<br /> � �
<br /> � DUE ON SALE
<br /> � FORM N0.7Y0
<br /> --
<br /> Loan Number__ 5212 _____ 188_ 1
<br /> / /� Tro� ---�-9,;n�.e
<br /> 7��l�lJU��0
<br /> M O R T G A G E
<br /> THI3 MORTC,AGE, made and executed this . ____ ..�� day of . y.!"�.�"s'-E�L��/. A.D.,
<br /> 19_7�:,between the Mortgagor, ._Gh,aT7.es L.- W�egner and_Knxanne. M. Wi�gner.. .hushanfl and. vife,
<br /> jn.i.ntly..and...e.a�h.-i.n. zkzeix._oem_si$ht..-_.......... _._ _ _. -.. .. ._._ _ __ _ . .... ._.._... ._ . _. ._......
<br /> of __Gx�Rd.Id�'�nd _ _ , County of __ 13a7.1_. _ __,State of Nebr�aska _ ,hereinafter referred
<br /> to ae the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, NebraFka 68501, its succe�ors and aktiigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> �y�� ' • ThAt thp � ' Borrower for and in conbideration of the sum of THIRTY ONE THOUSAND
<br /> ONE HOND���'TY AND NOI��---- __ __... ......
<br /> --------------------- 31,150.00
<br /> _ _ __ _ _ _ __._ _ _ . . __ . ._ __ . _ _ ._ _ . I)ol'ars (US g )
<br /> paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, �rant and convev to Lender, ita Succexaors and aseigne; the
<br /> following described propertv located in the County of �all _ , State of Nebraska:
<br /> Lot TYiirty-one (31) in IslanciAcres No. 7, a Subdivision of part of Fractional
<br /> Section Seven ('7); pert of the West Half of the West Helf (W14J;-) of Section
<br /> Eight (8); snd part of Lot �enty-f�our (24) Island Acres, ell in TownshiF;
<br /> F.leven (11) North, Range Nine (y) West of the 6th Y.M., in the C'ty of Grand
<br /> Islend, He11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> TOGETHEB with all the improvementti now or hereafter erected on thc: pmperty, and all ea.vement�;,
<br /> rights, appurtenancer,, rents, myalties, mineral, oil and ga, rights and pmfi�s, water, water righta, and
<br /> water etock,and all fixtures now or hereafLer attached to the property, all of which, including replace-
<br /> menta and additione thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the pmperty covered b�� this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event thi5
<br /> Mortgage is on a learehold) arn herein referred to as the "Pmperty".
<br /> Borrower covenanth that Bormwer i� lawfully sei�ed of the entate hereby cunveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage,grant and convey the Yroperty, that the PropertY is unencumhered, and that Borrower wil(
<br /> warrant and defend Renerelly the t.itle to the Pmpertp against all claimti and demands, subject to any
<br /> eer�ementR and re�tnctions listed in a�•hedule of exceptione to c•overage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> surinq Lencier'c interec,t.in the Pro�rty,or(2) attornev'n opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abetracter.
<br /> PeovluEu ALWAYB, and the� prer,ents are executed and delivrred uFwn the following conditions,agree-
<br /> ments and obligatiuns of the k3�rrower, to-wit:
<br /> The Borrower agr�ees to pey to the Lender, or order, the prini�ipai sum of THIRTY ONE THOUSANp
<br /> O..N� HUNDHED FIFTY. AND NO/100----------------------- I)ollarc I l'S a 31,150.00 . _ )
<br /> -. _ _
<br /> payable as providE*d in a note executed and drlivrred, concurrentl}� hrre�+•ith,the final payment uf principal,
<br /> it not c�ooner paid, on the ls.t d�}� of �7anunry ��: 20,07
<br /> UNiFcucat('uveN�nrr�. Rormwrr and I.endrr c�ovenant and a�ree a, folluw�5:
<br /> 1. Paymont of Priaeipal mad Iateresl. Borr�wrr.hall prumptly pay whrn due the principal oi and in-
<br /> tereEt on the indebtedneRs evidenc•ed by thc•Notr, prepayment and latr char�;e>s x. provided in thr !Vote,
<br /> and t.he principal of and intrrer,t un any Futun�Advance�,rrured h�� this �1ort�a�;e.
