<br /> c��.
<br /> 1 �
<br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Lr;an No 4437$-1
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS That perwi� T. Hamit and 8arbara A. �amit, husband dnd wife
<br /> hereinafter cailed ihe ortgagorsl in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twenty—Nine Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and no/�00-----------------oouarsla29 250.00---- �
<br /> � loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain. seli and convey unto COMMERCIAL fEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO�IATION ot Omaha.
<br /> Nebraska, (hereinafter called "Commercial"), its successors and assigns, the following descnbed real estate. situated m the Couniy of.
<br /> Hel l State of Nebraska,to-wit:
<br /> Lot twenty-two (2Z), in Biock "D" in Parkview Subdivision located in the Northeast
<br /> Quarter (NE�) of Section twenty-nine (29) and the Northwest Quarter (NM�) of
<br /> Section twenty-eight (28) both in Township eleven (11) North. Range nine (9)
<br /> West of the Sixth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE $AME. with ttie appurtenanres fhereunti� bel��nging �intc Co!��,u�erc�a'� its suc<:essurs nntl n;s�gns R,�ever
<br /> Said Mortgagors hereby covenant with said Ce,nnien�iai its successo, ana asvgns Ihat �Acrf�s�;ers are iawful!y sa�ze�of saia pre�����ses that
<br /> Ihey are free trom encurnbiances antl ihat Ihey will forever warrant and aeiend the ti��e ro sai�7;��rrmises against the'�awfu' c:au��s,'ai� peison�
<br /> whumsoever.
<br /> Prow�etl, nevertheless these presents are upon Ihe to!Iqw�n� c�ndiLons-
<br /> Ttiat whereas the said Mortgagors as meri�ers ol Conunerc�ai Y�ave �hi; h;i!e executea :� u��te edidcanung such!�an ana agrE�� � �..c ;���.<,y sair
<br /> Sunr o( money w�tli interest �n payn��en(s 35 set for(h �n sa�tl �ir,tc itnc hi�[ a�;reeu t:J ab�de by (he[erms;if sa�a note�n0 Chancr_.nd F3y-Laws��f
<br /> Connne�aai,
<br /> That whereas this niortgage sYiali seare cnv ada�t�ona� arvaucus r.�fh �nterest wh�ch ;r,iy r�t thc �pt�:;n;f fo inerr.�,�� be ��,�oe by Cor�,�
<br /> n�erc�ai to ihe undersigned Mor(gagcrs�i tfieir su��cessors in�t�F�-!oi ;3ny u;r�se,at any tn��e bete�e Vie rriease anc cancellat�m r,f ttns rt��ortgage
<br /> but PROVIDED HOWEVER at no tin�e shail Ihe aggregete princ�pai amount secureC by th�s cipr�gage beino[he.�c�ount aue�t any bn�e on said
<br /> or�ginal note and any [�tlU�t�onal advances c�aUi�. exceed an 3,ncunt equa 1;; lll:� peicent of the a�i�ount��!Bie�ng�na!n�,te G�i�in n��.event shal'�
<br /> s3id ncte exceetl the niaxnnu^�aniount perni�(ted hy !irr+, an�7 PROVIpED. HOWEVER. !hzt n��thin�,heie�n contam0a shaC be r_r,n5�dereh ss '����.�t�ne
<br /> [he aniount that shall be secured heiepy when ndvan�ed t�a pro(ecl tne ser.�.inty oi ni acc�Nance with cuven�,nts container.,in !he f��.oi!g2ge
<br /> Ncw, �f the saiU Moitgago�s sliail pay or cause tu tx� pa�C !he sa�d su�°-s �:I�r�.r,ney when d�e.as set fmUi ni sa�it no�e ar�U anv c�ther note f.�r
<br /> addihonal advnnces n��ade until sa�d debf is fully pa�0 with ��nteiest then these p�escr�ts sha�l be vo�d.other,v�se to be 3ua �e�rca�n�n ful! �i,iee a�tl
<br /> ef(ect, bui�f aefaut�should be matle�
<br /> �a�� In eny ;,f the paynients d�e on sa�d note �nd auy �thu ncte ir,�r eaC�h�.nai aovnnces n��;,ae as the�e�n aKieeu !i he!����aae f���tn�rv�, ,m; _
<br /> �b� �n 6eeping lhe unpioven!ents on sa��1 pre��i�ses �n�u�ed aE�,a�nst '�oss 7y reas�n ;f tne i�ghtning, and otner haza�tls incluCeC�n e.tenned
<br /> coverage insurance in an an�ouni not ;ess than the unpa�d baihnce of said n�ortgage loan �n a co�npany o�mrpanies acceptaGle !„C;���.
