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:� <br />� - <br /> � � <br /> � 78' UC�O1J0 EXPANDABLE MORTGAGE <br /> ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Loan r�c .l�:i,3�-3 <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Jarnes E. Coruian anhde E1 iizaheth ;, Gori�ian, husbanil nd wif <br /> Thirty-Five Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty and� "�(�f�f7�fjcalleu the Mortgagors) m cons�derat�on oi�the sum o� <br /> loaned to Mortgagors. do hereby grant, bargam, sell and convey unto COMMERCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN�ASSOCIA710N of Omaha� <br /> NebrasMa, (here�nafter called "Commercial"). its successors and ass�gns. the following descnbed real estate, situated m the County et. <br /> State of NebrasNa,to wrt <br /> iJortherly twelve feet (12') of Lot four (41 and all of Lot two !2; <br /> in �lock twenty-four (��) in University Place , an A.ldition to the <br /> City of rran,i Islan�i, 'i,311 County, 'le!,rasV:a <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME with the ap�;urtenances (he�eunto belonging un(o Couimercial it, successo:santl�ssigns fr,�ever <br /> Said Mor(gagors hereby covenant witti saitl Coimnerc�ai ifs sucressors and assi�ns that �rlortgagors are iawfudiy seizea ol said pre����ses that <br /> they are free from encwiibrances. ana thal they w�ii In�ever vrau;,nt ann nefena ttie !�t�e to sa"_F remises aga�nst the�awfu! cia�ms oi aii prrsons <br /> whumsoevei. � <br /> ProviOetl, nevertheless. these presents are u��ion the iniinw;r,�cr;nqit�ons: <br /> sum of an pweyrewst�he1teae�StM�ntgp Yments asei'set inrtl C��!�sa�i0c,.��:{�nOlhavetlA€reeCE,tn a�tle Lytthe tetlersccf sa Oh�cte anC Cnarter�kidLgy�Iaws3nf <br /> Commerc�aL <br /> That whereas this niortgage shall secure niry adu�t,�n �h�;,ncct wit' �n•ciest. �nh�eh .��3y ��! hE np�ion o�CUmmerciai be made by Com <br /> mercial to the undersigned Mortgagors or the�r successors �n 1 �i I��x nm ,wpise �t any tn��c be(ore the ielease ancl tancellatwn of th�s�nortgage. <br /> but PROVIDED_ HOWCVER at no fnne shall the ag�!regatc � �,�r,pai � ���unt secured by th�s;nor[gage be�ng the an,ount nue at any lur�,e on saitl <br /> ongmai note and any atltlihonal advances ruade exceed an amount equa�� to ]iG pe�cent ot the a�nount ot the ong�nal no(e �ut m no eoenl shall <br /> saiu note exceetl the maximun��amowit perm�ttetl by law an�� PkOVIDED HpWEVER that ncth�ng heiein cuntainea sha!I he consitlerea as hnuhng <br /> the amount thal shali be secureU hereby when eavauced to ;rote[t the secunN r�r �n accoidance w�th covenants containea�n (he mortgage. <br /> Now if the saitl Mor(gagois shall pay cr cause L; !x paid Ihe saitl s�:!���s ,I nioney when due as set forth�n said note,and any other note for <br /> addihonal advances made until sa�d debt �s fully pa�d w�th interest then these piesenis shall be void ether,vise.te be anA rem3in m full foice ana <br /> eHect;but if defauit shouitl be maee: <br /> 'a� In any ot the paycients aue on sa�d note ana any nther �i�,te to�aoc�tr�,nal edvances Ihere�n„greea fo be ruaae foi three�nonths,o� <br /> �b� In keeping the iinprovemenis on sa�u pie��nses �nsu�ed agan�st �uss by reasmi of tue I�ghtn�ng ana ufher hazaras �ncluded�n extenoed <br /> coverage �nsurance in an amoun( not iess than the un�;a�tl balance of sa�a mortgage loan �n a c�rnpany er conipaoies acc�eptabie fo Com� <br /> nierc�al, the original ot such policy or pol�c�es to be he��a by Conunersiai and w�th a moitgage clause attachetl!e sa�d pohcy or polic�es, <br /> �n favoi ot Commercial: or <br /> �c� Iri the payment o?taxes and assesri�en(s�ev�e0 upun •,aid preinises. or on Ih�s mortgage. 