<br /> 2. Funds bor Tanea aad Iasur�au�. Subjec�t to Lrnder'. option un�lrr F�xrH�;raph� 4 and .� hrreof'. R��r-
<br /> rower ehall pay tu Lendrr un the day munthl� inhtallment, of principal and intFrest are F�ayabtr under thr
<br /> Note, until the Not-r is paid in full, a sum (hrrein "Fund�") cyual to unr-twedfth i�f the }•earl} taxr� an��
<br /> aese�ments which ma,y attain priority over thi.'_�1urt�ake, and Kmund renth on the Pruperty, if' am plu�
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium instatlments: for har.ard in�uranir, plu. unr--Iwrl{th ��f ��•arh� F,remium in-
<br /> xtallinenta for mortqage insurance, if any, all a�: reasunabh� etitimate�d inilixlh and 1'n�m ticnr t�� time hv
<br /> ixndpr�m the hz��i� �,f a��rssn.�ents ar.d bil:s and n�a���nal.:� �.tiu�atr. tl�rrcr,f,I.t•n�1rr�.hali aE,Nly tlir Funds
<br /> to pay eaid taxeA, assesKmentR,inFuranc�e premiun�s an�1 �rc�und rrnt�. I.ender ,hall makr nu �•harg<� for�u
<br /> holding and applving the Funds or verifying and compilin� eaid a.�es,mrntti and bills. The L.ender .ha❑
<br /> give to the Borrower,withouf charge, an annual accounting�f the Funcl� �howing credit5 and debitv to thc
<br /> Fueds and the puipoae for w�laich each debit to the Funds wac; made. The FundF are pled�ed ac additional
<br /> eieisueity for ti�e sumx eecvred by this MortRage. The Bormwer aRreeK that the Fundti may be held h�• the � , ,�
<br /> I�nder and commingled with other funds and the I.ender'�;own fundF and the l.endrr mar pay �:uch items
<br /> tmm its �wn funds and the I,ender shail not be liable for intercK;t or dividpndn on cuc•h Fund�;. }:` "'
<br /> If ttie amount of tl�e Funds held by I.ender,together with ttse future rnonthly installmentF of Fundh � ��
<br /> P�Y�P�'�'� �due d�t�e oi tazee, aeeeasmente, i�surance premiums and ground rentx, �hall exceed I �"�:..
<br /> ��t �"e9���p�Y�id tazee,aeeesetnetfts,ineurance pre+miumF and qmund rente aR they fall due.
<br /> w�elt e=c.+e�rs �ifaii be,at Bort�ver'R nptww�, ritl�rr trerrtn�.tl�• r�epaid to Rormrrrr oz .redilcd tu Barruwcr un
<br /> w�onthty i�fa/cslltnerits of funds. If the amoa�nt o# thr Fundw hrl�i hv T.w��l.�r chAll n��t h� .��(fi���e�nt t�,�.a�•
<br /> �� ��+• ��� P����+'�e and�touad rente aB they fall due, Borrower shall pay tn Lender
<br /> �y �t aece�tY to��e uP t1�e de6�aency w�ithiff thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower `
<br /> �'e4�C�i 4�J'!��tkereo[, or Soerower �if�ll, bv an increase in monthly installmrnts of Funds reyuired,
<br /> e+e�v t!w enw� _ wifh�r hhe P�ad accounting period.
<br /> Ulx�n payment in full of ap sunue eecut�ed by thiF Mortgage,LF-nder shall apply Funds held ar a c•rrdit
<br /> againet all awns due. I
<br /> J
<br />