r -�
<br /> 21. Future Advances. U�wn reyueat of Bormwer, Iw�nder, at Lender's uption , prior to release of this
<br /> Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with intereat. thereon , shall
<br /> be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory not� stating that said notes are tiecured hereb,y
<br /> except that the interest rate, on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br /> permitted by law, may be adjubted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount
<br /> � of the indebtednest; becured by this Mortgage, not including bums advanced in accordance herewith to pro-
<br /> tect the aecurity of this Mortgage, exceed the original amuunt of the Note plus US $. _ 15 , 000 , O.Q _
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVF.R, that prepayments of principal , as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are
<br /> returned to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br /> sutne as permitted within this paragraph.
<br /> 22. Savinqs Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of prinripal on any installment due date or
<br /> immediately preceding said date to be efiective on the due date following and prepayment shaA be applied
<br /> to installments last to hecome due under this mortgage. lipon reyuest of the under5igned or either ot
<br /> them, provided a default does not exist and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, thr lender
<br /> agrees to furnish to the underhigned 100 ��, of tiuch principal prepayments, unless advancement is pruhibited
<br /> by the regulationK of chartering and supervisory authorities then in effect . All such advancementh tihall br
<br /> secrured by this mortgage in the same manner and efiect as if no Nrepayments had becn made.
<br /> 23. Release. L?Fwn payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge lhiti
<br /> Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower ahall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br /> __ . Modificatiox�. Upon request of bonower, lender, at lender's option, has conditionally waived the
<br /> requirements as set forth in paragraph # 2 "Funda for Taxes and Insurance" of the Uniform Covenants
<br /> of said mortgage provided that the borrower complies with his responsibility as set (prth in paragraph #i4
<br /> and # 5 of the Uniform Covenants acknowledging that the lender ha5 conditionally �piv� lsta option under
<br /> � paragraph # 2. A breech of this covenant will then activate paragmpl, #� "Accel`ati � , y"R.emedies." �
<br /> +. m �
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<br /> A ` .V � ' U> A C
<br /> C, v � ,� �
<br /> �7 �
<br /> IN WITNESti WHEHEUF, the $orrower has executed this !�1ortgaqe. ' "'
<br /> _ Q� r1 "' ~ O
<br /> .
<br /> _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ � � lY�,�.�J�- �� ��XII..v��
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> _ _ . _ _
<br /> Robert R . Allen —Borrower
<br /> _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :.�. �.c:i, - � �_4�' �s.,.� . . .
<br /> Susan Al�en —gorrower � ' `
<br /> Property Addresti _ _ 1720 North Hustont Grand Island , Nebraska 68801
<br /> _ _ _ . .
<br /> Srwre or� Nesewsh� _ . _ .Hall _ County s5 :
<br /> On thie . _ _ _�0 day of ��7'1-(-�� _ , ] 9 ��, before me, the undersigned, a Notar��
<br /> Public in and for said County , pery6nally came Rgbert R . Al len and Susan Allen ,
<br /> _ _ _ _ . . _
<br /> husband and wife � _ _
<br /> personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are aNixed to the atwve and forrKoin�
<br /> instrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instrument to be his or her voluntary act a d dec•d .
<br /> Witness my hand and n +�}� a _ . .G7c.3ind zg.l .and , s the date last written .
<br /> ��Wlll�a i � ,
<br /> My Commission expire � �w�+'�7�1�'�IAI. ,� � �,�-�"� ���D
<br /> c�
<br /> ',� A . '. . - _ Notary ublir
<br /> . .� ,
<br /> _ _ _ . _ _ � _ � , i '.� - '_ _ _ _
<br /> } 5
<br /> t---
<br /> STATE OF . _ �
<br /> County _ . _ _ � ss.
<br /> _ I .
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Regititer ot I�eeda O(iice uf said Countv thr
<br /> _ _ _ - . . . _ . day of . _ _ _ _ _ _ , 19 _ . . . , at o 'clock and minuteti !11 . .
<br /> and recorded in Book . _ _ . . . . of Mortgages at page . , ati Inntrumrnt No.
<br /> _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ .
<br /> _
<br /> Req. of Deed�;
<br /> BY _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ _ . _ Deputy i
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> .._,�
<br /> � ��.
<br /> When recorded t.o be returned to the �
<br /> Street Atld.ass MailmQ Address p�,,,,,,,
<br /> U 13S No. C,otner Bivd., LincWn P.O. Box 5204, Lincoln, Ne. 68505 475-0521
<br /> ❑ 2101 So. {2nd St. , Omahs P.O. Boz 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68106 gr�q.gpp� ���
<br /> ❑ 1811 Watt 2nd St., Grand Island 1811 West 2nd St., Gnnd Isiand, Ne. 68801 384-443a
<br /> u _-----. . __ ._ _._ - --.___ ___ ._ .. __ _.. . -- - -. - - -
<br />� � �
<br /> �
<br />