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<br /> 4 = 6. If he fails to pny anp sum or keep any covenant provided for iu this mortgagc, the Mortgngee, at
<br /> its option, mny pay or pm•foim the same, and all expendilures so made shall be fldded to the principal sum
<br /> o�ring on the abo��e note, slinll be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid ut the rate provided
<br />� � � for in the principal indeUtedness.
<br /> 7. Upon request of the i4lortgngee, 114ortgagor shall execute and deliver n supplemental note or notes
<br /> � for the sum or sums ndvinced by l�iortgagce for the alteratiat, modernizntion, or iinprovement made ut
<br /> ' _ : the 1Iortgagor's request ; or for mnintenunce of said premises, or for tlxes or assessments against the
<br /> ' sume, a�id for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br /> � hereby on a parity �vith and as fully as if the advance evidenced therebp �ti•ere included in the note first
<br /> � . described above. Saic! supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the i•ate pi•o�•ided for in tlie prin-
<br /> cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in appi•oximately equal monthl5• payments foi• such period as may
<br /> be agrecd upon Uy the ,lfortgagee and lfortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the �vhole of the sum
<br /> ; or smns so adeuuced shall be due and pnyable thirty (SO ) dnys after demand by the JIortgagee. In no
<br /> event shall tlie muturity� extend beyond tlie ultimate maturity of tlie tiote fii•st described aUor•e.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigns, transfers und sets over to the �Iortgagee, to Ue applied tou�ard the payment of
<br /> the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms nnd condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income tu be deri�•ed from the mort-
<br /> gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain impaid ; and the tifortgagee
<br /> shnil L1ve po�rer to appoint nny agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the snme and col-
<br /> ` lecting the rents, re�•enues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary conunissions and
<br /> ; ' expenses incurred in reuting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom ; the balance
<br /> remaining, if 1ny, to be applied tou•ard the discharge of said mortgage indcbteclness.
<br /> 9. He �vill continuously maiutain hazard insurauce, of such tl•pe or l3•pes and amowits as llortgagee
<br /> may from time to time require, on the improvements now or lterenfter on saicl premises and except when
<br /> pa��ment for all sucli premiums has theretofore been made under (a) of paragraph 2 tiei•eof, irill pa��
<br /> promptly when due any pren�iums therefur. Upon default thereof, Dfortgngee ma�� pay the same. All
<br /> insttrance sliall be carried iu companies approved by the ,llortgagee 1nd the policies and reneu•als thereof
<br /> shall be held by the �tortgagee and have attached tl�ereto loss pa��able clauses in faeor of and in form
<br /> acceptable to tlie \Ioi•tgagce. In e��ent of loss llortgagor «•ill give immediate notice by mail to tl�e liorf-
<br /> gngee, �elto may make proof of loss if not made promptly by liortgagor, and ench instu•ance company con-
<br /> cerned is hereby authoi•ized and directed to make payment for such loss dii•ectl�� to the blm•tga�ee instend
<br /> of to tlte \Iortgngor and tlte .11ortgagee jointly, and tlie insui•nnce proceeds, or an5• part thereof,
<br /> m1y Ue appiied Uy� the Mortgagee at its option eithcr to the reduction of the indebtedness hecebc sectu•ed
<br /> ur to the restortttion or repftir of the property dam:tged. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br /> ` j trnusfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedncss secured hereby, all
<br /> ' right, title and interest of the \Iortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force sha11 pnss to the
<br /> ' � ptu•chaser or grantee
<br /> 10. As addifional znd collateral security for the payment of the note described, and all stuns to Uecome
<br /> dtte under this mortgagc, the llortgagor i�ereby assigns to the .11oi•tgagec all lelsc bonuses, profits, i•e��c-
<br /> nues, royalties, rights, and other benefits accruing to the llortgagor ttnder nny aud a►► oil and gas lenses
<br /> no��•, or dtu•ing tiie life of this mortgage, e�ecuted on said premises, ��•ith the right to recei�•e and receipt
<br /> for the same and apph• them to said indebtedness as n•cll Uefore as after default in the conditious of this
<br /> mm•tgage, and ti�e ,liortgagee mny� demand, sue for and reco��er any sucl� payments ��•hen due anci pay-
<br /> abie, but shall not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate ancl beeome null ancl �•oid upai
<br /> release of this mortgage.
<br /> ' '� 11 . He shall not commit or permit ���aste ; and shali mnintain the properh� in .is good condition as at
<br /> ;. present, reasonttble ���e1r and tear excepted. Upon an�� failure to so maiutaiu, llortgngee, at its oplion,
<br /> 'j may� cause reason�ble maiutenance t�•ork to be performed nt tlie cost of illorlgngor. :1ny amounts Pnid
<br /> � therefur by Mortgagee shall bear interest at the rate pro��ided for in tlie principai indebtedness, shnll
<br /> theceupon become a part of the indeUtedness secured by this instrtunent, ratabl�• aud ou a parity� «�ith all
<br /> othcr indebtedness sectired hereby, and shall be pnyable thirty (30) days afler demand,
<br /> ° 12. 1f tite premises, or any p�ti•t thereof, be condemned undei• tlie pon•er oF emiucnt domain, or
<br /> acquired for 1 public use, lhe dam�ges a«�arded, the proceeds for the falcing of, or the consideralion for
<br /> such ncquisitimi, to the extent of the full nmount of tlie remaining unpaid indebtedness sectnrd by tliis
<br /> mortgngc, or hereby assigned to the lfortgagee, and shall be pnid forth��•ith to saicl ,llortgngee, to be
<br /> applied on account of the ]ast maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br /> 13. If the Jim•tgagor fails to malce �ny pn��ments ���hen clue, or to conPm•m to and comply �cith any
<br /> of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the notes «•hich it secures, then the
<br /> entire principal sum and accrued inferest shall at ouce become due aud payable, nt the election of the
<br /> \Iortgngee ; and this mortgage mny thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the ���hole of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereUy secured, includiug the cost of extending the nbslract of fitle from the date of this mort-
<br /> gnge to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, and nn�• sums paid by the Veterans
<br /> ` Administratiai on nccount of the guarant�� or instu•�mce ot the indebtedness secw•ed hereby, all of �rhich
<br />. � shall be included in the decree of foreclosttre. ^�1, � • .
<br /> 14. If the itidebteduess sect�i•ed hereby be guaranteed a• insured tmdei• Title 34, Uniled States Code, t': N :" ,
<br /> such Title nnd Regulations issucd thereunder <md in e(£ec6 on the date hereot shall goeern the rights, dutics � a ,'
<br />. � and liabilities of the parties hereto, �nd 1ny provisions of ihis or olher instcuments executed in connectiou �
<br /> witli said indebtedness which are inconsistent with said Title or Regulations :u•e hereb�• ;unended to n L '
<br />���,,� conform thereto. �
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