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,��: <br /> r -� <br /> �8 - �u�_i�� <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> � MORTGAG[LOAh NO. .L...__22.922 --- <br /> KNOWALLMENBYTNESEPRES�NTS:1"hat Rolley W. Qennett and Donna K. Bennett, 2dCh lf1 h?5 <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Murtgagur,whether une or mure,in cun�ideratiun of the sum of <br /> Thi rty Fi ve Thousand and f�o/100------- -- - - —_ ---_-------------------�y�twits <br /> loaned N said murtgagor by The fiyuitable Building and Luan Asx�ciatiun uf(.-:rand IslanJ.Nebraska,Mortgagee,upun 35Q shares u(swck uf <br /> said ASSOCIATION.Certificate Nu. L 22�922 ,Ju hereby g�ant, wnvey and mortgage untu the sald ASSOC'IATION the folluwing <br /> described real estace,situated in Hall Cuunry,Nebraska� <br /> LOT TEN (10), KENTISH HILLS SUBDIVISION. LOCATED IN <br /> THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTNWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- <br /> 'cJEST QUARTER (S�-rVIJ�-,SW;) OF SECTIO'J TWENTY FIVE (25), <br /> TO��NSNIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST Of THE <br /> 6TH P.M., HALL COU"�TY WE[3RASKA. <br /> toge�her with all ihr tenements,herednamrn�s and uppw�rnnncrs tlirrruntu hrlunging, ineluding atta��hed tlu��r �.�vrimgs,all wmduw r:rerna, <br /> wlnduw shadrs.bllnds,storm w-inJows.uwnutgs,hea�mg.air c.undiGomn�.mid plumbm�and wattr eywpmen[and accrawries thr�r��ves. <br /> refrigerewrs,and uthrr(ixtures anJ eywprnznt nuw ur hrreaiter nttached to ur usrd m�.,nnc.:ti��u w��ti snid rrul rstete. <br /> And whereas the uid murtgagor has aKreed and durs herrby agrer that thr mu-tga_�or shull and wi❑ pny all [axrs and assr.sment�Irnrd ur <br /> assrssed up.�n sa�J premisrs and upon thi�mu�igagr rnd the bund srrurrd thrreb brr��re che vme sliall beeome iu�r.�sl�appruved <br /> msurancr up�.m the buildings��n sa�d promYxs si�u�ted in the sum of S 35��0�.�� peyahlr w sa�d ASSIX'1.4TION and iu drlivrr ta wid <br /> ASSOCIA710N the policirx lur said insurance:nnd nut tu rumrnit w perm�t any wasir un ur abuut�id prznuses�. <br /> In case of dr(ault ln �he pedormance uf nny .rf�he terms end��undi�ions o� this mon�nge ��r ihe bond srcurrd hereby,the nwrtgagre shrll. <br /> on dzmand, br rnGtlyd tu imrnedi�tr russrssion of thr nwrtgagrd prrnuses and �hr murtgagui hereb9 assigns, vansfers and sets ��ver w tht <br /> rnortgager all thr rents,revruues and iiuume iu be dr�ived frum the mungagrd premiars during weh hme en the rnurtgagr mdrbtadneas ahall rema�n <br /> unpa�d:and the mung�gre shall havr the puwrr t��app.nni any zgent ur sgen�s rt ma} lcstrc fur �he purpuae�� rcpamng sa�d premiscs end renUng <br /> the samr and cullecimg the rents,rrvenurs and meomr,and it may paq�.�ut uC uid mcumr all rxprnsrs ol repainng sa�d prem�srs and necessar} <br /> cummissions and rxpenses incurred in �ennng end �nanagmg thr snmr and of collecdng rentals iherefrom: the balancr rrmaming, d any,iu be <br /> appliod ioward th.S�a��harge�i(sa�d murtgage�ndrhtedness:thrse rights.�(ihe m.�ngagrr may hr errrrised at an}timr dunng the rxistenu u(such <br /> dtfauh,Irrrspec�ivr ut�ny tempa.iran�wniver ul thr samr. <br /> These Presen�s,huwever.ure upun the CundiUon,'I�hat d thr se�J M�x�grgu� shall rrpa� sa�d luen..m�r befu�e d�e muturny of aa�d shares by� <br /> mumhly t.�sa�d ASSOI'IATION .