�: °
<br />,.:, >,_
<br /> -- � -'�
<br /> uot extend or � �us[ pone the due datc oi the roonthl}� iu�t :iiln �c• nt = rc• fe•rred cu in ��ar:i�raplis 1 and '2 liereoi or
<br /> change the amount of such instalimer�ts .
<br /> 10. Bortower Not Relaasod. Extension of the tiw�� ior � ia}•meut or modificxfion uf amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this vlortguge granted by I .ender to uny •- w•c•essm' in inte, rc�t of Borrower shall not operate to release ,
<br /> in :iny �nanner, tl�e liability o[ the originul Rorrower und 13urra�ci r '< =ucec��sor� in interect . Lender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence � uoceedings against .ucli eucce„or or refu�c to extend timc for paytnent or otherwise modify �
<br /> amortisation of the sum, secured by klii� \ lortgagc I ��• rcasou ot :uiy derusu� i mude by the oriqinal Borrower and I
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest .
<br /> !,= 11. Forb�ar�sce by Iwnder Not a Waiver. Any torbearrnce by I.ender in exerciaing any right or remedy
<br /> ;_'� hereunder, or othetwise afforded b�� applicaLle In«� , �I �all nut be u �saiver of or preclude the exercise uf any right
<br /> • • .+ or remedy herew�der. '1'he procurernent of insurance or th„ � rayment of tuxe� or other lien� or � harges b,y Lender
<br /> � shall not be a wai��er of Lender's riglit to acceler.;te the maturity of the indebtedness sc:cured hy this \4ortgage.
<br /> Q 12. R�taedies Cumulative. � I1 remedies provided in tlii� \ lortgsge are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> � right or mmedy under this \ IorCgnge ur ;Lffor�le� l h}• la��� ur �•� �iiir�� . nn � 1 ma�� hi• i• xe�ri�ised roneurrentiv , independ-
<br /> ently or successively.
<br /> ^ 13. $ueeessors and Asaigac Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. '1'lu� ro� ennnts and agreements
<br /> herein contained shall bind , and tlie right , hereun�ier .�half inum to , ihc re;� �ertiv� successors aud assigns of Lender
<br /> and BorroH•er, �ubject to the pro��ision� of parxki;i� � h 17 I �er��ui .� II c�����•nant.< ;in� l nkr�•ement � of I3orrow�er ,hall
<br /> be joint a��d :����er31 . 'Che �aption. Ynd I �eading. ut t li �� � �;ii•u�r.� � � h.� ui tlii. AI <>rt �;:t};�� :in• fur ronceniener oi� ly and
<br /> are not to be used to eaterpret or definr th�� � irovi�i�,�i�� )icreol.
<br /> 14. Notiee. Any notic<• tu Borru�����r � � ro�� id��� { tor in tl � i> \ IurtRu�;�� �hull h�� �i���•u I ��� iu3iliuk . u��h twtice by
<br /> certified u�ail uddre�sed to liurrawer nt thc }'ru� ���rt �� :a � bire., .t : it ��� { L��lu�c , ox� �� � �t iur :ui�� uuti .•e rcyuired under
<br /> paragraph IS hereof to he �;i ��en tu Borru��or in tlu � ui:xiui�� r � u�< •><• ril �e� i I ��� n � �� , liouhl�• la�s . An}� uotii•r• pro�' ided
<br /> (orin thie AIortguge shall h� � dern�e� i tu liu��o I ,ci�n �; i ���a � tu 13urr���c � v �� I �ru � � �� � � u � ii tlu� iu:�nn�•r � le..i�;u:� trd herriu .
<br /> 15. Unilorm Mortgage; Govetaing Law: Severability. 'I' I , i� forn � � � t iuurt �a�r cun � bine�, uniforn � c•o����nante
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenai�t= «� itli liiuito� l �� uria�tiuu� I � �� iurisdictiou to �•oustitute a unifotm secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real pro��ercy. 7'hin Alurtgagc shull Lr Ro����rn�•� 1 In� th�� la�ti� ui the jurisdietion in whieli
<br /> the Yroperty is located . ln the evem that :iny � �ro�• isiou or � latu�• ui tl , i� Vorc �;a�c or th�• Note c•w� Hicts witL
<br /> appliCable 1$M• , sucFi conHict shall not :d� c�•t otlier � � ro� isiun� uf this \ lortgagc or the Nute whicli c�n be gi��en
<br /> effect without tlie contjicting � �rovisiou . :iva to thi< <� n�i tho � � ru�� i�ion� oi tfic AlortkaKe ,sn� ! the tiote are declared
<br /> to be severabie.
<br /> 16. Borrow�r's Copy. Borrower sl�ull I ,c lurnished u runtorm��d i o� �� ut thi � :11ortKagc aL tLe time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation 6ereof.