6e�crn they are tlehnquent or <br /> ��d� If [here is any change�n the ownersn����cf the �ea! estate �.uoitgageo here�n by saie e�lher outnght o�by ian�7 c�on!ract or by ass�gninent o( <br /> any�nteres(thereon or otherw�se: <br /> then, in any of lhe above set(orth events. the whole �nde6te�7ness hereby ser.uiea shaii at the ophon ot Commercial. �niniediateiy becoine�ue and <br /> payabte w�thout further nohce and the aniount due untler sa�C note antl any ufhe�ni�te fr_r atlmt�ona!aavances rnade shall honi the d;te of the exe�cise <br /> of sa�d opt�on, bear mle�est at the n�aximum iega I r�te per anuun�� �na th�s mortgage may then be toreclosed to satisfy the amoun(aue on sa,o note anC <br /> any other nole for add�t�unal ativances together w�th a�i sums pa�d by Com�neina! for �nsurance taKes assessrnents ana abstract erlons�an charges. <br /> with interest the�eon from the date ot p�yment at Ihe maxn��u�,� �egai �;3te <br /> PROVIDED that in n0 event. e�ther before ui �if�e� pef�u�t. s!�ai� �he inte�r�;t tlue under sa�['i noti�ant7 th�.s��ioitgage and any other note rui ad- <br /> tlitional advances matle exceea the maxunun� lawfui�nterest iace � <br /> PROV�DED further thaf in the event th��t iiefa�l( �ceurs �n tt�e aA�nk �;! thc � ,��ienr; hue un sa�d n�te au�7 on any otner nett �ai a;�a�tiona� <br /> advances �s Iheiein agieea to be ma0e. oi �n keepnig the �,rcm e5 �nsurc.C. as ab �� provi<Ied or if detau�.t be�nade�ri the pavment o(the taxes <br /> oi assessments lewed upon the pre��uses �hove �escr.heC oi :�p�n tt,s :iprtg,�ge. �e:fo�e they a�e by iaw Oe,inqueirt. �,,�uce�c�a�shail tx�enGtieq <br /> to the nnrnediate possess�on �f the pieni�ses abeve tic -i�ben t���ttr i wit� �i�i ien 5 , � <br /> in its tliscretion � � � � �er�+s in .ss'�;E ii s;n� ��! ��the; e ise: .��r�qa� <br /> use .he ients so 'dr as t aeecis ;itc�ss,r� f�i �f-. i�:;pu f �.i ,���; ,. . <br /> prenu�rr,s, taxes an0 esSeSSmentS u on sucYi remi �� "'� �� ' ` F "" �� a':` � t�.�," , ' �-' +�;r <br /> P p ses.a�id tor necessarv expen5es incurre<1 n ren(�ng sa�i7 piei,�ses 3np riiei!ng�ipn (he•efr; . a��,C <br /> to apply sart�e on sa�d note and atry ne!eS ev tlenr,n���,1„re� ,dvan_.-ti he�eun r �i!�� [hE ,�oebtetl��ess secu ec �s fu��y- pa,a.ana for such purposes. <br /> the unders�gned tloes hereby seil nssign set ove�antl transtei �m�� Gon�merci 3� a�� nt sa�e rents i�ce�us m� ��uuu�es�nc',;d�ng anv�ana[nnnact <br /> paynien�s due n�ortgage cwneis or any othe� �ncornes ot any type wh�isocver hou sa�a i mpe�;y ti ht ep�r��eq .�� ttu net�. abcve Uesu�bea. 7��t sa�o <br /> Conmierna�shall�n no case fre liabie tor(he fa�iure tc piocure tenanls. (o coiiect ,enis or �i,prosecute ach_ns ,� Ec,,�e� .:�ssi�ss�,.�;; t � � <br /> The Mortgagors turther appoint Commeraal of Omaha Nebraska. their attorne �n fact +� v�r,°�se, <br /> name or Moitgagors'names to take ali necessary stens fei piuceed�.igs �n court p�otherv,��se g10 eause sa�a�pien�sesWto be vacatetl� to o�i�ect�entaWs <br /> oi O�fier incunies Oue.and when va�ant �o relei thr sanie In rn;�kB f!�. ipasunab'c �epa,rs �n� say taaes �ut ol ya�C ients' ;.r;f�is cpnti� :I �,,rmert!c��� <br /> incomes and tu tlo all such things e�ther by rts own offi�eic o� by ihe� part�es .7uly autn,n;ic and�,Y�-�nteo by �,� as�ts aFe��t�ur;, � � ��„� <br /> to Charge or Gay a reasonable fee tur such seivices ai� ;d tl�e aGove !c Ge�one at such t�nes;�ria�n surh�•�anne��nn r,r ti�ch ,e,,..� r���;� <br /> attorney inay seert�,best.with fuil p�wei of sub;titution - � e��sa�.a <br /> ��� <br /> J <br />