�f thr xun spr��ified m tha yund Secured hr�rb� ns mtere>t and pnniipal on sailloan.un or bofure <br /> the Twentieth dey uf rach und rven mon�h.until said I�an is fully paid:pa�all tazre and asszs�mrnts Irvird against u�d prem�srs and un chu Mortgxge <br /> and�he Bond ucurrd thrrebq,brli�rz delinyueneg:turnish eppruvrl msur�ncr upun thr buJdmgs chricun m ihe sum:.�f S35���0.Q� pay�ablr <br /> to said ASSOCIATION;rcpaq tu sa�d ASSO('lATION upon dtmand aIl munry by rt pnid lur such tnxes,assrsaments und insurnn�e wnh mterrst at <br /> thr ma�umum legal rnte thrre.�n frum datr ul pe�mrnt all�rf wtuch Mungagui I�erehy agrees tu pay�,perrnrt nu wnste on said premisrs:keap xnd cumply <br /> with xll the agrerments and cund�uuiu u(ihe Bond ti�r s35 00� (�('� �t'���ay grven Fy the miJ Nortgagur tu sa�d ASSO(.'IqTiON,nnd wmpl}� <br /> with all the reyuirrn�nts uf tht C�unstiwhon rnd By-Lnws u�sa� �SSLX.'IATION�. thrn these prrsrnu shall btrumr uull and vmd,�.,thrrwiye the�- <br /> shaU rentain in (uU fuicr und m�} be tbreclosed at thr upt�i>n of the snid ASS(X'IA7�ION n(ter failurr (ur th�er m��nth� to mnkr any uf sa�d <br /> payments or be thrce munihs m a�rrars m mak�ng said munthly peyments.�rc tu keep and cumply wrth the agrcemrnts und c�nJiuons irf.uid Hund; <br /> and Mwlgagur agrers tu huve a receiver epp�intrd furthwuh u�such forccluwrr pi��cetdings. <br /> II'therr is any change in uw�nership ul thr reai rsie�r nwrtgagrd hrrem,by satr ur utherwlse, then the antur remaming m�ebtodness hrreby <br /> securrd sh'tll,at the uptiun uf Thr I:yurtaAle Building and Luan Assu..ietiun o(Giand Island.'��un�r immediatrlp due and paynbtr wi�huut <br /> fwthrr nu[ice,nnJ the amount rem�m�ng due undrr said bund,end uny uthrr b�rod for eny add�a�nel advanres made therrunder,sha(1.trom thr <br /> date of rxercisr ol sald uption,bra�mterest m the�naximum legal rxte,and ih�s murtgage may then br fureclused w uutisty the amount due on sa�d <br /> bond,and any uther bund(or addnlonai advuncrs,tugether with all sums pxiJ b� sald'I'he L'yuiteble Butlding nnd Luan Aawcratiun of Giand Ixland, <br /> Nebraska lor insurance,taxrs nnd nssessinents,end absuacting rxtens�un.:ha�grs, witli inte�es� thrrcun. (rom date o� payrnent a� ihr maximum <br /> legal rate. <br /> Aa pro��ded m the kiond securrd heieby,wh�le �h�s murcgage�emams m rltrci thr murtgagre may hereatter advencr addiuonxl sums�u the <br /> makers ul seid Bond,their assigns or successurs m intrrrst,wh�ch sums shall br wrthm the ircunty a� thu murtgxge[hr samr es tht tunds ungmnlly <br /> secured �hereby,the total nmuunt uf princ�pxl Sabt nut tu ezceed at any ume the ur�glnal am��unt ul[his murtgrge. <br /> '� Dated this 6th�. sb���� Decembe r a n .i�+ 77 <br /> �� :'� ' C ' ! �� : . ��`0`'------ , <br /> +Rolley �i: Bennett Donna K. Bennett <br /> STATE UF NEBRASKA,� � pn this 6th, day u( December ly �� .be(ore me, � ' <br /> COUNTY OF HALL <br /> the undersignel,a Nutery Pub6c m and fur said Counq�,perw�nylly came <br /> � Rolley W. Bennett and Donna K. Bennett, each in his and her own ri t and as spouse of each <br /> Otf1E1" ��" are P�rwnally known to <br /> . <br /> me to be the identical peraon S wtwse name 5 a 1'E +iffized w thc abuve instrwnrnt xa in.xt�ur S e��d they �rverally <br /> _. <br /> acknowledeed tht mid instrument to be thei r voluntary xct rnd deeS. /� � 1 <br /> WIZIVESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. l _ f �/ /( L <br /> M o n ez ires }� � Z G � � <br /> � � _.._. Y-S� m..�_..; P /__�'"�G�7 l. �{ <br /> [�I 4_i e�� n �. <br /> _ �... � N��txp�Pub Ic 1 <br /> LY9M W � . _. �/ / j''� /ly 7�-J <br /> / � <br />