<br /> 17. Transf�rof ihe Propsrty; Assumption. If ull or anp � rirt n ( thc Yropert `� ur an interest Uierein is sold
<br /> or transferred by f3orrower withuut l.rnder'� � > rim� w• r� tten ��unsent , exoludin � i :ii tl�� creation of u lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to tt�is �lortgug�• , i hi the orc:inou ui u � �urc• i �a��• woni�}• .•ecurit }� interest for huusehold appli-
<br /> ances , � c ) a transfer by de�•ise , de>��eut or h�• u� ier:ltiou ui I ;a�� u� ,� �n th�• dratli ui s ,joint tenai �t ur ldl tl�e grant of
<br /> any leasehold in[errst of thrue yeur� uc le.. not cuntainiuF ;u � u� rtiuu tu i �ur� 6a��� . I.�•uder iux. . ;�c I,ender'e option .
<br /> declare all the sume ���cured by thia �lortgage cu Im i � uu,�•� iiur ��l� � iu�� an� t � �ay:� l,l�• . Lcnder ,I�all hx� r �� xi��ed such
<br /> option to accelerute iL �uior tu the �ale or tr:tn,frr, Lcn�icr uii� 1 tl ��� � ,�• �:.ur. tu ��� how the Yroperty i, tu be c;old or
<br /> transferred reacL agreemeni in writi ��g that thc credit ut � u�• ! � � �er�on i� �ati�taotor� tu L�•uder and that tt�e interesf
<br /> payable on tt��e �um� �ecure�i !�y this �lortgage .hall I ,�• ut .�u � �li r:at �• n� L��nder shall rcyuest . li l ,rnder has waived
<br /> the option to xrcelerate �irovided ii � tl� in paragi•:A��h 1 ; au�l ii f3orro���er 'c s;�r�•cssor iu �ntercat I �a� exrcut�ed a wr�t -
<br /> 6en assumption agrerment accepted in ��•riting f ,�� Lender. Leudrr .hall rolea.i• Burro�aer irow :�ll obligationn under
<br /> thie Mortgage and th<� 1Vote .
<br /> If Lecider exercises eucli option tu acreler:ate . I,euder �I�all � uail fiorrower uocice ui accelrration in accordsnee
<br /> wtth }�xragrxph 14 }iercof . �uch nut � c�r sI18II � �TU\' N {1' Y � u•nu� i ui i �ut Iv�. tluin 3U � ia}�• irom tlu• � fati� tl�e notice is
<br /> mailed w� ithin which 13urru«��v nia�' � ui�' tl ��• .i�w� � l��oL. n�� i � lu� . li liurru�c��r iail � t �� � �:�c ..u��L �um� prior to thc
<br /> expirxtion uf such period � Lendcr mrsy . ����tl �out iuiKlirr nuti�•�� ur � {r� u:iu� i un 13urro����•r. iu ��ok�• :in�• ren�iedier per-
<br /> mitted by paragraph 18 hereot .
<br /> Vux - t ' �. iFokn� f 't �vr: xw � �rn. }iurroti'er an� i Li� ud�� r tur� lior ru�-i • uaut xn� l a;; r�•�• u � f�� llu ��� � :
<br /> 18. Acc�l�ration: A�medise. G����q ,t :i. pru�� hio� l � u � �:u:i�;r:y �l � l7 I �� �r��oi u � �uu l�SurruH�rr 'r hn�:it�li uf:tinc
<br /> covenxnt or �gr��ement c, f Barru�c��r i � i � lu� A1urr ��,tR� � . inrlu� iiu� � Lo � uv��n,uit , ru � �ac �cl �ou � lu� :� nc >unu �ecur•��� i
<br /> by tl�is \lort(�age, I .�'nd �• r � � nur tu uerv � lerut �ui � �linll nu� tl uuU��r tu Hurn ��cor .i. � � ru�� ui � �� i w � �:urt�ru �� ! � l � Lerc�oi
<br /> .pecif}'inK : ill the breurh : i2i tlu � s�•u�ni n�yun ��� l to � in � •uoli I � rr:uli � 3 � :� � i:ito . not li•,., tlutn tliirt � da��,
<br /> Irotu thc datc tl�c noni�r i� iusilial tu liurruti� � • r . I ,�� �� l : i�� l : .,u�� ii Lr� ;u� li � nu�t I �o rur��� l , sn � i i4 i th :ii �u� lum tu �� �� rc
<br /> ,uch hreacfi on ��r I,etore tlir date �� ,r� � � tie�1 � n tli�� nouc�• iu:t }� rc'�ult in sscc•��I�• r:it � �iu ui thr >uu �� ,i�i�w�r� 1 hy tii �s
<br /> �lortguge :wnd r31�� u1 tlu� Yru� ���rty' It th� � I � rr:t � � l � i - u� �t run•� { ui �, � ,r I ��� Cur�� � hr � { ;N � � yn �i• iti ��� { iu tlii� nuti��r , Lendrr
<br /> at Lendrr's option u�a}' d�•�� laro all u 't th� � .uiii. .o,• ur�•� i L�� thi - Alurt �;akr i �� I �e• un � u��� llatrl �� � lur :tin� i � �ayssblc
<br /> w• ithuul furtherdenian�l an�i n �ay turc�� lo.� � tlu� Alurt �;:.�;n c� iu� i � rial � � ruo��edinR L. n� l�• r �hall I �c c �iuttli�� i to i�olleot
<br /> in sucl'� � �rocerding :ill ra{ �Fnsr. uf i� vcrlu.urr . inrlu� liu�� . L� it n� n lii � uti�� i tu � �o,[ � uf � I� �ruinru� ar�� �• �' i� i<�nc�i� ,
<br /> abstractn and titic re-port >.