<br /> �neic�al. Ihe onginal ef such policy oi poncies !o be heid by Comm,ercia�� and a�th y^�ortgage ciause at'a�hed�c sa�a peiico�oi ,����c,as
<br /> ni favoi of Comeie�Cial: o�
<br /> �c� In the{�ayment of taxes and assessn��ents �ev�ea upon sa��! pie�r�ses. .�r m fh�s mo�tga�!e befnre they are aeiuiquent r,;
<br /> �:d� If theie �s any chauge n; Ihe awneiship �:,! �he �c,:, es�n;� ����,,rt�ag�d I��e�e�n by sa'�.e.e�!ner u�i(i�ghl:;i by �aiu1 con!ra��t or ny ass��"���.en!�:�1
<br /> arry interest thereon or otherwise�.
<br /> then, in anV of the a6ove set tcrth events. the whole �ntle6teduess hereUy secure0 sha!I. at [he ophon o( Comn;erc�a: irometl�;�te�y beco�ne due anC
<br /> payable w�ithout further nohce.and the amount due undei sa�tl ncte:�nd any othier note for adtlit�ona:advances made shali fron the�]ate of the eKerc�;e
<br /> of said option. bear interesl at the maximum ie�a'��ate pe�annum anu Ih�s mpr!gage may Ihen t�e foreclosetl to satisty the amaunt Due on sa�o nc.tr anc
<br /> any other note (or adtlihonai ativances togethe�w�th aU su��is paii7 by l;o��m�e�c�3�� tpr �nsur�nce taxes assessments ana abstract�atens�on cn�rges
<br /> wrth �nteiest thereon froni the date oi p3ys�ient at the n:ax��nmr. iegal ratc
<br /> PROVID[D that ;n no event. either t�efnre or af�er detauit. shai'� the �nterest duc undei saiC note anr]th�s r�citgage anci any ether n�ite io� aa
<br /> tli�ional advances m.aae exceed the maxin�m��. lawiul :nteresi rate.
<br /> PROVIDED.futfh2r Iha��n tne event that ae`:f��l! cCCurs ri the �•-;�. nk ,;1 (rie pay'���ents C,e bn s;��il nstB ana;,n;t v��t7er r.F `oi na.��r�n�'�
<br /> advances as therein agreed to be irade or �n keeping [he prem�ses �usuiea as a��ve prov�oeo oi ��f�e!auit t�e aiade�n the;aynen;�.-,r the taaes
<br /> oi assessinen[s !eviea upou the prtcuses abr,ve des�. GrG �:>� uP��� !���s ,cifgage. before ;hey are by iaw dehnGuent 1,�..i.,e,i�a sha'! !.�eut�!lea
<br /> fu the nninetl�ate U�ssess�n ol the i��ee��ses above nescr�he�1. t�:�geflie� vnth a'�� rents p���ceeds ano �ssi��s ;ns�n��;;uf o([hr r�-�ses.a��r�.��,,,
<br /> m its tlisc�etion use fhe ren!s s�_� 'a� as �f Oee�ns i�:essar; �or the {�urpuse cf mak�np repa�rs u,�on the{ e�°�ises air� �i the p, tn!;1�ns ir�re
<br /> piern�ums. taxes and assessments upon such prenuses.antl fer necessarv expenses incu�retl �n ient�ng sa�tl piem�ses 3no ceiiectu�g rent tt�e�e"�en� ane
<br /> (o apply same on sa�d note and any notes evidenc�ng luiure ativances heri�untler unGl the �noehte.�,nt�ss securetl�s����.I•, pa��:ano'c�t;;�:"�n�rc�,es
<br /> the undersigned does hereGy seli ass�gn set over antl uansfei inh L,,���n�eic a� a'�I uf sa�U renl: p�oceeas nna�ncomes�nN�„o�n�,in� �nne��n�rart
<br /> paymen�s due ;noitgage owners ui any uther incomes ot a�ry type whatsoever iron, ssid G�r,,perty ti� be��pplien r,n thz nates at�ve aesci�ber, C�ut s'd�C
<br /> Coinmercialshallin nq case be liab�e tr�� tlie fa�lwe tU prr,cure tenants. to toliect rents.ur to prosec�te schons In recove� possession of sai�p�e�e�ses
