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i � <br /> 1 � <br /> 21. F'uture Hdv�eoc. Upon request of Borrower, lrnder, at Lender's optiun, prior to release of this <br /> Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advance�r, with interest thereon, �hall <br /> be secured by thi� Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes ststing that eaid notes are secured hereby <br /> except that the intereat ratk on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent <br /> permitted by Iaw, may be adjuated as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount <br /> � of the indebtedne� secured by this Mortgage, not including aums advanced in accordance herewith to pro- <br /> tect the security of this Mortgage, esceed the original amount of the Note plua US $. - 1.6., .$QO . QQ_ . . _ . _ . _ , <br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVER, thet prepaymenta of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are <br /> returned to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing <br /> aums es permitted within this paragraph. <br /> 22. Saviaqa Fuad. Borrower may make prepayrnenth of principal on any installment due date or <br /> immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date following and prepayment shall be applied <br /> to inetallmenta laet to become due ander this mortgage. Upon reyuest of the undereigned or either of <br /> them, provided a default does not exiet and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, the lender <br /> agteea to furnish to the unden;igned 100°�� of such principal prepayments, unler,s advancement is prohibited <br /> by the regulatione of chartering and supervi�;ory authoritieti then in efiect. All such advancements shall be <br /> esecured by this mortgage in the same manner and efiect as if no prepaymentx; had been made. <br /> 23. Rsl�ara. Lrpon payment of all rums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall clischarge this <br /> Mortgage, without charge tc� Borrower. Borrower ahall pay all cost�; of recordation, if any <br /> :n <br /> a <br /> + n <br /> --+ c� cn - <br /> .� ^� n -� ;° <br /> .i. <br /> �:, '� � � � 'V M <br /> ti � '.. � n �, ; <br /> L� -, , _ - ,� _ _ . , ^ �_.. <br /> . � � <br /> . : �._ - � � >- o <br /> r ; = � , , ;:: <br /> ` O " <br /> �+. `� -5 y; i-�, ' 1{ j� � <br /> � y , W X � �1 ' <br /> w �- . -... . ` �� v ; , <br /> � <br /> �. "" `n W <br /> , _ _�o u, <br /> " Ix WITNBSJ WHE6EOF , the Borrower has executed this Mortgage. <br /> ^ , � �� : . <br /> _ _ . . . _ . _ . _ . . . . _ � . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . <br /> . . . , . . � �� �:-.. <br /> _ _ _ _ _ . oy b ett / ' / <br /> / , ]�" —Borrower <br /> . . . . . . . . _ . . . . � l_.� 2 .(.. 7 � fC. . . .I IGJt. .j`.! ! .`�.K 4f . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . � �. <br /> . _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . <br /> 1lonna Jean � left —gorrower <br /> Property Addrese _ _ 322 East 4th Street , Grand Island , Nebraska 68801 <br /> _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> Szwre oF Nesawsx� _ _ Hall _ _ _ County� ss : <br /> On this _ _ _ _ lv day of��2lu� �ch _ 19Z.� , before me, the underr,igned, a Notary <br /> Public in and foruaid County, per nally came �loyd 1'�iblett and Donna Jean Riblett hueband <br /> a <br /> and wife----------- _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . • . . _ . . <br /> --- ---- ------- <br /> _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . <br /> _ . _ _ _ _ <br /> peesonally knuwn tu me tu be the identical persons whosr namee; are aftized to the akwve and loregoing <br /> instrument, as mortgagor�, and each acknowledged said inatrument to be hie or her voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witaese� m hend and n a Island Yaeka <br /> Y � �,�'- _ - y . � the date last above written. <br /> . � , ,� / G � r /�' <br /> My Commission eYpite�; : C,. 6E�7E , ... a � J L , f ' 4.-�i Y�� /�L �. .Gi7 �: _r. _ <br /> � •. , <br /> . . _ . _ _ _ . . . . . <br /> sr c o .. . c � , �� - . Notary Public <br /> t ,. . . � <br /> _ s��ber. . g,. . . is�� l <br /> STATE OF _ _ _ . <br /> �� ss. <br /> County <br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register of Deedti Otficu of said County the <br /> _ _ _ . . - -- - . . day of . . _ . _ _ _ , l9 . _ , at o'clock and _ minutes _ . . . !1'I. , <br /> and e+ecoedeci in Book _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ . . of Mortgages at �wge _ . _ _ . , as Instrument No. _ _ _ . _ _ _ . <br /> _ _ . . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . <br /> Reg. of Deedc� <br /> BY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . _ .. _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . _ _ Deputy . � _, <br /> � When recorded to be returned to the `� �` <br /> FIRb'3' FEDERAL 6AVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN �� <br /> � _ <br /> StwH Atl��Ns Mai11n{ AAa�Nc Phone . <br /> j_j 13i No. Cotewr 6Aw/.. Liwee�n P.O. Bac SZOa. LmcoM, Ne. 66505 475-0521 <br /> ❑ 2101 Ss. a2nd 9t.. O�naha P.O. Box 6273. Omaha. Ne. 68106 554�8000 � <br /> p 1i11 Nh�t 2nd 8t., 6rawd IWnd 1811 MU�st 2nd St., Grantl Is4nd, Ne. 68801 384�4433 <br /> G - --- --- - - ___.. -- _ - - _ _ _ __. _ <br /> � <br />� <br />