<br /> 19. 3ot[oW�is fllqht to R�ielstate. \' utHrtli.tau� lin�; Lvn � ler . :uiol��rat �un u( th�• suni. zi�rumd b� thl�
<br /> Mortgage, Bormwer ahall have the right tu hn� e :u�y � � ro< e�•�fin;:- h���;un b�• Lru� i.� r in �• nfun•�• rl � i. \tort �;aKc• d�n-
<br /> Continued at any time prior to entry uf a jud �;uirnt �•nluT�•� n�; th �> �l ��rt �;.i�;i• it ut � liorru�rcr pay� I .e•nder all
<br /> nuine whieh wuuld be then due under thi, AIi �nKa ¢�� rl ��• V � �rr :� mi no� t�- .��rnrin � F' � ii � � n � A � i ��cao�•� •- . ii am• . ha�� no
<br /> acceleration occurre<i ; Ibl Aorrower �•un•� xll hrr:u• I �r, nf :u�� � �t6�• r �•u� � •nnnt � vr a�;n•� �uirnt � � �i Burrowi�r i�on-
<br /> taincxl m th� �vtorGgage ; Icl Borrowrr �ia�•, a11 r��asuuabl�� cc � �o�i.�•. � nrurn�� ! 1 ��� Lrn� lrr in � �nturruiR tlir �•u��ruant.n
<br /> and agreement� of Borrower cont�inc�i m th �� Alurt �u �;r ;tnd iu �• nturo � nR L� �mu•r �- minedu•• :�.� � � ru�� �� ied ❑i par3-
<br /> graph 1B hereof, including, bui not limited tu. rrn�onal �l� atturnr} '� fi•��� , ;iml iiir BurruH' �•r taka-� nuch action a�
<br /> LeAder m8y reaeonably require to ase�ure thxt Ihc Ix�u ot tlu� \ InrtRa{;c . Lrn�1�•r � tnt �vi•.t in th�• Yro� �tty and
<br /> Borrower's obligatian Lo pny the sume aecurrtl by thi� �lurtRa�� � ,hull ruutwui• unun�iatmd . l ' � �o❑ ,urL � inyment J .
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this liortgagr nnd thr uhliy;atiou> �rruro� l h�•ri•b . .luill rcui:� iu in iull forc.• ;imi ofi'ect us if ,,, ' ;. .,� '
<br /> no accelerstioa had occurred. �+"
<br /> !0. JSadgomMt e! l�da; Appoiahwnt of S�iv�r: 1wnd�r ia Po�sersion. A. udditimial ,�•curity herr- •
<br /> ueuieq Borrover hereby aaeigna to Lender the rent, of the ProEx�n }• . � �rnrid���i t hat Horruw er .hatl , �ttior to acceler- � �'�w:
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof or sbandonment of th�� Pro��rrt }• . I �av� • Th�• riKlit to ��ollevt an�i retain .uch rentti �'
<br /> ar they beoome due and psysbie.
<br /> Upon soeeleration under paragraph 18 hereof m• ahundonmcru uf thc }'ro� it�rt �� . I.en�ier. iu � �or.un , hc xK�•nt
<br /> or by �udicislly appointed receiver shsll t�e entitlerl t,o enter uEwn . take� ��orrr��iun ��C :ind �uxnxke th�• Yroperty ...
<br /> aod to oollett the reftte of tbe PlOpefrty , includfn� those �inst due. .� II rrnt � i�ollr<•t �•� i b� Lrud��r ur th�• rr��i•i��i•r
<br /> ehsll be applied first to psyment of the costs of u�unagemrnt of ihc• Yrop��rt }• ami �•oll�•rtiun ui reni . . inrlu� iink . hu�
<br /> uuL liwil�wl lu, 1'CCCIVtlPb fere , � �remiumn u�� merivrr . i.uu�i- auu r.•asunat �i�� attorn.��� . � r��. . snu vien tu tn�• >u�n.�
<br /> etecured by this '.1-lortgage. Lender and thc receiver .hall h�� li:il �li• tu xrcuuni onh ir,r thusr r�•nt , a��tunlh� r��i•�- � � �•�i �
<br />