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� � <br /> INDIVIDUAL <br /> DUE ON SALE <br /> � OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> �� SAVINGS FUND <br /> � FORM N0.72O <br /> �W Loa� Number_ 35282 -- 199 - 1 <br /> --------,>oP-----e..,,�n <br /> 78`UOC)1F3Y M O R T G A G E <br /> T�Ji-i IS MORTGAGE, madr and executed thi, ��'dav of ,���C,IL�«'�� A.D., <br /> 19_70 , between the Mortgagor, Robert R. Allen and Susan Allen, h(isband and wife, <br /> jointly and each in their own right�. <br /> ___ _ ._ . . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ . __ ..._ <br /> �f Grand Island , ('�unt�� of Hall , Statr of Nebraska ,hereinafter referred <br /> to as the Borrower, and the MortgaRet•. F1RST FEDF.RAL SAVIN(:S AND LC)A'v ASSOC'fATION OF <br /> LINCOLN, 7235 "N" Strer.t, Lincoln, Nebraska 6R5o1, its tiuccea�or� end a�xignti, hereinafter referred to <br /> as Lender. <br /> WITNk:titiF:TH: TI18f [he said Aorrower f<�r and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND, <br /> ANlI NOl 1Q�--------------------------------------- I)c>l:an (L'S.r 7,000.00 1 <br /> paid by tiaid Lender,due5 hereby inurt�agr, �rant and cunvey tu LenelE:r, it� succes�urti and assi�ns; the <br /> following descrribed pmperty located in the ('ounty of Hall , 5t:ate of tiebra:;ka: <br /> Lot Ninety-nine (99), West Lawn, sn Addition to the C`ty of <br /> Urend Island, Hall County, Nebrasks. <br /> Tcx;ETHE6 with all the improvementc iION' UI' }1PI('aftrr errcted on the pmpert;v, and all eatiementa, <br /> rights, appurtenances, rrnts, royalties, mineral, oil and Kas riKhts and profits, watrr, water ri�hts, and <br /> water stoc�k, and all fixturcw n��w or hrre�aftrr attached to the propert��, al! of H�hich, includin� replace- <br /> mentn and additions thr.reto, shall be deemed to tx- and remain a part of the property covered b�� this <br /> Mortgage; and all of thN foregoing, together with said propert_v (ur the lea�ehold e,tate in the event thiti <br /> Mortgage ie on a leasehold) are herein referrE�d to a� the "Propert��". <br /> Borrower covenants that Borrowrr i� IaH fully seised of thr e,tatr here�h�� cnnveyed ani1 hati the riKht <br /> to mortgage, grant and convr�� the Yropi•rty, that the I'roperty is unrncumhered, and that Borrower will <br /> warrant and defend generallp the title to the Pro�erty xKainvf all claimti and demandv, subjrct to any <br /> ea�ementr and restrictions li�;trd in a tichedule of exceptions to cove>ra�;e in am� title� insurance polic�� in- <br /> suring I.ender's interetit in the Yro��rt��, or ('�) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of tiUe certified <br /> b,v bonded abstracter. <br /> Pauvweu ALWAYti, and thesr pre,ernts arE• executed and<lelivrred upcm the fulluwing conditiun,,a�ree- <br /> ments and obligationn uf the Burrower, to-wit: <br /> The Borrower agree, ta F�ap to the Ixnder,or ur�ie•r, the principal Sum ut SEVBN TtiOUSAND <br /> AI4A NQ/100-------------------------------------- , , 7 000.00 <br /> _ _ 'i)ollam I l'� .: , ) <br /> payablr ah provided in a note•exec�ted and delivt•rrcl, cuncurrentl�-hen•N�ith, thi�final paymc•nt uf F�rinci��al. <br /> if not cr�ner paid, on thr lst deiy of Janunry . 