<br /> The Mortgagors further appoint Coinineivai of Oriaha Nehias a the�r attr�mey �ri t3c� g�v�nE s��C attoripy ppwe� rE�<c�bh � (he�a�� ���,�w��
<br /> naine or Mnrtgagors'naines to taMe all necessary steGs foi proceE.dnigs �n cuurt oi othc � se t�;cai,se saia�n�•ises tu ,�e vacaleC t !'ert �nrais
<br /> GI G�hCf I[ILOf1IP5 dUP,dlid WYIEfI V2Ci3fl(. �U f�'�e(IhP S:llllf. IO'It�dk� f.�� feBS�?il;ft]'.f fP(ii1�t5 dil[1�;3y� [1xC5 )l;':�t�3'�tl'Pf1!5 f�fi15 ;:.!1�..-I.f;�:{Y'• 'll.:i�i�
<br /> inco��es and tc do al! such th�,ngs' e�the; b�� �is uw�, .���(ie�s ,�r ! ,thr; �,;��rs du'�y a�,t ����e,t,inr ,�„ntr� i�.� �to���! � �_ ,
<br /> (n rharge or pay a reasonable fee (oi such servir.es all of pie,�,�;��� t�� bedone a!such �i:nes zno �n sr.cl��.�innei nnd ..�,s„�e !e�. ._Ip� -r���J
<br /> af(omey may sPem best_with full power ut suhsli�ut�mi
<br /> The Mortgagors herebV agice that�f Comn,eicial c�(hei v�-�iurita y ;:; �nv iuntan�y l�comes o� 5 acvde 3 a�:y te a� ,e�t��_r; ��c,��,p;_��at,�,;
<br /> F
<br /> to the hereinbetore descnbeA reai estate or tu th�s �r:��rt�,age n� r� � �������te ��n�!Ns r�thE• i'r�n a f�.��r� ;s�,ur�� ;!�Ictea D� ��� r�e�c�, � �?�a�,�.�sr.,i�
<br /> reunburse Cortuneici,il I�r all reasonable rosts incurrea�v C���r�me c�ai �r� s:��n .u�+ c� p�,.�eed�.ng. r� �,. - ..•!ht�• A :r�n,�• .�, �,'..- .�.. .
<br /> ,��� � ,
<br /> deSGnbed tBal eStatU ot any Pait therefll be c�onaei,!ne� un�e� IhE. ,�owPr o(acunen� tic�na�n �?i �5 (It �v�jF acUu�led �a i,r�..rr �r [���r. �a�,
<br /> awarded, the uroceeds for the tak�ng.and to� the ccns�deiat�on fo� si,ch acqins�bor. tu the extent��•f [he f�,�i a �un?;,f tt r��er��a�,n�n��r .��C n:ee6ted
<br /> ness secured by th�s mortgage be antl they hereby are assign�tl to Cnmmerciai antl shai! be paid loithw�th tr, Cor�merc�a���c be nr;�:re on 3�r�,;n� ,!
<br /> tlie las�n�atunnK instalinienis bt such indebteaness . . - —�" ,
<br /> Dated th�s ILh dav ot �an��y ,q jg '' J � '
<br /> IN NCEOF ����t ccC-�r�s .�'���fjt-:• ''��
<br /> Danr�in T. Hamit
<br /> _ -- --- _ ---- ___ _ ,y> , , , � 1
<br /> _�tti +"F�.?: �s... . � ..1'n .,�t.f _,�i .
<br /> _ ____ ___ __ _ Barbara A. Ha�nit ,
<br /> ICOUNTY OF Buffalo ss __ ._ _.___ _ _ __ _ _
<br /> � On this _1�1 _ day of _�El1y3r�( ,9 j,$ , beforc me, a notary pubi�c �n and for sa�d G�,unt� ��s�,nd,��, <ainr
<br /> '"e a5c:c ca-;cd
<br /> Den�►in T. Hamit and Sarbara A. Hamit. husband and wife
<br /> to me well known to be Me ident�cal w�c�nc wnncP �amP �c �re afhxea to the ab��ve m�:rt�age�s gc nto�sr f��:, ��r�-�,�,��
<br /> or she. severaily acknowledge the sai ms ment andNMitAlOu�oiR�/F�l�o b tne�r vnFuntary 3c ana aeetl.
<br /> C[NCRA: •`iC'.:.RY ,
<br /> WITNESS my hantl and Nct2na!Seal th �yeafi�RTI9b6ieWfiMiASICA f
<br /> My ComnNss+on Ex Sept 29. :9%'i � �
<br />� _� ti<<�,�. �� .
<br /> - P9y�.�n^nss�on cxp�,es on the �5�1]_ dav o! $2�Ll.�bEl' .- T9. � �
<br /> �
<br />