br /> on demanJ,be entitled to immediate pussession u(thc mortgagcd premiscs and the mortga@or hereby assigns. transfers and sets ueer to Ihe <br /> , mor�gagee all q�e rems,rcrenues and inmme to be Jericed(rom the mur�gaged prcmises duting such time as the murtgage indehtedness sl�all remain <br /> . III1PJIlI;�I11I�Ill`fllO(IFBECI'SI78II I18YC fI1C�IUWC!Ip J(��lUlill 8I1\'e6C11�Of esC11I5 1� Ill�l'IICSIfC �Of lI1L'purpose of repairing said pumises and renting <br /> , I�1C 5;f(IIC JII�CU��CI'lllls I�II`(Cllli�fC�'CIlIlCS�fl(I Illl'OIpC,8fll�1I 1118V�18\'OU( U�S�III II1CUIllI` 8�� eapenses uf repairing said premises and I12CCS58fy' � <br /> commissiuns and expenxs incurred in renting and ntanaging the same and of colleciing rentals therefrom; ihe balance rcmaining,i(any,to be <br /> � applied loward the Jisch;�rge of said mur�gage indcbtedness;theu rights of the mungagee may be exercised at any time during the existenee o(such <br /> I�cspeclive of an}'temporaq•waiver u(lhe same. <br /> Thcse I'resents,ho�ceve�,are upon the Cundition,That if the saiS\lorigagor shall repay said lo�n on m befure the maturity of said shares by <br /> ; payment:pay monthly�o said ASSOCIATION uf the sum specified in the Ilond secured hereby as interest and principal un said loan,un or before <br /> .�'� :. ihe Twenlielli day o(each and every ntonth,untii said Iwn is fully paid;pay all taxcs anJ assessmems Ie��ied against said premises and on this\lortgage <br /> anJ the Iiand secu«d d�ereby,before delinyuency;furnish approved insu�ance upon the buildings thereun in the sum of S 34�4��.0� payablr <br /> � to said ASSOCIATION:�epay to said ASSOCL1T10\upon demand all muney by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance u�ith interest at <br /> � thc tnaximwn IeFal rate thcrcun from datc uf pa}•ment all o(which�lorigacor hereUy acrecs to pay;permit no waste on said p�emises;kecp and comply <br /> � with all the agreements and conditiuns of the Ilund for S 34�4��.��this Jay given by�hc s;iid\lorigagor tu said ASSOC4\TION,anJ comply <br /> K•ilh all the requircmcnts o(Uic Cunstitution anJ ByLaws of said ASSOCIATIO\:then Ihese presenis shall bccume null und void,othenvix thcy <br />� shall�emain in full fo�ce and may be furecloud at the uptiun of the said ASSOCL�TION a(ter failure fur three munihs to make any u(said <br /> paytnents or be three munths in arreats in making said montldy payments,or w keep�nd cumply witli the agceements and conditions of said Bond; <br /> � and\lortgagor agrres tu ha�•c a rccciecr appointcd(orthw�ith in such foredusure ptoccedings. <br /> If�here is any change in ownership of thc real atale mortgaged herein,by sale or othcrw•ise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br /> ucured shall,at�he optiun o(Thc I:yui�able Uuilding and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Ncbraska,become inuucdiately due and payable ailhuut <br /> furihcr notice,anJ ihe amnunt remaining due unJer said bund,and any other bund for any additional adrances ntadc thcreundcr,shall,from thc <br /> : date of exercise of saiJ option,bcar in�crest at ihe maximum Icgal ralc,and tiiis nwrlgage may then bc forcclused to salis(y the amount due un said <br /> bond,and any uther bond fur additional ad��nces,logciher with all sums paid by said The L'quitable Building and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island, <br /> Nebraska fur insurance,taxes and assessmems,and ahstracting extensiun charges,u�ith inlerest tliereon, from date u(payment at the masimum <br /> . Icgalra�c. <br /> � As p�uvided in tlic Qund secured hereby,while lhis mortgagc�emains in effect thc mortgagce may herea(ter advance additionai sums to the <br /> tnakers of said Bond,iheir assigns or succeswrs in interes�,which sumt shall be within the security of this mor�gage the same as the funds originally <br /> , secured lhereby,lhc lolal amount o(principal debt nut to excecd ai any time the uriginal amount uf this morigage. <br /> ,-DateJ this , 5 �;,%Jay of January n.u..��7 8 <br /> �O�Gi.lili r �C • v� <br /> � . ,�� _.�e�✓t�-t✓ LL7�_, �� <br /> Donna M. Fish ' <br />� e 'J STATE OF NGDRASKA,l , <br /> ss. Onlhis 5th dayof January 19 ]$ ,befurcme, _ <br /> �' COUNTY Of FIALL J <br /> �he ande rsi g ne d,a N o t a r y P u b l i c i n a n d(u r s a i d C o u n t y,p e r s o n a i l y c a m e <br /> R o b e r t L. Fis h an d Donna M. Fis h, each in his and her own right and as spause of each � <br />� � J other W��� are personally known lo <br /> '-.�� mc thc iJcntical pe�so � „whose name a(fixcd to thc ahove instrumcnt as mort a or and <br /> � - 3" r�'- s are E 6 s they severally, <br /> ..4 <br /> acknuwledged the said instrument lo be thQ�7' voluntary act and Jeed. <br /> < WITNFSS my hand and Nofarial Seal the dutc a(oresaid. <br /> -�,',�- � / <br /> �.�:� I�fy Commission expucs / ��;��, j ��' �.� .�� <br /> �S c- / I <br /> � . ���� �, t � !.�:�- " '/�. <br /> �r��. /� , 7 ,..t.61 �/G�.i����, <br /> ��•- easbt�u . . . Nutary Public <br /> i�` <br /> � '- '�ti..' . . <br />