19 bEi . <br /> UNIFUEM C�(1VF:NANTA. BOI'I'oWer and Ixndrr i•uvenant. and a�ri•� H. fulluK�.: <br /> l. Payment ot Prineipel �td Interest. Burrower shall prutnptl�� pa�� whFn due th� �,�rincipal of and in- <br /> tere�t on the indebtednrKs rvidene�ed by thc tiote, pr��pa���nrnt and latr i�har�c�� a� E�r��vidt��d in thN '.�'ute, <br /> and thr principal oP and intc�rest on an}• Future Advance•� ..ecuri��i li� thi, 11��rtxa�r. <br /> 2. Funds !or Taxes and Insur�ce. Suhjrc•t to Lrnder'� uE�tion under para�;r�{�h. .} and � here�uf. Rur- <br /> mw�Pr tih�il ��a�• tu Ixnder un the da�� monthl� intitall�rn•nt�uf prin�i�ial an�t intr�rer�t .iri•Euacahlr und<•r lh�� <br /> No6e, until thc•Note in paid in full,a >;um Ihrrein "Fund�") t��ual to r�ne�-twelith uf the ��earlc iaxi�o-; ;rnd <br /> arueFements which may attain prioritp over thi.!11or2kaKi•, and kround rent.. un the i'ru��rrt}�, if an} plu� <br /> one-twelfth uf yearl}� premium in�;Lallments fur hazard incuran�•r, ��lu� one�-tw�•Ifth ��f ��i��rl� pn•�nium in- <br /> atallmNntF fnr mortgagc� inhurance, if :�nt�, all an reasunabh� e�timated initiaih� an�! frum tiuir tu tiiuc- L�� <br /> Lender on the basi�;uf aci;eKKmentti and t�ills and re�a��nat�le�c�titimat<��th«•rer�f, lw•nde�r�hall aG,��l� thi- H'un�l� <br /> �.0 }wy exi�l taycK;, e�yi.;r�menta, m�urance premiuma and Kround rrncr. L,en.ic-r:hxll mxkr nu e�harK�• t��r.0 <br /> holding and applyinq ihe Fund� ur verifti'ing and i•umE�ilinK �;aid asM�.nm.�nx� and h�lt�. 'I'hr L,e<ndi�r �hall <br /> g+ve to the Borrower, without charge, an annual ac<vunting of the Funds showinK c•redits and debirs to the <br /> Funde and the pur}�ose for which each debit to the Funilr wx., niade. Thr Fundr are NlydKed a� additional <br /> nec-urity for the cumF �rured by this !�9ort�age. The Borrower agrc�c�s th�t the Funds nra� bi- held b� the __�� <br /> Lender and commingled with other funde and the Lender's own fund�and the Le•nder may pa� such itemn <br /> from its own funds and the I.ender shali not be liable for intemst or ciividend.�. on �uch Fundti. <br /> If tlse amouat of the Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly installment,s of Fund. + � <br /> payable prior to the due dates of tazes, aseesea�ents, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall excc�cl J <br /> the amount required top�y said taies,assess��� insurance premiumR and�round rent�a� theti�fall due, <br /> sUch exc•ees el�all be, at Boaower's option, either promptly repaid to Born�wer or c•redited to Bornuwer on <br /> moathly instailmc,nts of Funaie. If tlaa aui�un� o( �hr Fundn lteld b�� Len�rr �hail n��t t�•.uth�•it�nt t�� ��a� <br /> t#xr�, nv�ments, in.curance pmmiums and gruund renta an Lliry fali �1ua:. li..rru�rr.r ,Lxll W,y w I.rn�rr <br /> anY �ant neoesetry to make up the de6czency within thirtY daYs after from Ixnder to Born�wer <br /> requesting payment. theerof, or Borrower ehall, by aa increase in monthly in�tallment�uf I�'und�rryuirr�d, <br /> repay the deficiency within the Fund accountinR period. <br /> 11�bn p,�y�nt in full of all sums »rcut�d by this Mortgage. I.rnde�r�hall apply Fund.he•Id a�a �r���iit <br /> aQainst all euma due. � <br />� <br /> � <br />