<br /> � �
<br /> 21. Future Adraaeer. UEwn request of Burrower, Lender, at I.ender's option, prior tc� release of thi�
<br /> Mortgage, may meke Future Advancee; to Borrower. Such Future Advances, wiih interest thereon, shall
<br /> be secured by this Mortgage when avidenced by promissory notc� etating that said notes are �ecured hereby
<br /> except that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, tu the e:tent
<br /> permitted by law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time ahall the principal amount
<br /> � of the indebtedness secrured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewiih to pro-
<br /> tect the security of thia Mortgage, ezceed the original amount of the Note plus US $ _ 11.,.8RQ.. AQ . _ . . . .
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepaymenta; ot principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that followe are
<br /> returned to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br /> sums as permitted within this paragraph.
<br /> 22. Saviags Fund. Borrower ma,y make prepayments of principal on any intitallment due date or
<br /> immcsdiately preceding said date to be etfective on the due date following and prepayment shall be applied
<br /> to installments last to become due under this mortgage. Upon request of the unden+igned or either of
<br /> them, provided a default dces not exint and they are the owneta of the mortgaged property, the lender
<br /> agrees to furnu+h to the underaigne3 ] 00 �� of such principal prepayments, unlesd advancement is prohibited
<br /> by the regulations of charterinq snd superviaory authorities then in effect_ All suc•h advancementb shall be
<br /> secured by this mortgage in the same manner and eftect as if no prepayments had been made.
<br /> 23. Release. L!}wn payment o( all sums �ecured b,y this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this
<br /> Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of reoordation, if any.
<br /> .
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<br /> IN WITNESR WxeeeoF, the Borrower hab executed t:his Mqrtqage.
<br /> � • ,
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<br /> _ . . . . _ _ _ . <, y �
<br /> _ _
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<br /> nal E . <� - C _ _ . . _ . _ . y,
<br /> � ,. �. -Borrower \ �
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ ._.�t1, c,,,� �_ U: i, �a-�
<br /> �
<br /> Ton L . Oche
<br /> —Bvrrower
<br /> Property Address �� 10 Via Como , Grand Island , Nebraska 68801
<br /> _ _ _ . _
<br /> _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .
<br /> STATE OF N�sQwsxw . . _ Hall _ . . Countv ss :
<br /> On this _ 9 dav af ,T� 19 7�. , before me, the undersigned, a Notarv
<br /> Puk�lic in and fur said County, personally camL�r-�,ROnald � E . Oche and Toni L . Ochs , huaband and
<br /> wiie , - ------ ---------------------- -- _ _ _ _
<br /> - ------ --------------- ------ --- --------- -----
<br /> _ _ _ _ . _ .
<br /> personally known t.o mr to be the idrntical penon�v whose names ate atfixed to the above and forrgoing
<br /> inxtrument, as mortgagon;, and each acknowledged said instrumrnt to be his or her votuntary ect aad deed.
<br /> Witne�u my hand and notarial tiral at Grand Island , Nebraska _ _ the datr last above written .
<br /> ROBERI p PtACZFK . . . - . . � - . . . . . . y, �
<br /> My Commi�ion expires : � 2 NOTARV Ssa�e of N�br ��r:/ l� �^�U►o
<br /> Gommrsla'� E:V�r�s . . . . . . . �l "l .
<br /> " '� n��vFenHr- � a5 , v ,a Notary lic
<br /> _ . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _
<br /> STATE OF �
<br /> ; �.
<br /> County _ _ _ _ _ �
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for rec•ord in the Register of Deed+ O(ficr af said Countv the
<br /> _ . . . . . _ . . day of - _ . . . . _ _ _ . 19 , at o 'clock and minutes . 11. ,
<br /> and recotded in Book . _ of Mortgagrs et page . as Instrument No.
<br /> _ _ . . . _ _ _
<br /> _ . _ _
<br /> _ _ _ . _
<br /> Reg. ot DPed�
<br /> By . _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . . __ _ . _ _ . Deputy I .
<br /> _
<br /> . �
<br /> When recorded to be retuzned to the � {� �
<br /> �'" -
<br /> Stnst MA.�ss 4a���ns �cki.tia �
<br /> Ph.�ne
<br /> ❑ 13S lls. CaUrr flvd.. LincoM P.O. sac 520�. Lincdn. N�. 68505 475-0521
<br /> ❑ 2301 So. e2nd 9t., pwyha P.O. Bac 6273. Omaha. N�. 66106 g�_gppp "`
<br /> L"� lali West 2iW St., (irsnd fslsnd 1811 YMKt 3nd �„ Grawd Island. Ne G8p07 3LA 4q33
<br /> � - ----. _. ._—. _ _. _._. .- ------.__ ..__.. . _. __ _.
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