<br /> � �
<br /> 21 . Future Advaaeea. Upon request of }3urrower, Lender, at Lender's optiun , prior to reles�e of this
<br /> Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such F'uture Advances, with interest thereon , shall
<br /> be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes atating that said notes are eecured hereby
<br /> except thet the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan , to the extent
<br /> {�ermitted by law, may be adjusted sa the parties hereto may agree. At nu time shall the principal arnount
<br /> of the indebtedness secrured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in eccordsnci he�e�w� :th to pro-
<br /> � tect the security of thia Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus US $. _ : . . _ _ . 00
<br /> PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in peragraph 22 that followe are
<br /> retumed to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior W advancing
<br /> sums se permitted within this paragraph.
<br /> 22. Saviaga Fund. Borrower may make ptepayments of principal on any installment dur datr or
<br /> immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date following and ptepayment shaA be applied
<br /> to inatallments la�t to become due under this mortgage. Upon reyuest of the undersigned or eithrr of
<br /> them, provided a default does not exirt and they are the owners of the mortgaged property, the lender
<br /> agn�es to furniefh to the undersigned 100%, of such principal prepayments, untess; advancement ie ptohibited
<br /> by the regulations of chartering and supervisory authorities then in effect. All such advancements shall be
<br /> secured by this mortgage in the same manner and eHect a�; if no prepayments had bern made.
<br /> 23. Helsase. Upon paymrnt of all sums secured by thi� Mortgage, Ixnder shall diecharge this
<br /> Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shati pay ali costs ot recordatiun, if any.
<br /> .11. Modificatioa Borrower acknowledges that lender, at lender's option, has etricken from this mottgage
<br /> instrument paragraph # 22 "Savings Fund for Future Advances" and by so doing, the borrower acknowl-
<br /> edges that said paragraph is null and void, and ha� no effec•t in this mortgage instrument.
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<br /> Ix WITNLr3S WHP:REUF, the Borrower has execute 'h Mortgage . 4 'r cn � �
<br /> ': h rr,
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -� ���� _ - .
<br /> o1d�J,A urlo ' '
<br /> _ . - �'� --? . � =Borrower ,
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<br /> Laura J . Thux�ow —Borrower
<br /> Property Address _ . 2105 Engleman R� ad , Grand Island , Nebraska 68801
<br /> STATE OF NeeawsKw _ . . . . _ . _ . _ Hall _ . . , _ . . Countv as :
<br /> � . . . _ . _ _ . . . . .
<br /> On this _ . . . � _ day of �`y'""" 4iY _ . ] 9 �.� , before me, the undera�igned, a Notery
<br /> Put�lic i and for said County, pereonally came 'Arnold �, . Thurlow and Laura J . Thurlow . huaband
<br /> ana vi�e- ---------- ----------- _ _ . . _ _ _ _
<br /> --------------------------
<br /> _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> peraonally known to me to be the identical personh whose names are affixed to the atwve and foregoinq
<br /> inutrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged c�aid in�±trument to be his ur hrr voluntary act and de�ed.
<br /> Witne� my hand anJ nutarial seal at Grand Island � Nebraska the �ate last alwve writtrn.
<br /> . . . ROBEfiI D �'LAClrh � ,�/ //y `/�j '�
<br /> My Comm�es�on expires •�{��AL NOTAR V Siet� ar AIwL+ �*w - ` ' Y �"'�'
<br /> MY Commn�inn ExPinex Ti02.8i
<br /> NOVEMPFR ?S 147A
<br /> . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .
<br /> STATE OF . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ �
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> i tis.
<br /> County . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ �
<br /> Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Reginter of Deed, Offire of said County the
<br /> _ . _ _ . _ _ . day of . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . , 19 , at . o'clock and minutes ht . ,
<br /> and recrorded in Book _ . . _ . . _ _ of Mortgagre at page , a�; Inntrument No.
<br /> Reg. of 1]eeds
<br /> BS' _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ I�eputy
<br /> When recorded to be retumed to the :: � '
<br /> �'°...
<br /> Strwt AAdhss Ma�1�M A��� Mone
<br /> � 135 No. Catner BNd_, Lincotn P.O. Boa 5206, L�nc���, Ne. G8505 a �s-U521
<br /> C 2101 So. 42nd SL., Omaha P.O. 8wc 6273, O�uh�, Nu. 68306 ��.gppp
<br /> p 1811 WesR 2nd St., Grand Isisnd 1811 West 2nd St., GnrM Island, Ne. 689p1 384-4433 �
<br /> � ---- - — -- --- -__..—.__.. .---- - --- - - -- - — - �
<br /> J
<br />